Hacemos una cosa, deja que revise cierto error que le aparece en dicho Proceso de Actualización para poder resolvérselo y seguimos mañana si le parece bien!
¿De acuerdo?
En espera de su respuesta!
Hacemos una cosa, deja que revise cierto error que le aparece en dicho Proceso de Actualización para poder resolvérselo y seguimos mañana si le parece bien!
¿De acuerdo?
En espera de su respuesta!
Perfecto, muchas gracias! Espero su ayuda hasta mañana! Buenas noches!
Perfecto! En eso quedamos!
Hasta mañana.
Vamos a intentar solucionar el Problema de la Actualización el cual, te está dando dicho problema, para ello, realice los siguientes pasos:
Vaya al menú de búsqueda en su ordenador, el cual sería el siguiente:
(que se encuentra, en la parte de abajo, a la izquierda), y ahí escriba lo siguiente:
y coloque el cursor sobre donde pone: Símbolo del sistema y haga clic derecho ,(Botón secundario), sobre éste. y Seleccione: Ejecutar como Administrador (Le da click a la notificación en la pestaña que sale: Si).
e inicie el Símbolo del sistema.
Copie y pegue lo siguiente:
Rmdir /s %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Spectrum\PersistedSpatialAnchorsShutdown
Pulse la tecla: Intro
Luego seleccione: Y
Pulse de nuevo la tecla Intro para confirmar la eliminación.
Escriba lo siguiente: Exit
Seguidamente pulse de nuevo la tecla: Intro
Reinicie su ordenador.
Cuando haya realizado usted dicho procedimiento que le he indicado me lo comunica, por aquí, para que le pueda poner el siguiente paso a seguir.
Quedo a la espera de su respuesta!
He realizado lo que me indico y al poner Y ,aparece la leyenda :El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado. Luego al reiniciar realizó una actualización y limpieza.
Microsoft Windows [Versión 10.0.19042.1526]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>Rmdir /s %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Spectrum\PersistedSpatialAnchorsShutdown
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Spectrum\PersistedSpatialAnchorsShutdown, ¿Está seguro (S/N)? S
El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.
Al entrar apareció la imagen
Estoy revisando el error que le sale. Déjeme que lo revise y te digo de que se trata.
Vamos a probar una cosa.
Ahora para proseguir, realiza lo siguiente para asegurarnos que el sistema está bien como los últimos pasos de reparación:
Selecciona el botón Inicio y ve a Configuración > Actualización y seguridad > Windows Update.
Máximice la pantalla y mándeme una Captura de Pantalla de todo lo que salga.
Quedo a la espera de su respuesta!
Si te pidió reiniciar dicha actualización, reinicie! y cuando haya reiniciado me lo comunica por aquí!
Quedo a la espera de su respuesta!
Si, si reinicie en el momento
Perfecto! Ahora realice de nuevo el mismo procedimiento:
Selecciona el botón Inicio y ve a Configuración > Actualización y seguridad > Windows Update.
Máximice la pantalla y mándeme una Captura de Pantalla de todo lo que salga.
Quedo a la espera de su respuesta!
Clikea en donde Sale: Buscar actualizaciones y me comunica por aquí si se descarga alguna actualización más, ó si te sale la notificación de que: ¡Todo está actualizado!.
Quedo a la espera de su respuesta!
Dale a la opción que pone lo siguiente: Ver historial de actualizaciones, para ver si se ha instalado correctamente dicha actualización, maximizas la Pantalla para ver si se ha instalado correctamente dicha actualización y seguidamente me mandas una Captura de Pantalla con todo lo que salga y pasamos a realizar el resto de pasos que faltan por realizar.
A la espera de su respuesta!
Realice el siguiente paso que se indica a continuación:
En la barra de búsqueda escribe cmd y en la primera opción que aparezca da clic derecho y elige Ejecutar como administrador. Se abrirá una ventana negra. Copia y pega los siguientes comandos línea por línea: (Es decir, pega el primer comando entero hasta el final del parrafo entera y le da al intro , dejas que realice su proceso hasta el final y realice lo mismo con el resto de parámetros y así con el resto):
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
sfc /scannow
Si alguno te pide reiniciar procedes. Revisa si el ultimo comando te informa si encontro alguna infracción y si la pudo reparar. Si encontró y copia y pega este otro comando:
findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >"%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt"
Esto generará un reporte en tu escritorio llamado sfcdetails. Por favor trae su contenido o adjúntalo en un mensaje.
