Explorador de windows no responde windows 10

PASO 1: Descargar e Instalar el siguiente programa en el “Escritorio” de su ordenador: “RogueKiller” pero "NO" inicie dicho programa.

PASO 2: “Manual de Uso” del programa: “RogueKiller” y siga los pasos al pie de la letra y en el orden establecido:

Una vez aclarado dicho procedimiento vamos a realizar dichos pasos:

PASO 1: Url Descarga programa: “Rogue Killer”: (Descárgue dicho programa en el: "Escritorio" de su ordenador), aquí la Url de Descarga:https://www.adlice.com/download-start/?app=roguekiller&type=setup (Si dicho programa le pide que existe una nueva actualización instale dicha actualización y siga dichos procesos de instalación).

PASO 2: “Manual de Uso” del programa: “RogueKiller” y siga los pasos al pie de la letra y en el orden establecido:

  • Desactive “TODOS” los “Sistemas de Seguridad” que tiene instalados en su ordenador. (“Antivirus”, “MalwareByte” AntimalwareByte" adsolutamente “TODOS”…)
  • Configure su pantalla para que su ordenador “NO” se “Apague” y “NO” se ponga en “Estado de Suspensión” ya que podría interferir en que no se pase correctamente dicho programa.
  • Inicie el programa: RogueKiller desde su “Escritorio” de su ordenador con “Derechos de Administrador”. (Si dicho programa le pide que existe una nueva actualización instale dicha actualización y siga dichos procesos de instalación)
  • Active la versión de prueba gratuita de 15 días durante el proceso de instalación cuando te lo solicite dicho programa.
  • Aparecerá la siguiente pantalla, click donde pone: Ajustes y cliclk en la pestaña donde pone: General y dejar habilitados “ESPECÍFICAMENTE EN DICHO ORDEN” las pestañas que están “ESTRICTAMENTE” reflejadas en dicha imagen y “NO” marcar las que no estén reflejadas en dicha imagen:

  • Realizado dicho procedimiento click en donde pone la pestaña: Ajustes y click en la pestaña que pone: Analizar y dejar habilitadas las siguientes pestañas que se reflejan en dicha imagen:


  • Click en la pestña que pone: Ajustes y click en la pestaña que pone: Protección y dejar habilitado EXCLUSIVAMENTE Y EXTRICTAMENTE las opciones que se reflejan en la siguientes pestañas, tal y como se refleja en dicha imagen:

Click en la pestaña que pone: Análisis y click en la pestaña que pone: Personalizar tal y como se refleja en dicha imagen:

  • Seguidamente aparecerá la siguiente pantalla, dejar marcadas “TODAS” las opciones que se te reflejen a tí, tal y como se muestra en la siguiente imagen y realizado dicho procedimiento, click en la pestaña que pone: Iniciar tal y como se muestra en dicha imagen:

  • Comenzará el análisis en busca de Infecciones. Esperar a que se complete el Análisis en busca de Virus y/o Amenazas e Infecciones por completo.
  • Una vez finalizado dicho Análisis por completo en busca de Infecciones click en la pestaña que pone: “Eliminar” o algo similar para que se eliminen “TODAS” las amenazas que haya detectado. Si dicho programa te pide reiniciar el ordenador para poder eliminar todas las amenazas y/o Infecciones ó Virus que encuentre le dices que SI. Si dicho programa no te dice nada de reiniciar el ordenador para eliminar dichas amenazas y/o Infecciones ó virus que encuentre cuando se haya realizado dicho procedimiento entonces “NO” lo reinicies
  • Realizado dicho procedimiento por completo siga estos pasos para poder obtener dicho Informe de dicho programa que genere para poder enviármelo previamente:
  • Clik en la pestaña que pone: Historial y clikea en donde pone: Informes y fijarse en la fecha de Análisis de dicho Informe y click sobre ello y click en la pestaña que pone: Abrir tal y como se muestra en la siguiente imagen:

  • Aparecerá la siguiente imagen, click donde pone: Exportar y click en la opción que pone: Archivo texto le saldrá donde desea guardar el archivo y guárdelo en el Escritorio de su ordenador
  • Valla al Escritorio de su ordenador y envíeme dicho "Informe"

Realizado dicho paso active de nuevo “TODOS” los “Sistemas de Seguridad” en su ordenador (“Antivirus”, “Malwarebyte AntimalwareByte” (“TODOS”.)

Realice todo el proceso de preparación, deteniendo los sistemas de seguridad y con la configuración indicada para el programa, ya he realizado el proceso en 3 ocasión y en todas cuando está por terminar cierra de forma repentina, sin generar informe y aparece la indicación de que nunca se ha echo un análisis, cabe mencionar que detecta 17 amenazas hasta este punto, pero no llega a terminar el proceso

1 me gusta

Para que pueda resolver el problema para que pueda pasar el programa: RogueKiller correctamente siga estos pasos:

PASO 1: "Descargar e Instalar" los siguientes programas en el "Escritorio" de su ordenador: "NO" inicie dichos programas, Sólo Instálelos y Descárguelos.

PASO 2: "Manual de Uso" de los siguientes programas y siga los pasos Al pie de la letra y en el orden establecido: (Pásele el primer programa y hasta que "NO" “Acabe por completo su función”, "NO" le pase el siguiente programa).

Una vez aclarado dicho procedimiento vamos a realizar dichos pasos:

PASO 1: "Descarga e Instala" los siguientes programas, en el "Escritorio", de tu ordenador pero "NO" los Inicie y siga su "Manual de Uso":

Url: Descarga Programa: KpRm 2.9: https://toolslib.net/downloads/finish/951-kprm/

Url: Descarga Programa: Rkill:https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/rkill/dl/11/

PASO 2: "Manual de Uso" de los siguientes programas y siga los pasos Al pie de la letra y en el orden establecido: (Pásele el primer programa y hasta que "NO" “Acabe por completo su función”, "NO" le pase el siguiente programa).

Manual de Uso: KpRm 2.9:

  • Botón secundario y Ejecutar como: Administrador

  • Saldrá la siguiente ventana, click en la pestaña donde pone: Yes


  • Dejar "Habilitadas" ,("Tildar"), las siguientes opciones y click en donde pone: Ejecutar tal y como se refleja en esta pantalla:


  • IMPORTANTE: "NO" reiniciar el ordenador.

Manual de Uso: Rkill:

  • Botón Secundario y Ejecutar: Rkill como: Administrador y aparecerá la siguiente ventana:


  • Aparecerá la siguiente ventana, y comenzará a Analizar, tenga paciencia mientras esto busca procesos maliciosos e intenta ponerles fin.


  • Cuando el programa: Rkill haya completado su tarea, generará un registro. "NO" reinicie su computadora después de ejecutar: RKill ya que los programas maliciosos comenzarán de nuevo. Cuando haya generado un Block de Notas click en donde pone: Ok. Aparecerá esta ventana:


  • Abra de nuevo el programa: RogueKiller, (Siguiendo al pie de la letra su: "Manual de Uso" como lo ha estado realizando correctamente y cuando haya finalizado por completo dicho programa me mandas dicho: Informe.

dejo ambos informes, por cualquier cosa:

Rkill 2.9.1 by Lawrence Abrams (Grinler)

Copyright 2008-2021 BleepingComputer.com More Information about Rkill can be found at this link: RKill - What it does and What it Doesn't - A brief introduction to the program - Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware, and Privacy Software

Program started at: 06/25/2021 06:30:13 PM in x64 mode. Windows Version: Windows 10 Pro

Checking for Windows services to stop:

  • No malware services found to stop.

Checking for processes to terminate:

  • No malware processes found to kill.

Checking Registry for malware related settings:

  • No issues found in the Registry.

Resetting .EXE, .COM, & .BAT associations in the Windows Registry.

Performing miscellaneous checks:

  • Windows Defender Disabled

    [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender] “DisableAntiSpyware” = dword:00000001

Searching for Missing Digital Signatures:

  • No issues found.

Checking HOSTS File:

  • No issues found.

Program finished at: 06/25/2021 06:45:18 PM Execution time: 0 hours(s), 15 minute(s), and 5 seconds(s)

Run at 25/06/2021 06:27:58 p. m.