Nos comentarías como te fue, como sigue el sistema y si el último comando encontró algo nos traerías el reporte.
Comenta como va el sistema o si parece que está todo en orden con el PC. Se hicieron bastantes reparaciones.
Quedo a la espera de su respuesta!
2022-03-04 16:10:43, Info CSI 00000006 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:10:43, Info CSI 00000007 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:10:43, Info CSI 00000008 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:10:43, Info CSI 00000009 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:10:43, Info CSI 0000000a [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:10:44, Info CSI 0000000b [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:10:44, Info CSI 0000000c [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:10:44, Info CSI 0000000d [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:10:46, Info CSI 0000000e [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:10:46, Info CSI 0000000f [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:10:46, Info CSI 00000010 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:10:47, Info CSI 00000011 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:10:47, Info CSI 00000012 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:10:47, Info CSI 00000013 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:10:50, Info CSI 00000014 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:10:50, Info CSI 00000015 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:10:50, Info CSI 00000016 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:10:51, Info CSI 00000017 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:10:51, Info CSI 00000018 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:10:51, Info CSI 00000019 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:10:57, Info CSI 0000001a [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:10:57, Info CSI 0000001b [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:10:57, Info CSI 0000001c [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:01, Info CSI 0000001d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:01, Info CSI 0000001e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:01, Info CSI 0000001f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:09, Info CSI 00000020 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:09, Info CSI 00000021 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:09, Info CSI 00000022 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:19, Info CSI 00000023 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:19, Info CSI 00000024 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:19, Info CSI 00000025 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:25, Info CSI 00000026 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:26, Info CSI 00000027 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:26, Info CSI 00000028 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:27, Info CSI 00000029 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:27, Info CSI 0000002a [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:27, Info CSI 0000002b [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:29, Info CSI 0000002d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:30, Info CSI 0000002e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:30, Info CSI 0000002f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:32, Info CSI 00000030 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:32, Info CSI 00000031 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:32, Info CSI 00000032 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:36, Info CSI 00000037 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:36, Info CSI 00000038 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:36, Info CSI 00000039 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:39, Info CSI 0000003a [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:39, Info CSI 0000003b [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:39, Info CSI 0000003c [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:42, Info CSI 0000003d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:42, Info CSI 0000003e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:42, Info CSI 0000003f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:45, Info CSI 00000041 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:45, Info CSI 00000042 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:45, Info CSI 00000043 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:48, Info CSI 00000044 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:48, Info CSI 00000045 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:48, Info CSI 00000046 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:52, Info CSI 00000047 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:52, Info CSI 00000048 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:52, Info CSI 00000049 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:54, Info CSI 0000004a [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:54, Info CSI 0000004b [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:54, Info CSI 0000004c [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:11:56, Info CSI 0000004d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:11:56, Info CSI 0000004e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:11:56, Info CSI 0000004f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:04, Info CSI 00000051 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:04, Info CSI 00000052 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:04, Info CSI 00000053 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:07, Info CSI 00000055 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:07, Info CSI 00000056 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:07, Info CSI 00000057 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:09, Info CSI 00000058 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:09, Info CSI 00000059 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:09, Info CSI 0000005a [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:11, Info CSI 0000005b [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:11, Info CSI 0000005c [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:11, Info CSI 0000005d [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:13, Info CSI 0000005f [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:13, Info CSI 00000060 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:13, Info CSI 00000061 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:16, Info CSI 00000062 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:17, Info CSI 00000063 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:17, Info CSI 00000064 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:18, Info CSI 00000065 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:18, Info CSI 00000066 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:18, Info CSI 00000067 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:19, Info CSI 00000068 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:19, Info CSI 00000069 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:19, Info CSI 0000006a [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:20, Info CSI 0000006b [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:20, Info CSI 0000006c [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:20, Info CSI 0000006d [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:22, Info CSI 0000006e [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:22, Info CSI 0000006f [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:22, Info CSI 00000070 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:24, Info CSI 00000071 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:24, Info CSI 00000072 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:24, Info CSI 00000073 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:29, Info CSI 00000074 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:29, Info CSI 00000075 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:29, Info CSI 00000076 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:32, Info CSI 00000077 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:32, Info CSI 00000078 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:32, Info CSI 00000079 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:35, Info CSI 0000007b [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:35, Info CSI 0000007c [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:35, Info CSI 0000007d [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:39, Info CSI 00000081 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:39, Info CSI 00000082 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:39, Info CSI 00000083 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:46, Info CSI 00000086 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:46, Info CSI 00000087 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:46, Info CSI 00000088 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:12:57, Info CSI 0000008b [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:12:57, Info CSI 0000008c [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:12:57, Info CSI 0000008d [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:13:02, Info CSI 0000008e [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:13:02, Info CSI 0000008f [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:13:02, Info CSI 00000090 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:13:05, Info CSI 00000092 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:13:05, Info CSI 00000093 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:13:05, Info CSI 00000094 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:13:17, Info CSI 00000097 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:13:17, Info CSI 00000098 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:13:17, Info CSI 00000099 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:13:23, Info CSI 0000009a [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:13:23, Info CSI 0000009b [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:13:23, Info CSI 0000009c [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:13:36, Info CSI 0000009d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:13:36, Info CSI 0000009e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:13:37, Info CSI 0000009f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:13:53, Info CSI 000000a1 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:13:53, Info CSI 000000a2 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:13:53, Info CSI 000000a3 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:14:10, Info CSI 000000ac [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:14:10, Info CSI 000000ad [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:14:10, Info CSI 000000ae [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:15:07, Info CSI 000000b6 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:15:07, Info CSI 000000b7 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:15:07, Info CSI 000000b8 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:15:32, Info CSI 000000ba [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:15:32, Info CSI 000000bb [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:15:32, Info CSI 000000bc [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:15:42, Info CSI 000000c1 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:15:42, Info CSI 000000c2 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:15:42, Info CSI 000000c3 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:16:01, Info CSI 000000c8 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:16:01, Info CSI 000000c9 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:16:01, Info CSI 000000ca [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:16:31, Info CSI 000000ce [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:16:32, Info CSI 000000cf [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:16:32, Info CSI 000000d0 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:17:04, Info CSI 000000d8 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:17:04, Info CSI 000000d9 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:17:04, Info CSI 000000da [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:17:19, Info CSI 000000dc [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:17:19, Info CSI 000000dd [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:17:19, Info CSI 000000de [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:17:23, Info CSI 000000df [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:17:23, Info CSI 000000e0 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:17:23, Info CSI 000000e1 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:17:37, Info CSI 000000e5 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:17:37, Info CSI 000000e6 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:17:37, Info CSI 000000e7 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:17:44, Info CSI 000000e9 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:17:44, Info CSI 000000ea [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:17:44, Info CSI 000000eb [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:18:02, Info CSI 000000f1 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:18:02, Info CSI 000000f2 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:18:02, Info CSI 000000f3 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:18:18, Info CSI 000000f7 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:18:18, Info CSI 000000f8 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:18:18, Info CSI 000000f9 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:18:43, Info CSI 000000fb [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:18:43, Info CSI 000000fc [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:18:43, Info CSI 000000fd [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:18:54, Info CSI 000000ff [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:18:54, Info CSI 00000100 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:18:54, Info CSI 00000101 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:19:08, Info CSI 00000103 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:19:08, Info CSI 00000104 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:19:08, Info CSI 00000105 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:19:15, Info CSI 00000108 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:19:15, Info CSI 00000109 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:19:16, Info CSI 0000010a [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:19:27, Info CSI 0000010d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:19:27, Info CSI 0000010e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:19:27, Info CSI 0000010f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:19:38, Info CSI 00000110 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:19:38, Info CSI 00000111 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:19:38, Info CSI 00000112 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:19:48, Info CSI 00000113 