KpRm (Kernel-panik) version 2.9

Website Kernel-panik.me | KpRm | Suppression des outils de désinfection

Run by JG119 from C:\Users\JG119\Desktop

Computer Name: LAPTOP-UI9GMQN3

OS: Windows 10 X64 (19043)

Number of passes: 1

  • Checked options -

    ~ Restore System Settings ~ UAC Restore

  • Restore System Settings -

    [OK] Reset WinSock [OK] FLUSHDNS [OK] Hide Hidden file. [OK] Show Extensions for known file types [OK] Hide protected operating system files

  • Restore UAC -

    [OK] Set EnableLUA with default (1) value [OK] Set ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin with default (5) value [OK] Set ConsentPromptBehaviorUser with default (3) value [OK] Set EnableInstallerDetection with default (0) value [OK] Set EnableSecureUIAPaths with default (1) value [OK] Set EnableUIADesktopToggle with default (0) value [OK] Set EnableVirtualization with default (1) value [OK] Set FilterAdministratorToken with default (0) value [OK] Set PromptOnSecureDesktop with default (1) value [OK] Set ValidateAdminCodeSignatures with default (0) value

– KPRM finished in 10.86s –

1 me gusta
  • Abra de nuevo el programa: RogueKiller (Siguiendo al pie de la letra su: "Manual de Uso" como lo ha estado realizando correctamente y cuando haya finalizado por completo dicho programa me mandas dicho: Informe.

nuevamente no se completo el proceso de analisis ahora me apareció esta una ventana con la siguiente leyenda: se produjo una excepcion excepcion inesperadadel programa(0xe0434352) en la aplicación en la ubicación 0x00007FFB73864B89

adicional a esto al iniciar el administrador de tareas, veo que hay un proceso llamado interrupciones del sistema que está consumiendo todos los recursos ram,cpu,disco.

Otro nuevo problema es que la PC parece más lenta que antes y ahora me cierra las paginas con el mensaje out of memory

1 me gusta

No te preocupes, vamos a desinstalar el programa: "RogueKiller" pero "NO" de la forma tradicional, te voy a dejar los pasos a seguir para poder desinstalar dicho programa por completo para poder volverlo a instalar nuevamente y que te de la opción de prueba de 15 días:

Sigue estos pasos al pie de la letra y en el orden establecido y sin saltarte ningún paso:

Descarga e Instala el siguiente programa:

Url: Descarga Programa: "Revo Uninstaller": https://www.revouninstaller.com/start-freeware-download/

Url: Manual de Uso:: "Revo Uninstaller": https://forospyware.com/t/manual-de-revo-uninstaller/3264 (IMPORTANTE: Aplica este: "Manual de Uso" pero aplicado a desinstalar el programa: "RogueKiller")

Una vez que lo hayas realizado este paso por completo sigue este paso a continuación:

Pásale el siguiente programa: "Ccleaner" con su correspondiente: "Manual de Uso" que te dejo a continuación:

Url: "Manual de Uso": Programa: "Ccleaner": y sigue los pasos por el orden establecido y como se indican en dicho Manual:**https://forospyware.com/t/ccleaner-manual-de-uso-simple-y-avanzado/103 ("IMPORTANTE" En la opción de: Registro pásele varias veces dicho procedimiento hasta que se refleje que: “NO SE HAN ENCONTRADO PROBLEMAS” ó “TODOS LOS PROBLEMAS HAN SIDO RESUELTOS” o un mensaje similar).

Realizado este procedimiento por completo realice este paso:

  1. Click en: Este Equipo ò Equipo y saldrá la siguiente pantalla, y doble click en donde se refleja en la pantalla:

  1. Se abrirá la siguiente pantalla, doble click donde pone: Archivos de Programa, tal y como se muestra en la imagen:

Se abrirá la siguiente pantalla y botón secundario sobre la carpeta que pone: RogueKiller y de la lista que sale click en donde pone: Eliminar y eliminar esa carpeta:

Una vez realizado dicho procedimento por completo pásale el siguiente programa: "Ccleaner" con su correspondiente: "Manual de Uso" que te dejo a continuación: (IMPORTANTE: "NO" TIENE QUE INSTALAR ESTE PROGRAMA DE NUEVO YA QUE YA LO TIENE INSTALADO EN SU ORDENADOR SÓLO TIENE QUE APLICAR EL "MANUAL DE USO" QUE LE DEJO A CONTINUACIÓN)

Url: "Manual de Uso": Programa: "Ccleaner": y sigue los pasos por el orden establecido y como se indican en dicho "Manual de Uso": https://forospyware.com/t/ccleaner-manual-de-uso-simple-y-avanzado/103 ("IMPORTANTE" En la opción de: Registro pásele varias veces dicho procedimiento hasta que se refleje que: “NO SE HAN ENCONTRADO PROBLEMAS” ó “TODOS LOS PROBLEMAS HAN SIDO RESUELTOS” o un mensaje similar).

Realizado todo este procedimiento, REINICIAS el ordenador y cuando lo hayas reiniciado me avisas y me lo comunicas por aquí para poder intentar otro procedimiento para que te deje ejecutar y analizar el proceso de Análisis por completo y pueda eliminar las Amenazas y/o Infecciones y Virus de tu ordenador.

ya realice todo el proceso

1 me gusta

es necesario descargar nuevamente rogue o ya no lo hago?

1 me gusta

Si, es necesario pero antes te voy a dejar unos pasos a seguir para que sepas como poder realizar dicho procedimiento. "NO" Realices procedimientos por tu cuenta, te paso en breve los procedimientos a seguir.

PASOS A SEGUIR (Siga los pasos al Pie de la Letra y en el Orden Indicaco y sin saltarte ningún paso):


Configure su ordenador para que "NO" se apague "La pantalla" y "NO" se ponga en Estado de Suspensión ya que podría interferir en el proceso de Análisis para poder desinfectar todas los Virus, Infecciones y Amenazas.

“Instala y Descarga” en el “ESCRITORIO” de tu ordenador el siguiente programa: "RogueKiller": (Descargue la versión más adecuada acorde a su Sistema Operativo que tenga instalado en su ordenador es decir si tu Sistema Operativo es "Windows 10 de 32Bits" instale ese o si su "Sistema Operativo es: Windows 10 de 64 Bits" instale este):

Url de Descarga: “RogueKiller” (32 bits): https://www.adlice.com/download-start/?app=roguekiller&type=x86

Url de Descarga: “RogueKiller” (64 Bits): https://www.adlice.com/download-start/?app=roguekiller&type=x64

Abra el programa: RogueKiller Click en la pestaña que pone: Análisis y elija la opción que pone: Escaneo estándar (Recomendado) Click en la pestaña que pone: Iniciar, empezará el proceso de Análisis en busca de Infecciones, Virus y Amenazas tal y cómo se muestra en la siguiente imagen:

Cuando el programa termine por completo el proceso de Análisis en busca de Infecciones, Virus y Amenaza le das a Eliminar y eliminas "TODO" lo que encuentre, si dicho programa te pide que reinicies el ordenador para eliminar las infecciones y/o Virus que encuentre le dices que "SI".

Si dicho programa NO te pide que reinicies "NO" reinicies dicho programa sólo si te lo pide dicho programa.

  • Realizado dicho procedimiento por completo siga estos pasos para poder obtener dicho Informe de dicho programa que genere para poder enviármelo previamente:

  • Clik en la pestaña que pone: Historial y clikea en donde pone: Informes y fijarse en la fecha de Análisis de dicho Informe y click sobre ello y click en la pestaña que pone: Abrir tal y como se muestra en la siguiente imagen:


  • Aparecerá la siguiente imagen, click donde pone: Exportar y click en la opción que pone: Archivo texto le saldrá donde desea guardar el archivo y guárdelo en el Escritorio de su ordenador.

  • Valla al Escritorio de su ordenador y envíeme dicho "Informe"

Me mandas de nuevo dicho "Informe" que genere el programa sólo aplicando la parte en el "Manual de Uso" que te he dejado por aquí de dicho programa.

RogueKiller Anti-Malware V15.0.4.0 (x64) [Jun 28 2021] (Premium) por Adlice Software correo : Support Form | Contact • Adlice Software Página Web : RogueKiller Anti Malware | Free Virus Cleaner Download • Adlice Software Sistema Operativo : Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64-bit Iniciado en : Modo Normal Usuario : JG119 [Administrador] Iniciado desde : C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\RogueKiller_portable64.exe Firmas : 20210628_083644, Conductor : Cargado Modo : Análisis personalizado, Borrar – Fecha : 2021/06/30 08:56:20 (Duración : 06:48:24)

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Borrar ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ [PUP.ByteFence (Potencialmente Malicioso)] ByteFence – %programdata%\ByteFence → Borrado [PUP.HackTool (Potencialmente Malicioso)] KMSAuto – %programdata%\KMSAuto → Borrado [PUP.HackTool (Potencialmente Malicioso)] KMSAutoS – %programdata%\KMSAutoS → Borrado [PUP.InstallCore (Potencialmente Malicioso)] aTube Catcher.lnk – %programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\aTube Catcher\aTube Catcher.lnk (lnk => C:\PROGRA~2\DSNETC~1\ATUBEC~1.0\yct.exe []) → Borrado [Tr.Razy (Malicioso)] Windows Host – %programdata%\Windows Host → Borrado [MalPE.99 (Potencialmente Malicioso)] SETUPREG.EXE – %programfiles(x86)%\Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings\SETUPREG.EXE → Borrado [PUP.InstallCore (Potencialmente Malicioso)] DsNET Corp – %programfiles(x86)%\DsNET Corp → Borrado [MalPE.99 (Potencialmente Malicioso)] SETUPREG.EXE – %programfiles(x86)%\Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings\SETUPREG.EXE → Encontrado [PUP.InstallCore (Potencialmente Malicioso)] DsNET Corp – %programfiles(x86)%\DsNET Corp → Eliminado al reiniciar [2] [PUP.ByteFence (Potencialmente Malicioso)] ByteFence – %programdata%\ByteFence → Eliminado al reiniciar [2] [PUP.HackTool (Potencialmente Malicioso)] KMSAuto – %programdata%\KMSAuto → Eliminado al reiniciar [2] [PUP.HackTool (Potencialmente Malicioso)] KMSAutoS – %programdata%\KMSAutoS → Eliminado al reiniciar [2] [PUP.InstallCore (Potencialmente Malicioso)] aTube Catcher.lnk – %programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\aTube Catcher\aTube Catcher.lnk (lnk => C:\PROGRA~2\DSNETC~1\ATUBEC~1.0\yct.exe []) → Encontrado [Tr.Razy (Malicioso)] Windows Host – %programdata%\Windows Host → Eliminado al reiniciar [2] [MalPE.97 (Potencialmente Malicioso)] Hola Mundo.exe – %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\DESK\curso cpp\1.1 hola mundo\Hola Mundo.exe → Borrado [MalPE.97 (Potencialmente Malicioso)] iBypasser.exe – %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\DESK\software\bypass\iBypasser_v2.9_Ranzhie07\iBypasser.exe → Borrado [MalPE.99 (Potencialmente Malicioso)] iKingCode_BypassHello.exe – %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\DESK\software\bypass\iKingCode_Bypass\iKingCode_BypassHello.exe → Borrado [MalPE.99 (Potencialmente Malicioso)] Parche.exe – %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\DESK\software\Punto de Venta\Parche.exe → Borrado

1 me gusta

Que tal vas notando el ordenador ahora.

Lo vas notando con el mismo problema.

A la espera de tu respuesta.

pues ya se siente un poco mas fluida, solo tras un reinicio pasaron aproximadamente 10 minutos antes de que pudiera utilizarla ya que incluso el administrador de tareas mostraba el cpu ocupado al 100%

1 me gusta

Voy a intentar que esté un poco más optimizado tu ordenador realizando otro procedimiento Te intento mandar los pasos a seguir a lo largo del día ya que el trabajo me quita la mayor parte de mi tiempo

Hola a ambos :+1:

Y con permiso :wink:

Comentas que el CPU esta al 100% ¿Puedes revisar que programa es el que consume CPU? Haciendo clic sobre el administrador de tareas en el encabezado de esta columna puedes hacer que se organice de mayor a menor (o menor a mayor).

De manera adicional, realiza lo siguiente:

:white_check_mark: Revisa el siguiente manual y ejecuta FRST:

Nos traerías los reportes de FRST Frst.txt y Adition.txt.



° Evite realizar procedimientos fuera de este tema a partir de este punto.

° NO descargue o instale mas programas mientras terminamos la desinfección.

° No vuelva a ejecutar ningún otro programa antivirus/antimalwares ni FRST hasta que vuelva con una respuesta.

Frst.txt: Resultado del análisis realizado por Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) (x64) Versión: 29-06-2021 Ejecutado por JG119 (administrador) sobre LAPTOP-UI9GMQN3 (LENOVO 81D6) (30-06-2021 17:55:35) Ejecutado desde C:\Users\JG119\Downloads Perfiles cargados: JG119 Platform: Windows 10 Pro Versión 21H1 19043.1052 (X64) Idioma: Español (España, internacional) → Español (México) Navegador predeterminado: IE Modo de Inicio: Normal

==================== Procesos (Lista blanca) =================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el proceso será cerrado. El archivo no será movido.)

(Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. → AMD) C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0346112.inf_amd64_3ee723850dc00744\B345643\atieclxx.exe (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. → AMD) C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0346112.inf_amd64_3ee723850dc00744\B345643\atiesrxx.exe (Apple Inc. → Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe (Apple Inc. → Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\AvastBrowserUpdate.exe (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswEngSrv.exe (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswidsagent.exe (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswToolsSvc.exe (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe <5> (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\wsc_proxy.exe (Dolby Laboratories, Inc. → ) C:\Windows\System32\dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe <2> (Google LLC → Google LLC) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe <24> (Google LLC → Google LLC) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\GoogleCrashHandler.exe (Google LLC → Google LLC) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\GoogleCrashHandler64.exe (HP Inc. → HP Inc.) C:\Program Files\HPPrintScanDoctor\HPPrintScanDoctorService.exe (Lenovo → Lenovo Group Ltd.) C:\Windows\Lenovo\ImController\PluginHost86\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.PluginHost.Device.exe (Lenovo → Lenovo Group Ltd.) C:\Windows\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe (McAfee, LLC → McAfee, LLC) C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\browserhost.exe (McAfee, LLC → McAfee, LLC) C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\servicehost.exe (McAfee, LLC → McAfee, LLC) C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\uihost.exe (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeClickToRun.exe (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\sqlwriter.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_10.2103.8.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Calculator.exe (Microsoft Windows → Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel\SystemSettings.exe (Microsoft Windows → Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe (Microsoft Windows → Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe <2> (Microsoft Windows → Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\oobe\UserOOBEBroker.exe (Microsoft Windows → Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\Taskmgr.exe (Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher → Fortemedia) C:\Windows\System32\FMService64.exe (Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher → Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider) C:\Windows\System32\drivers\AdminService.exe (Qualcomm Atheros → Qualcomm Technologies Inc.) C:\Windows\System32\drivers\QcomWlanSrvx64.exe (Realtek Semiconductor Corp. → Realtek Semiconductor) C:\Windows\System32\RtkAudUService64.exe (Synaptics Incorporated → Synaptics Incorporated) C:\Windows\System32\SynTPEnh.exe (Synaptics Incorporated → Synaptics Incorporated) C:\Windows\System32\SynTPEnhService.exe (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\CoreScanner.exe (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\HidKeyboardEmulator.exe (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\RSMDriverProviderService.exe (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\ScannerService.exe

==================== Registro (Lista blanca) ===================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el elemento del registro será restaurado a su valor predeterminado o será eliminado. El archivo no será movido.)

HKLM…\Run: [RtkAudUService] => C:\WINDOWS\System32\RtkAudUService64.exe [1076728 2020-03-24] (Realtek Semiconductor Corp. → Realtek Semiconductor) HKLM…\Run: [AvastUI.exe] => C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvLaunch.exe [123672 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) HKLM…\Run: [AdobeGCInvoker-1.0] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGCInvokerUtility.exe [3402832 2020-09-23] (Adobe Inc. → Adobe Systems, Incorporated) HKLM-x32…\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe [706680 2020-09-16] (Oracle America, Inc. → Oracle Corporation) HKLM-x32…\Run: [SPUpDateServerrun] => C:\Program Files (x86)\hik\update_server\startUp.exe [27352 2020-07-30] (Hangzhou Ezviz Software Co., Ltd. → ) HKLM-x32…\Run: [iTunesHelper] => C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe [164152 2016-07-26] (Apple Inc. → Apple Inc.) HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001…\Run: [CCleaner Smart Cleaning] => C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe [29262520 2020-07-29] (Piriform Software Ltd → Piriform Software Ltd) HKLM…\Print\Monitors\Adobe PDF Port Monitor: C:\Windows\system32\AdobePDF.dll [65488 2020-03-06] (Adobe Inc. → Adobe Systems Inc) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components: [{8A69D345-D564-463c-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}] → C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\91.0.4472.124\Installer\chrmstp.exe [2021-06-25] (Google LLC → Google LLC) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components: [{AFE6A462-C574-4B8A-AF43-4CC60DF4563B}] → C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\\Installer\chrmstp.exe [2021-06-24] (Brave Software, Inc. → Brave Software, Inc.) GroupPolicy: Restricción ? <==== ATENCIÓN Policies: C:\ProgramData\NTUSER.pol: Restricción <==== ATENCIÓN HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox: Restricción <==== ATENCIÓN

==================== Tareas programadas (Lista blanca) ============

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El archivo no se moverá a menos que sea añadido al listado por separado.)