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:19:48, Info CSI 00000114 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:19:48, Info CSI 00000115 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:19:55, Info CSI 00000116 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:19:55, Info CSI 00000117 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:19:55, Info CSI 00000118 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:20:07, Info CSI 00000119 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:20:07, Info CSI 0000011a [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:20:07, Info CSI 0000011b [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:20:24, Info CSI 0000011c [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:20:24, Info CSI 0000011d [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:20:24, Info CSI 0000011e [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:20:32, Info CSI 00000120 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:20:32, Info CSI 00000121 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:20:32, Info CSI 00000122 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:20:43, Info CSI 00000126 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:20:43, Info CSI 00000127 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:20:43, Info CSI 00000128 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:20:56, Info CSI 00000129 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:20:56, Info CSI 0000012a [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:20:56, Info CSI 0000012b [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:21:13, Info CSI 0000012d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:21:13, Info CSI 0000012e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:21:13, Info CSI 0000012f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:21:31, Info CSI 00000132 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:21:31, Info CSI 00000133 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:21:31, Info CSI 00000134 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:21:48, Info CSI 00000136 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:21:48, Info CSI 00000137 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:21:48, Info CSI 00000138 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:21:54, Info CSI 0000013d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:21:54, Info CSI 0000013e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:21:54, Info CSI 0000013f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:22:06, Info CSI 00000141 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:22:06, Info CSI 00000142 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:22:06, Info CSI 00000143 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:22:15, Info CSI 00000146 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:22:15, Info CSI 00000147 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:22:15, Info CSI 00000148 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:22:28, Info CSI 0000014b [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:22:28, Info CSI 0000014c [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:22:28, Info CSI 0000014d [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:22:41, Info CSI 00000150 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:22:41, Info CSI 00000151 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:22:41, Info CSI 00000152 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:22:54, Info CSI 00000153 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:22:54, Info CSI 00000154 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:22:54, Info CSI 00000155 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:22:59, Info CSI 00000156 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:22:59, Info CSI 00000157 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:22:59, Info CSI 00000158 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:23:12, Info CSI 0000015a [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:23:13, Info CSI 0000015b [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:23:13, Info CSI 0000015c [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:23:21, Info CSI 0000015d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:23:21, Info CSI 0000015e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:23:21, Info CSI 0000015f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:23:25, Info CSI 00000160 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:23:25, Info CSI 00000161 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:23:25, Info CSI 00000162 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:23:30, Info CSI 00000166 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:23:30, Info CSI 00000167 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:23:30, Info CSI 00000168 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:23:35, Info CSI 0000016a [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:23:35, Info CSI 0000016b [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:23:35, Info CSI 0000016c [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:23:42, Info CSI 0000016d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:23:42, Info CSI 0000016e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:23:42, Info CSI 0000016f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:23:48, Info CSI 00000171 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:23:48, Info CSI 00000172 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:23:48, Info CSI 00000173 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:23:54, Info CSI 00000175 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:23:55, Info CSI 00000176 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:23:55, Info CSI 00000177 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:07, Info CSI 0000017a [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:07, Info CSI 0000017b [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:07, Info CSI 0000017c [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:12, Info CSI 0000017d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:12, Info CSI 0000017e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:12, Info CSI 0000017f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:17, Info CSI 00000181 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:17, Info CSI 00000182 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:17, Info CSI 00000183 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:19, Info CSI 00000184 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:19, Info CSI 00000185 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:19, Info CSI 00000186 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:23, Info CSI 00000187 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:24, Info CSI 00000188 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:24, Info CSI 00000189 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:30, Info CSI 00000191 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:30, Info CSI 00000192 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:30, Info CSI 00000193 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:34, Info CSI 00000194 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:34, Info CSI 00000195 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:34, Info CSI 00000196 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:37, Info CSI 00000198 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:37, Info CSI 00000199 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:37, Info CSI 0000019a [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:41, Info