Task: {151E1FDD-34A8-4A1B-A71E-33AD769FB17B} - System32\Tasks\Avast Emergency Update => C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvEmUpdate.exe [4903192 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) Task: {21147329-8132-4B3E-AE1D-9FCE86230CC9} - System32\Tasks\AvastUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\AvastBrowserUpdate.exe [193688 2020-06-13] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) Task: {2273CD2F-0BEF-4847-9972-19629B157155} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\OfficeTelemetryAgentFallBack2016 => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\msoia.exe [5275568 2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) Task: {273A9029-46B0-4300-B574-350FD04776CB} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [156104 2020-06-13] (Google LLC → Google LLC) Task: {2E6E5515-BCAE-48BC-9DDC-92CDE45F40CF} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\BatteryGauge\BatteryGaugeMaintenance => C:\ProgramData\Lenovo\ImController\Plugins\LenovoBatteryGaugePackage\x64\BGHelper.exe [144456 2021-05-19] (Lenovo → Lenovo Group Ltd.) Task: {33D5C4C2-3CA6-4C31-A98E-C4EEF4383E1E} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\TimeBasedEvents\5e428e01-48a6-46ab-b38d-cac3d0ab33f7 => C:\WINDOWS\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe [81824 2021-03-14] (Lenovo → Lenovo Group Ltd.) Task: {35625E88-65D0-4F04-B9A9-41DC4FD86447} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office Feature Updates => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\sdxhelper.exe [147320 2021-06-21] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) Task: {363370A5-5E4F-4054-AD73-21C984FACDB7} - System32\Tasks\CreateExplorerShellUnelevatedTask => C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe /NoUACCheck Task: {36803EA0-213B-492D-9972-0583E65352E3} - System32\Tasks\MySQL\Installer\ManifestUpdate => C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Installer for Windows\MySQLInstallerConsole.exe [70792 2020-08-18] (Oracle America, Inc. → Oracle Corporation) Task: {3D52DE45-18DA-4AE0-ADE9-2E1BB2B46A1E} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office Feature Updates Logon => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\sdxhelper.exe [147320 2021-06-21] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) Task: {3FF417ED-74E1-4E79-B8DA-6E9CA7A85640} - System32\Tasks\AvastUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\AvastBrowserUpdate.exe [193688 2020-06-13] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) Task: {47BD5247-325D-4299-A1FD-71BFB0801CF3} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [156104 2020-06-13] (Google LLC → Google LLC) Task: {50B6680E-2974-4289-B395-25DFDFD7ED2B} - System32\Tasks\AdobeGCInvoker-1.0 => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGCInvokerUtility.exe [3402832 2020-09-23] (Adobe Inc. → Adobe Systems, Incorporated) Task: {532205A7-595E-4E1A-9600-59C3EC3EDDBF} - System32\Tasks\OneDrive Per-Machine Standalone Update Task => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\OneDriveStandaloneUpdater.exe [4525440 2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) Task: {533D776A-D10B-4856-BE12-BE3F9A2A14B2} - System32\Tasks\EOSv3 Scheduler onLogOn => C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\ESET\ESETOnlineScanner\ESETOnlineScanner.exe [18007968 2021-06-21] (ESET, spol. s r.o. → ESET) Task: {5B69FDFC-E721-45D2-BC4B-6D9794DECB66} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\Lenovo iM Controller Monitor => C:\WINDOWS\system32\ImController.InfInstaller.exe [62392 2021-03-14] (Lenovo → Lenovo Group Ltd.) Task: {5C8D1561-1612-4B09-8F7E-EF317A5B2F5A} - System32\Tasks\HPPSDrTelemetryWatch => C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Diagnostics\TelemetryWatch\PSDrTelemetryWatch.exe [32776 2020-09-09] (HP Inc. → ) Task: {5D7D5981-736D-49DF-82BA-177DBDFD0073} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\Plugins\LenovoSystemUpdatePlugin_WeeklyTask => %windir%\System32\reg.exe add hklm\SOFTWARE\Lenovo\SystemUpdatePlugin\scheduler /v start /t reg_dword /d 1 /f /reg:32 Task: {73469C3A-0B60-4A11-AD8A-FC67A901B741} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater => C:\WINDOWS\system32\compattelrunner.exe Task: {7A5AFDB2-56EC-4352-AB44-069E7BF253A8} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser => C:\WINDOWS\system32\compattelrunner.exe Task: {7D3CF553-1C26-4D99-A6D8-9F43DDD85CFA} - System32\Tasks\LenovoUtility Startup => C:\Windows\explorer.exe lenovo-utility:// Task: {87E7A1E7-8C0B-40E7-A2BD-2F1323F99B7B} - System32\Tasks\EOSv3 Scheduler onTime => C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\ESET\ESETOnlineScanner\ESETOnlineScanner.exe [18007968 2021-06-21] (ESET, spol. s r.o. → ESET) Task: {8BC2C619-127B-48C0-808E-94BE0E94B024} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\OfficeTelemetryAgentLogOn2016 => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\msoia.exe [5275568 2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) Task: {918831C8-109F-44BA-9B14-036A0F2369E0} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Updates\BackgroundDownload => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\ServiceHub\Services\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Service\BackgroundDownload.exe [65440 2020-08-26] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft) Task: {94E96270-6E4E-498E-AD6E-24645F3A86A9} - System32\Tasks\CCleanerSkipUAC => C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [24910520 2020-07-29] (Piriform Software Ltd → Piriform Software Ltd) Task: {A214CC54-74D2-4E63-98EB-14A2C01CF92B} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\TimeBasedEvents\86e5e0b0-d003-433e-b769-1b74275cb20a => C:\WINDOWS\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe [81824 2021-03-14] (Lenovo → Lenovo Group Ltd.) Task: {A86099A8-0679-4B6F-8AA8-9346CD36DD63} - System32\Tasks\CCleaner Update => C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCUpdate.exe [686384 2020-07-29] (Piriform Software Ltd → Piriform Software Ltd) Task: {A91C9294-426C-4F16-9952-29D74734AD70} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\TimeBasedEvents\0a4da190-2933-4ccf-b127-8f2237e878df => C:\WINDOWS\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe [81824 2021-03-14] (Lenovo → Lenovo Group Ltd.) Task: {B2FC7595-3109-4B15-ADDB-2436A484A0CD} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\Lenovo iM Controller Scheduled Maintenance => “%windir%\system32\sc.exe” START ImControllerService Task: {CD43A310-0A1D-4B47-836B-630B2F1FF923} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office Automatic Updates 2.0 => C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe [23124896 2021-06-21] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) Task: {D20E0592-3B80-4045-84CD-E1D58E0485D3} - System32\Tasks\BraveSoftwareUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Update\BraveUpdate.exe [162384 2021-01-12] (Brave Software, Inc. → BraveSoftware Inc.) Task: {D6AB5DD0-254B-4C62-9B6E-0BAA9E1DA293} - System32\Tasks\BraveSoftwareUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Update\BraveUpdate.exe [162384 2021-01-12] (Brave Software, Inc. → BraveSoftware Inc.) Task: {EFE695F7-BF05-48B3-9768-ABF33F769789} - System32\Tasks\Adobe Acrobat Update Task => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe Task: {F2E99573-C2B5-4411-9C0E-F45A53A48189} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office ClickToRun Service Monitor => C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe [23124896 2021-06-21] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) Task: {F7C4D9F9-6A33-4B12-91FA-74CD12565E41} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\TimeBasedEvents\5b9706e6-397c-4470-859c-996366de5b74 => C:\WINDOWS\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe [81824 2021-03-14] (Lenovo → Lenovo Group Ltd.) Task: {FC00D5C9-EC46-4EB8-A0B4-F8D500F9F7C4} - System32\Tasks\Avast Software\Overseer => C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avast Software\Overseer\overseer.exe [1790184 2021-06-08] (Avast Software s.r.o. → Avast Software)

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el archivo de tarea (.job) será movido. El archivo que está siendo ejecutado por la tarea no será movido.)

==================== Internet (Lista blanca) ====================

(Si un elemento es incluido en el fixlist, y éste pertenece al registro, será eliminado o restaurado a su valor predeterminado.)

Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] Tcpip…\Interfaces{7511b7ba-6867-4a53-a7d9-87445fc21d13}: [DhcpNameServer] Tcpip…\Interfaces{a2355965-73a6-431d-a9a3-a517a2b4be69}: [NameServer], Tcpip…\Interfaces{a2355965-73a6-431d-a9a3-a517a2b4be69}: [DhcpNameServer]


Edge Extension: (Sin Nombre) → AutoFormFill_5ED10D46BD7E47DEB1F3685D2C0FCE08 => C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets\HostExtensions\AutoFormFill [no encontrado] Edge Extension: (Sin Nombre) → BookReader_B171F20233094AC88D05A8EF7B9763E8 => C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets\BookViewer [no encontrado] Edge Extension: (Sin Nombre) → LearningTools_7706F933-971C-41D1-9899-8A026EB5D824 => C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets\HostExtensions\LearningTools [no encontrado] Edge Extension: (Sin Nombre) → PinJSAPI_EC01B57063BE468FAB6DB7EBFC3BF368 => C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets\HostExtensions\PinJSAPI [no encontrado] Edge DefaultProfile: Default Edge Profile: C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default [2021-06-30] Edge HKLM-x32…\Edge\Extension: [ihcjicgdanjaechkgeegckofjjedodee]


FF HKLM…\Firefox\Extensions: [{4ED1F68A-5463-4931-9384-8FFF5ED91D92}] - C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\e10ssaffplg.xpi FF Extension: (McAfee® WebAdvisor) - C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\e10ssaffplg.xpi [2021-06-24] [UpdateUrl:hxxps://sadownload.mcafee.com/products/SA/Win/xpi/webadvisor/update.json] FF HKLM…\Firefox\Extensions: [[email protected]] - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Browser\WCFirefoxExtn\WebExtn\signed_extn\adobe_acrobat-1.0-windows.xpi FF Extension: (Adobe Acrobat) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Browser\WCFirefoxExtn\WebExtn\signed_extn\adobe_acrobat-1.0-windows.xpi [2020-03-05] FF HKLM-x32…\Firefox\Extensions: [{4ED1F68A-5463-4931-9384-8FFF5ED91D92}] - C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\e10ssaffplg.xpi FF HKLM-x32…\Firefox\Extensions: [[email protected]] - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Browser\WCFirefoxExtn\WebExtn\signed_extn\adobe_acrobat-1.0-windows.xpi FF Plugin: @microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0 → C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\NPSPWRAP.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin: @videolan.org/vlc,version=3.0.11 → C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll [2021-06-18] (VideoLAN → VideoLAN) FF Plugin: @videolan.org/vlc,version=3.0.12 → C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll [2021-06-18] (VideoLAN → VideoLAN) FF Plugin: @videolan.org/vlc,version=3.0.15 → C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll [2021-06-18] (VideoLAN → VideoLAN) FF Plugin: @videolan.org/vlc,version=3.0.16 → C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll [2021-06-18] (VideoLAN → VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @Apple.com/iTunes,version=1.0 → C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\Mozilla Plugins\npitunes.dll [2015-12-18] (Apple Inc. → ) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=11.281.2 → C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_281\bin\dtplugin\npDeployJava1.dll [2021-02-01] (Oracle America, Inc. → Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=11.281.2 → C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_281\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll [2021-02-01] (Oracle America, Inc. → Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/Lync,version=15.0 → C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\npmeetingjoinpluginoc.dll [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0 → C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\NPSPWRAP.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @update.avastbrowser.com/Avast Browser;version=3 → C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\1.7.915.0\npAvastBrowserUpdate3.dll [Ningún archivo] FF Plugin-x32: @update.avastbrowser.com/Avast Browser;version=9 → C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\1.7.915.0\npAvastBrowserUpdate3.dll [Ningún archivo] FF Plugin-x32: Adobe Acrobat → C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Air\nppdf32.dll [2020-03-06] (Adobe Inc. → Adobe Systems Inc.)


CHR DefaultProfile: Default CHR Profile: C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default [2021-06-30] CHR DefaultSearchURL: Default → hxxps://ssl.gstatic.com/chromoting/chromoting_logo_512.png CHR Extension: (Presentaciones) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\aapocclcgogkmnckokdopfmhonfmgoek [2020-06-13] CHR Extension: (Documentos) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake [2020-06-13] CHR Extension: (Google Drive) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf [2020-11-08] CHR Extension: (YouTube) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo [2020-06-13] CHR Extension: (Adblock Plus - bloqueador de anuncios gratis) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb [2021-06-08] CHR Extension: (Adobe Acrobat) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj [2021-03-14] CHR Extension: (Chrome Remote Desktop) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\efmjfjelnicpmdcmfikempdhlmainjcb [2021-01-23] CHR Extension: (Hojas de cálculo) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\felcaaldnbdncclmgdcncolpebgiejap [2020-06-13] CHR Extension: (McAfee® WebAdvisor) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho [2021-06-15] CHR Extension: (Documentos de Google sin conexión) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ghbmnnjooekpmoecnnnilnnbdlolhkhi [2021-06-25] CHR Extension: (Avast Online Security) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\gomekmidlodglbbmalcneegieacbdmki [2021-03-03] CHR Extension: (Chrome Remote Desktop) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\inomeogfingihgjfjlpeplalcfajhgai [2020-11-08] CHR Extension: (Sistema de pagos de Chrome Web Store) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda [2021-02-01] CHR Extension: (Gmail) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia [2020-11-08] CHR Extension: (Chrome Media Router) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm [2021-06-10] CHR HKLM…\Chrome\Extension: [fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho] CHR HKLM-x32…\Chrome\Extension: [efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj] CHR HKLM-x32…\Chrome\Extension: [fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho] CHR HKLM-x32…\Chrome\Extension: [ihcjicgdanjaechkgeegckofjjedodee] CHR HKLM-x32…\Chrome\Extension: [jgfblpnggnjhmdbidfmoidoglbcbnfoi] CHR HKLM-x32…\Chrome\Extension: [makcojoppodhcgmmchohadhpkicoafka]


BRA DefaultProfile: Default BRA Profile: C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default [2021-06-30] BRA DefaultSearchURL: Default → hxxps://duckduckgo.com/?q={searchTerms}&t=brave BRA DefaultSearchKeyword: Default → :d BRA DefaultSuggestURL: Default → hxxps://ac.duckduckgo.com/ac/?q={searchTerms}&type=list BRA Extension: (Google Traductor) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Extensions\aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb [2021-01-12] BRA Extension: (Avast Online Security) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Extensions\gomekmidlodglbbmalcneegieacbdmki [2021-03-04] BRA Extension: (Brave Local Data Files Updater) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\afalakplffnnnlkncjhbmahjfjhmlkal [2021-02-04] BRA Extension: (Brave User Model Installer) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\ahiocclicnhmiobhocikfdamfccbehhn [2021-04-02] BRA Extension: (Brave Ad Block Updater (Default)) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\cffkpbalmllkdoenhmdmpbkajipdjfam [2021-06-29] BRA Extension: (Brave Tor Client Updater (Windows)) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\cpoalefficncklhjfpglfiplenlpccdb [2021-01-12] BRA Extension: (Brave Ads Resources) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\elecgkckipdmnkkgndidemmdhdcdfhnp [2021-06-24] BRA Extension: (Brave NTP sponsored images) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\fcggndnjiecfkiomngolonakcmagfomn [2021-06-29] BRA Extension: (Brave SpeedReader Updater) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\jicbkmdloagakknpihibphagfckhjdih [2021-06-29] BRA Extension: (Brave HTTPS Everywhere Updater) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\oofiananboodjbbmdelgdommihjbkfag [2021-06-24] BRA Extension: (Brave Ad Block Updater (EasyList Spanish)) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\pdecoifadfkklajdlmndjpkhabpklldh [2021-06-29]

==================== Servicios (Lista blanca) ===================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El archivo no se moverá a menos que sea añadido al listado por separado.)