CSI 0000019c [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:41, Info CSI 0000019d [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:41, Info CSI 0000019e [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:47, Info CSI 0000019f [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:47, Info CSI 000001a0 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:47, Info CSI 000001a1 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:50, Info CSI 000001a3 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:51, Info CSI 000001a4 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:51, Info CSI 000001a5 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:24:54, Info CSI 000001a6 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:24:54, Info CSI 000001a7 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:24:54, Info CSI 000001a8 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:00, Info CSI 000001aa [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:01, Info CSI 000001ab [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:01, Info CSI 000001ac [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:08, Info CSI 000001af [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:08, Info CSI 000001b0 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:08, Info CSI 000001b1 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:14, Info CSI 000001b2 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:14, Info CSI 000001b3 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:14, Info CSI 000001b4 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:17, Info CSI 000001b6 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:17, Info CSI 000001b7 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:17, Info CSI 000001b8 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:23, Info CSI 000001bd [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:23, Info CSI 000001be [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:23, Info CSI 000001bf [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:29, Info CSI 000001c7 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:29, Info CSI 000001c8 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:29, Info CSI 000001c9 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:32, Info CSI 000001cd [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:32, Info CSI 000001ce [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:32, Info CSI 000001cf [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:36, Info CSI 000001d1 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:36, Info CSI 000001d2 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:36, Info CSI 000001d3 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:41, Info CSI 000001d4 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:41, Info CSI 000001d5 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:41, Info CSI 000001d6 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:48, Info CSI 000001d7 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:48, Info CSI 000001d8 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:48, Info CSI 000001d9 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:25:53, Info CSI 000001da [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:25:53, Info CSI 000001db [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:25:53, Info CSI 000001dc [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:26:00, Info CSI 000001de [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:26:00, Info CSI 000001df [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:26:00, Info CSI 000001e0 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:26:07, Info CSI 000001e1 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:26:07, Info CSI 000001e2 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:26:07, Info CSI 000001e3 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:26:15, Info CSI 000001e5 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:26:15, Info CSI 000001e6 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:26:15, Info CSI 000001e7 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:26:23, Info CSI 000001e8 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:26:23, Info CSI 000001e9 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:26:23, Info CSI 000001ea [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:26:28, Info CSI 000001eb [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:26:28, Info CSI 000001ec [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:26:28, Info CSI 000001ed [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:26:32, Info CSI 000001ee [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:26:32, Info CSI 000001ef [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:26:32, Info CSI 000001f0 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:26:38, Info CSI 000001f1 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:26:38, Info CSI 000001f2 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:26:38, Info CSI 000001f3 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:26:47, Info CSI 000001f9 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:26:47, Info CSI 000001fa [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:26:47, Info CSI 000001fb [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:26:53, Info CSI 000001fd [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:26:53, Info CSI 000001fe [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:26:53, Info CSI 000001ff [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:26:58, Info CSI 00000200 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:26:58, Info CSI 00000201 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:26:58, Info CSI 00000202 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:01, Info CSI 00000203 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:01, Info CSI 00000204 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:01, Info CSI 00000205 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:06, Info CSI 00000206 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:06, Info CSI 00000207 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:06, Info CSI 00000208 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:12, Info CSI 0000020b [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:12, Info CSI 0000020c [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:12, Info CSI 0000020d [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:16, Info CSI 0000020e [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:16, Info CSI 0000020f [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:16, Info CSI 00000210 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:21, Info CSI 00000211 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:21, Info CSI 00000212 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:21, Info CSI 00000213 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:27, Info CSI 00000215 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:27, Info CSI 00000216 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:27, Info CSI 00000217 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:33, Info CSI 00000218 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:33, Info CSI 00000219 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:33, Info CSI 0000021a [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:42, Info CSI 0000021d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:42, Info CSI 0000021e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:42, Info CSI 0000021f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:46, Info CSI 