S3 AGMService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGMService.exe [3739728 2020-09-23] (Adobe Inc. → Adobe Systems, Incorporated) S3 AGSService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGSService.exe [3511376 2020-09-23] (Adobe Inc. → Adobe Systems, Incorporated) R3 aswbIDSAgent; C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswidsagent.exe [8249936 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) S3 avast; C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\AvastBrowserUpdate.exe [193688 2020-06-13] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R2 avast! Antivirus; C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe [625432 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R2 avast! Tools; C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswToolsSvc.exe [373528 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) S3 avastm; C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\AvastBrowserUpdate.exe [193688 2020-06-13] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R2 AvastWscReporter; C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\wsc_proxy.exe [56912 2021-06-08] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) S2 brave; C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Update\BraveUpdate.exe [162384 2021-01-12] (Brave Software, Inc. → BraveSoftware Inc.) S3 bravem; C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Update\BraveUpdate.exe [162384 2021-01-12] (Brave Software, Inc. → BraveSoftware Inc.) R2 ClickToRunSvc; C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeClickToRun.exe [11279752 2021-06-21] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) R2 CoreScanner; C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\CoreScanner.exe [666112 2020-12-16] (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] S3 Disc Soft Lite Bus Service; C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DiscSoftBusServiceLite.exe [4701376 2020-06-14] (AVB Disc Soft, SIA → Disc Soft Ltd) R2 DolbyDAXAPI; C:\WINDOWS\system32\dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe [1926600 2019-09-02] (Dolby Laboratories, Inc. → ) S3 FileSyncHelper; C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncHelper.exe [3090808 2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) R2 FMAPOService; C:\WINDOWS\System32\FMService64.exe [359808 2019-08-16] (Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher → Fortemedia) R2 HPPrintScanDoctorService; C:\Program Files\HPPrintScanDoctor\HPPrintScanDoctorService.exe [288360 2021-06-10] (HP Inc. → HP Inc.) S3 IDriverT; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe [69632 2005-04-04] (Macrovision Corporation) [Archivo no firmado] R2 ImControllerService; C:\WINDOWS\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe [81824 2021-03-14] (Lenovo → Lenovo Group Ltd.) S3 MBAMService; C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MBAMService.exe [7456464 2021-01-11] (Malwarebytes Inc → Malwarebytes) R2 McAfee WebAdvisor; C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\ServiceHost.exe [974168 2021-06-24] (McAfee, LLC → McAfee, LLC) S3 MySQL57; C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysqld.exe [39622144 2016-02-02] () [Archivo no firmado] S3 OneDrive Updater Service; C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\OneDriveUpdaterService.exe [3693944 2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) R2 rsmdriverproviderservice; C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\RSMDriverProviderService.exe [142848 2020-12-16] (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] R2 ScnSrvc; C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\ScannerService.exe [299520 2020-12-16] (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] S3 Sense; C:\Program Files\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\MsSense.exe [5393304 2021-06-11] (Microsoft Windows Publisher → Microsoft Corporation) S3 VSStandardCollectorService150; C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Common\DiagnosticsHub.Collection.Service\StandardCollector.Service.exe [147392 2019-04-30] (Microsoft Corporation → Microsoft Corporation) S3 WdNisSvc; C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\NisSrv.exe [3004048 2019-12-07] (Microsoft Windows Publisher → Microsoft Corporation) S3 WinDefend; C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe [103384 2019-12-07] (Microsoft Windows Publisher → Microsoft Corporation)

===================== Controladores (Lista blanca) ===================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El archivo no se moverá a menos que sea añadido al listado por separado.)

S3 AppleLowerFilter; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\AppleLowerFilter.sys [35560 2018-05-10] (WDKTestCert build,131474841775766162 → Apple Inc.) R0 aswArDisk; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswArDisk.sys [35720 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R1 aswArPot; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswArPot.sys [216928 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R1 aswbidsdriver; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswbidsdriver.sys [366616 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R0 aswbidsh; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswbidsh.sys [250392 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R0 aswbuniv; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswbuniv.sys [99352 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R0 aswElam; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswElam.sys [17328 2021-06-08] (Microsoft Windows Early Launch Anti-malware Publisher → AVAST Software) R1 aswKbd; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswKbd.sys [41352 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R1 aswMonFlt; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [182600 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R1 aswNetHub; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswNetHub.sys [524400 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R1 aswRdr; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswRdr2.sys [107848 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R0 aswRvrt; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswRvrt.sys [82912 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R1 aswSnx; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswSnx.sys [851192 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) R1 aswSP; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswSP.sys [471920 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) S2 aswStm; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswStm.sys [215384 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) S3 aswTap; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswTap.sys [53904 2020-08-27] (AVAST Software s.r.o. → The OpenVPN Project) R0 aswVmm; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswVmm.sys [327536 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. → AVAST Software) S2 atksgt; C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\atksgt.sys [303616 2020-06-14] () [Archivo no firmado] R3 dtlitescsibus; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\dtlitescsibus.sys [42256 2020-06-14] (AVB Disc Soft, SIA → Disc Soft Ltd) R3 dtliteusbbus; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\dtliteusbbus.sys [59360 2020-06-14] (AVB Disc Soft, SIA → Disc Soft Ltd) R1 ESProtectionDriver; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mbae64.sys [153312 2021-01-11] (Malwarebytes Corporation → Malwarebytes) R1 gvm; C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\gvm.sys [393192 2020-06-17] (Google LLC → Google LLC) S2 lirsgt; C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\lirsgt.sys [35328 2020-06-14] () [Archivo no firmado] S0 MbamElam; C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\MbamElam.sys [19912 2021-01-11] (Microsoft Windows Early Launch Anti-malware Publisher → Malwarebytes) S3 MBAMFarflt; C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\farflt.sys [197792 2021-01-24] (Malwarebytes Inc → Malwarebytes) S3 MBAMProtection; C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\mbam.sys [77496 2021-01-24] (Malwarebytes Inc → Malwarebytes) S3 MBAMSwissArmy; C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys [248992 2021-03-01] (Malwarebytes Inc → Malwarebytes) S3 MBAMWebProtection; C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\mwac.sys [141472 2021-01-25] (Malwarebytes Inc → Malwarebytes) R2 NPF; C:\Program Files (x86)\iVMS-4200 Site\Drivers\npf64.sys [36600 2020-12-10] (Riverbed Technology, Inc. → Riverbed Technology, Inc.) R3 phantomtap; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\phantomtap.sys [50248 2020-07-06] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG → The OpenVPN Project) S3 ptun0901; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ptun0901.sys [27136 2014-08-08] (OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. → The OpenVPN Project) S3 RkFlt; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rkflt.sys [42056 2021-06-26] (Adlice → ) S3 tap0901; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\tap0901.sys [40664 2013-08-22] (OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. → The OpenVPN Project) S3 tapnordvpn; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\tapnordvpn.sys [44896 2020-06-09] (TEFINCOM S.A. → The OpenVPN Project) S3 WdBoot; C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\WdBoot.sys [46688 2019-12-07] (Microsoft Windows Early Launch Anti-malware Publisher → Microsoft Corporation) S3 WdFilter; C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\WdFilter.sys [350136 2019-12-07] (Microsoft Windows → Microsoft Corporation) S3 wdm_usb; C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\usb2ser.sys [151184 2016-07-15] (NGO → MBB) S3 WdNisDrv; C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\WdNisDrv.sys [54200 2019-12-07] (Microsoft Windows → Microsoft Corporation)

==================== NetSvcs (Lista blanca) ===================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El archivo no se moverá a menos que sea añadido al listado por separado.)

==================== Un mes (creado) (Lista blanca) =========

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el archivo/carpeta será eliminado/a.)

2021-06-30 17:55 - 2021-06-30 17:57 - 000034396 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\FRST.txt 2021-06-30 17:54 - 2021-06-30 17:56 - 000000000 ____D C:\FRST 2021-06-30 17:53 - 2021-06-30 17:53 - 002300416 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\FRST64.exe 2021-06-30 10:35 - 2021-06-30 10:35 - 000198000 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-06-30 at 10.31.24 (1).jpeg 2021-06-30 10:35 - 2021-06-30 10:35 - 000101261 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-06-30 at 10.31.24.jpeg 2021-06-30 08:59 - 2021-06-30 08:59 - 000005660 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Desktop\roguek}.txt 2021-06-30 08:55 - 2021-06-30 08:55 - 000007092 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Desktop\rogue.txt 2021-06-29 20:53 - 2021-06-30 03:43 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\RogueKiller 2021-06-29 20:53 - 2021-06-29 20:53 - 033510736 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\RogueKiller_portable64.exe 2021-06-29 13:33 - 2021-06-29 13:33 - 001733857 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WhatsApp Unknown 2021-06-29 at 13.33.22.zip 2021-06-29 12:20 - 2021-06-29 12:20 - 000116017 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-06-29 at 11.11.09.jpeg 2021-06-29 12:20 - 2021-06-29 12:20 - 000080378 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-06-29 at 11.11.10.jpeg 2021-06-29 12:20 - 2021-06-29 12:20 - 000041507 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\0503271_99058518_2021012.pdf 2021-06-27 21:14 - 2021-06-27 21:14 - 014114816 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WindowsPCHealthCheckSetup.msi 2021-06-27 20:11 - 2021-06-27 20:11 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\South Park - The Stick of Truth 2021-06-27 20:03 - 2021-06-27 20:11 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\South Park - The Stick of Truth 2021-06-27 19:52 - 2021-06-27 19:54 - 1002654367 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\So1uthPa4rkTSti8ckoTUpd3-elamigos.part4.rar 2021-06-27 19:49 - 2021-06-27 19:52 - 1072693248 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\So1uthPa4rkTSti8ckoTUpd3-elamigos.part3.rar 2021-06-27 19:45 - 2021-06-27 19:48 - 1072693248 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\So1uthPa4rkTSti8ckoTUpd3-elamigos.part2.rar 2021-06-27 19:40 - 2021-06-27 19:42 - 1072693248 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\So1uthPa4rkTSti8ckoTUpd3-elamigos.part1.rar 2021-06-27 14:36 - 2021-06-27 14:36 - 000001437 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Proceso lineas de texto.txt 2021-06-27 12:28 - 2021-06-27 12:28 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Revo Uninstaller 2021-06-27 12:28 - 2021-06-27 12:28 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\VS Revo Group 2021-06-27 12:27 - 2021-06-27 12:27 - 007510656 _____ (VS Revo Group ) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\revosetup.exe 2021-06-26 20:55 - 2021-06-26 20:55 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\FiraxisLive 2021-06-26 20:53 - 2021-06-26 20:53 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Sid Meiers Civilization VI 2021-06-26 16:56 - 2021-06-26 17:01 - 1862642426 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Si6dMei6ersCivil6izationVI- 2021-06-26 16:49 - 2021-06-26 16:54 - 2097152000 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Si6dMei6ersCivil6izationVI- 2021-06-26 16:32 - 2021-06-26 16:35 - 2097152000 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Si6dMei6ersCivil6izationVI- 2021-06-26 16:26 - 2021-06-26 16:29 - 2097152000 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Si6dMei6ersCivil6izationVI- 2021-06-26 12:53 - 2021-06-26 13:00 - 2725512845 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Creado Por Freeman Juegos PC HL2 En Español ISO 2020.rar 2021-06-26 09:38 - 2021-06-25 13:54 - 000339736 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\aswBoot.exe 2021-06-25 18:29 - 2021-06-25 18:29 - 001802704 _____ (Bleeping Computer, LLC) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\iExplore.exe 2021-06-25 18:28 - 2021-06-27 22:22 - 000002588 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\CreateExplorerShellUnelevatedTask 2021-06-25 18:27 - 2021-06-25 18:27 - 000000000 ____D C:\KPRM 2021-06-25 13:55 - 2021-06-25 13:54 - 000215384 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswStm.sys 2021-06-25 09:30 - 2021-06-26 09:39 - 000002095 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Avast Free Antivirus.lnk 2021-06-25 09:18 - 2021-06-26 12:12 - 000042056 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\rkflt.sys 2021-06-24 21:46 - 2021-06-24 21:46 - 041835880 _____ (Adlice Software ) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\RogueKiller_setup.exe 2021-06-24 20:22 - 2021-06-24 20:22 - 000036391 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\descarga.pdf 2021-06-24 20:18 - 2021-06-24 20:18 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\CipSoft GmbH 2021-06-24 20:18 - 2021-06-24 20:18 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\cache 2021-06-24 20:13 - 2021-06-24 20:31 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Tibia 2021-06-24 20:13 - 2021-06-24 20:13 - 008079224 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Tibia_Setup.exe 2021-06-24 11:08 - 2021-06-24 11:08 - 000019247 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Ejemplos-de-Msgbox-en-VBA.xlsm 2021-06-23 15:24 - 2021-06-27 22:22 - 000003020 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\EOSv3 Scheduler onLogOn 2021-06-23 15:24 - 2021-06-27 22:22 - 000002640 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\EOSv3 Scheduler onTime 2021-06-22 13:15 - 2021-06-22 13:15 - 000041912 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\0503271_99058518_2021009.pdf 2021-06-22 13:15 - 2021-06-22 13:15 - 000041912 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\0503271_99058518_2021009 (1).pdf 2021-06-22 13:15 - 2021-06-22 13:15 - 000041895 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\0503271_99058518_2021010.pdf 2021-06-22 13:14 - 2021-06-22 13:14 - 000041423 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\0503271_99058518_2021011.pdf 2021-06-22 13:04 - 2021-06-22 13:04 - 012423939 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\6°:butterfly::infinity:PlanCuadernillo mejormaestroSem39.pdf 2021-06-22 13:04 - 2021-06-22 13:04 - 012423939 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\6°:butterfly::infinity:PlanCuadernillo mejormaestroSem39 (2).pdf 2021-06-22 13:04 - 2021-06-22 13:04 - 012423939 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\6°:butterfly::infinity:PlanCuadernillo mejormaestroSem39 (1).pdf 2021-06-21 17:49 - 2021-06-23 15:27 - 000001385 _____ C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ESET Online Scanner.lnk 2021-06-21 17:49 - 2021-06-21 17:49 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\ESET 2021-06-21 11:13 - 2021-06-23 09:54 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\Doctor Web 2021-06-21 11:12 - 2021-06-21 11:13 - 011697056 _____ (ESET) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\esetonlinescanner.exe 2021-06-21 11:12 - 2021-06-21 11:12 - 249118688 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\pma40nlw.exe 2021-06-21 09:51 - 2021-06-21 09:51 - 008534696 _____ (Malwarebytes) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\adwcleaner_8.2 (1).exe 2021-06-20 18:17 - 2021-06-30 08:56 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\aTube Catcher 2021-06-20 18:16 - 2017-11-09 12:58 - 000440320 _____ (Dart Communications) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\DartSock.dll 2021-06-20 18:16 - 2017-11-09 12:58 - 000401408 _____ (Dart Communications) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\DartSecure2.dll 2021-06-20 18:16 - 2017-11-09 12:58 - 000249856 _____ (Dart Communications) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\DartCertificate.dll 2021-06-20 18:16 - 2008-08-18 19:18 - 000077824 _____ (Fox Magic Software) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\fmcodec.DLL 2021-06-20 18:04 - 2021-06-20 18:04 - 004981533 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\aresregular246_installer.exe 2021-06-19 18:09 - 2021-06-27 20:07 - 000002173 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneDrive.lnk 2021-06-19 18:08 - 2021-06-30 09:13 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive 2021-06-18 17:29 - 2021-06-27 22:22 - 000002716 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\OneDrive Per-Machine Standalone Update Task 2021-06-18 17:29 - 2021-06-18 17:29 - 000000000 ___RD C:\Users\Default\OneDrive 2021-06-18 17:27 - 2021-06-18 17:27 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\DESIGNER 2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002545 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Skype Empresarial.lnk 2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002496 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Word.lnk 2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002477 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Access.lnk 2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002459 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PowerPoint.lnk 2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002452 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Excel.lnk 2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002450 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Outlook.lnk 2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002408 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneNote.lnk 2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002404 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Publisher.lnk 2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Herramientas de Microsoft Office 2021-06-18 16:58 - 2021-06-18 16:58 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15 2021-06-18 16:22 - 2020-10-30 12:34 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\PRO2021v2 2021-06-18 16:17 - 2021-06-18 16:17 - 004637185 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\PRO2021v2.rar 2021-06-17 19:11 - 2021-06-17 19:19 - 240145094 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Microsoft Office 2019 Español.rar 2021-06-17 18:49 - 2021-06-17 18:51 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Sysinternals 2021-06-17 18:46 - 2021-06-17 18:47 - 001486492 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\TCPView.zip 2021-06-17 10:48 - 2021-06-17 10:53 - 000000000 ___RD C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Herramientas de Microsoft Office 2016 2021-06-17 10:32 - 2021-06-17 10:32 - 000000000 __RHD C:\MSOCache 2021-06-16 20:00 - 2021-06-16 20:00 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Firmware 2021-06-15 19:48 - 2021-06-15 19:48 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Panther 2021-06-15 17:35 - 2021-06-29 13:34 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\Desktop\DESK 2021-06-14 11:04 - 2021-06-14 11:04 - 000078196 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\CURP_BAQJ710618HCLLRS06.pdf 2021-06-14 11:04 - 2021-06-14 11:04 - 000078196 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\CURP_BAQJ710618HCLLRS06 (1).pdf 2021-06-14 11:01 - 2021-06-14 11:01 - 000307547 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\BAQJ710618HCLLRS06.pdf 2021-06-13 20:14 - 2021-06-13 20:14 - 008288982 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Catalogo nutrición 2021.pdf 2021-06-12 21:36 - 2021-06-12 21:36 - 003476268 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Guia_de_Productos_2020_MX_Digital_NEW.pdf 2021-06-12 17:45 - 2021-06-12 17:45 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\HiLookVision Station 2021-06-12 17:40 - 2021-06-12 17:40 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\HiLookVision Station 2021-06-12 17:19 - 2021-06-12 17:19 - 013308614 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\CATÁLOGO 2021 SEYTU (1).pdf 2021-06-12 17:19 - 2021-06-12 17:19 - 013308614 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\b72e3a40-4601-42c6-9210-98cd81485250.pdf 2021-06-12 17:18 - 2021-06-12 17:19 - 013308614 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\CATÁLOGO 2021 SEYTU.pdf 2021-06-12 14:50 - 2021-06-12 15:26 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\Public\HikCentral 2021-06-12 14:46 - 2021-06-12 14:50 - 303494144 _____ (Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\HikCentral_Professional_Control_Client_V2.0.1.20210315103605_Win_x64_Installer.exe 2021-06-11 22:04 - 2021-06-11 22:04 - 001687040 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\libcrypto.dll 2021-06-11 22:03 - 2021-06-11 22:03 - 000157184 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\uwfcsp.dll 2021-06-11 22:03 - 2021-06-11 22:03 - 000153600 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\uwfcfgmgmt.dll 2021-06-11 22:02 - 2021-06-11 22:02 - 002755584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\mshtml.tlb 2021-06-11 22:02 - 2021-06-11 22:02 - 000700928 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\FsNVSDeviceSource.dll 2021-06-11 22:02 - 2021-06-11 22:02 - 000451072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl 2021-06-11 22:01 - 2021-06-11 22:01 - 002755584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshtml.tlb 2021-06-11 22:01 - 2021-06-11 22:01 - 001314120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\SecConfig.efi 2021-06-11 22:01 - 2021-06-11 22:01 - 000568832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetcpl.cpl 2021-06-11 22:01 - 2021-06-11 22:01 - 000011353 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\DrtmAuthTxt.wim 2021-06-11 22:00 - 2021-06-11 22:00 - 001864192 _____ (The ICU Project) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\icu.dll 2021-06-11 22:00 - 2021-06-11 22:00 - 000468440 _____ C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\WindowManagementAPI.dll 2021-06-11 21:59 - 2021-06-11 21:59 - 001163776 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\MBR2GPT.EXE 2021-06-11 21:59 - 2021-06-11 21:59 - 000423936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\winspool.drv 2021-06-11 21:59 - 2021-06-11 21:59 - 000223744 _____ C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\TpmTool.exe 2021-06-11 21:57 - 2021-06-11 21:57 - 001823792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\winload.efi 2021-06-11 21:57 - 2021-06-11 21:57 - 001393496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\winresume.efi 2021-06-11 21:57 - 2021-06-11 21:57 - 000060928 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\runexehelper.exe 2021-06-11 21:55 - 2021-06-11 21:55 - 002260480 _____ (The ICU Project) C:\WINDOWS\system32\icu.dll 2021-06-11 21:55 - 2021-06-11 21:55 - 000657464 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowManagementAPI.dll 2021-06-11 21:55 - 2021-06-11 21:55 - 000231248 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\containerdevicemanagement.dll 2021-06-11 21:55 - 2021-06-11 21:55 - 000097280 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\cimfs.sys 2021-06-11 21:54 - 2021-06-11 21:54 - 000165888 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\DataStoreCacheDumpTool.exe 2021-06-11 21:53 - 2021-06-11 21:53 - 000563712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\winspool.drv 2021-06-11 21:53 - 2021-06-11 21:53 - 000287232 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\CoreMas.dll 2021-06-11 21:53 - 2021-06-11 21:53 - 000272384 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\TpmTool.exe 2021-06-11 21:53 - 2021-06-11 21:53 - 000013312 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\agentactivationruntimestarter.exe 2021-06-11 17:58 - 2021-06-20 22:25 - 000000000 ____D C:\HiLookVision 2021-06-11 17:42 - 2021-06-11 17:43 - 000000000 ____D C:\LocalStorage 2021-06-11 17:27 - 2021-06-11 17:30 - 192038888 _____ (company) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\HiLookVision (Multilingual).exe 2021-06-10 18:53 - 2021-06-10 19:55 - 734752180 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\El1nfi3rn0.rar 2021-06-10 16:10 - 2021-06-10 16:11 - 1004508732 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\G0DZIK0NG.rar 2021-06-10 15:59 - 2021-06-10 16:15 - 183680697 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\El1nfi3rn0.rar (1).crdownload 2021-06-10 15:55 - 2021-06-10 15:55 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\HPPrintScanDoctor 2021-06-10 15:41 - 2021-06-10 15:53 - 142851769 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\El1nfi3rn0.rar.crdownload 2021-06-08 20:58 - 2021-06-08 20:58 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Avast Software 2021-06-08 15:28 - 2021-06-08 15:28 - 000017328 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswElam.sys 2021-06-08 15:00 - 2021-06-29 22:19 - 000003486 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineCore1d719a973c308fd