00000220 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:46, Info CSI 00000221 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:46, Info CSI 00000222 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:50, Info CSI 00000224 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:50, Info CSI 00000225 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:50, Info CSI 00000226 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:27:55, Info CSI 00000227 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:27:55, Info CSI 00000228 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:27:55, Info CSI 00000229 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:00, Info CSI 0000022a [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:00, Info CSI 0000022b [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:00, Info CSI 0000022c [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:04, Info CSI 0000022d [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:04, Info CSI 0000022e [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:04, Info CSI 0000022f [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:10, Info CSI 00000234 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:11, Info CSI 00000235 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:11, Info CSI 00000236 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:16, Info CSI 00000237 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:16, Info CSI 00000238 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:16, Info CSI 00000239 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:20, Info CSI 0000023c [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:20, Info CSI 0000023d [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:20, Info CSI 0000023e [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:29, Info CSI 0000023f [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:29, Info CSI 00000240 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:29, Info CSI 00000241 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:33, Info CSI 00000244 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:33, Info CSI 00000245 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:33, Info CSI 00000246 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:38, Info CSI 00000248 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:38, Info CSI 00000249 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:38, Info CSI 0000024a [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:43, Info CSI 0000024b [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:43, Info CSI 0000024c [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:43, Info CSI 0000024d [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:47, Info CSI 0000024f [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:47, Info CSI 00000250 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:47, Info CSI 00000251 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:28:59, Info CSI 00000254 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:28:59, Info CSI 00000255 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:28:59, Info CSI 00000256 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:06, Info CSI 00000257 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:06, Info CSI 00000258 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:29:06, Info CSI 00000259 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:10, Info CSI 0000025b [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:11, Info CSI 0000025c [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:29:11, Info CSI 0000025d [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:18, Info CSI 0000025f [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:18, Info CSI 00000260 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:29:18, Info CSI 00000261 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:25, Info CSI 00000263 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:25, Info CSI 00000264 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:29:25, Info CSI 00000265 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:32, Info CSI 00000267 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:32, Info CSI 00000268 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:29:32, Info CSI 00000269 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:37, Info CSI 0000026a [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:37, Info CSI 0000026b [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:29:37, Info CSI 0000026c [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:40, Info CSI 0000026f [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:40, Info CSI 00000270 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:29:40, Info CSI 00000271 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:46, Info CSI 00000277 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:46, Info CSI 00000278 [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:29:46, Info CSI 00000279 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:48, Info CSI 0000027a [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:49, Info CSI 0000027b [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:29:49, Info CSI 0000027c [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:51, Info CSI 0000027e [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:51, Info CSI 0000027f [SR] Verifying 100 components
2022-03-04 16:29:51, Info CSI 00000280 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:55, Info CSI 00000283 [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:55, Info CSI 00000284 [SR] Verifying 36 components
2022-03-04 16:29:55, Info CSI 00000285 [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:58, Info CSI 0000028c [SR] Verify complete
2022-03-04 16:29:58, Info CSI 0000028d [SR] Repairing 0 components
2022-03-04 16:29:58, Info CSI 0000028e [SR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2022-03-04 16:29:58, Info CSI 0000028f [SR] Repair complete
La notebook se nota sustancialmente mas rápida aunque demora bastante en abrir los programas de office y el reader de acrobat. En el caso de autocad esta un poco lenta pero quizas sea tema de configuracion de la geforce que no esté bien.
Perfecto! He revisado las Capturas de Pantalla y he visto que todos los procesos se han ejecutado correctamente.
En cuanto a los programas que me menciona, como es el caso del programa de office y el reader de acrobat y en el caso de Autocad puede deberse al tipo de Disco Duro que tenga instalado en su ordenador ya que no es lo mismo tener un Disco Duro HDD que tener instalado en su ordenador un Disco Duro SSD
La diferencia entre un Disco Duro HDD es que a la hora de poder procesar la información en su ordenador tarda más en abrir los procesos de los programas.
En cambio, si usted tiene un Disco Duro SSD, los procesos tardan muchísimo menos en abrlrse ya que se consideran Discos Duros mucho más rápidos y por lo tanto los programas se abren mucho más rápidos en comparación que un Disco Duro HDD.
Para ello le pongo en breve los pasos a seguir para comprobar que tipo de Disco Duro tiene instalado su ordenador.
También depende de la capacidad de Ram que tenga instalado en su ordenador.
Luego le pondré los pasos a seguir para realizar dichas comprobaciones
-. Clikea los siguientes parámetros: Win + X (Pulsar dichas teclas al mismo tiempo) y en el menú desplegable que se te muestra, seleccione el siguiente parámetro:
Windows PowerShell
-. En la ventana emergente que se te abra Click en: “Copiar” y “Pegar” el siguiente comando:
-. Pulse la tecla: “Enter”.
Maximiza la pantalla y me manda una Captura de Pantalla con todo lo que le salga