==================== Un mes (modificado) ==================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el archivo/carpeta será eliminado/a.)

2021-06-30 17:52 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\regid.1991-06.com.microsoft 2021-06-30 17:36 - 2021-03-15 09:15 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\SleepStudy 2021-06-30 10:25 - 2020-06-13 21:45 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\D3DSCache 2021-06-30 10:21 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ___HD C:\Program Files\WindowsApps 2021-06-30 10:21 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\AppReadiness 2021-06-30 09:31 - 2019-12-07 04:13 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\INF 2021-06-30 09:30 - 2020-07-02 22:55 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\CCleaner 2021-06-30 09:21 - 2021-03-15 09:44 - 001788600 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2021-06-30 09:21 - 2019-12-07 09:55 - 000790578 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\perfh00A.dat 2021-06-30 09:21 - 2019-12-07 09:55 - 000164810 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\perfc00A.dat 2021-06-30 09:14 - 2020-06-13 22:53 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Avast Software 2021-06-30 09:13 - 2021-03-15 10:08 - 000000006 ____H C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\SA.DAT 2021-06-30 09:13 - 2021-03-15 09:14 - 000008192 ___SH C:\DumpStack.log.tmp 2021-06-30 09:13 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\ServiceState 2021-06-30 09:13 - 2019-11-07 18:31 - 000000134 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\regtest.txt 2021-06-30 09:12 - 2019-12-07 04:03 - 000524288 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\BBI 2021-06-30 09:12 - 2019-11-07 18:28 - 000065536 _____ C:\WINDOWS\psp_storage.bin 2021-06-30 08:56 - 2021-01-09 19:37 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings 2021-06-29 22:19 - 2021-03-15 10:08 - 000003580 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineUA 2021-06-29 12:23 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000004264 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\Avast Emergency Update 2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:08 - 000003284 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineCore 2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003554 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\LenovoUtility Startup 2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003504 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\BraveSoftwareUpdateTaskMachineUA 2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003484 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA 2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003280 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\BraveSoftwareUpdateTaskMachineCore 2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003260 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore 2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003194 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\CCleaner Update 2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000002848 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\HPPSDrTelemetryWatch 2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000002236 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\CCleanerSkipUAC 2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\Avast Software 2021-06-27 22:12 - 2020-08-27 13:05 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent 2021-06-27 21:53 - 2020-06-13 21:44 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Packages 2021-06-27 20:17 - 2020-06-14 13:05 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\Documents\My Games 2021-06-27 20:08 - 2020-06-13 21:50 - 000000000 ___RD C:\Users\JG119\OneDrive 2021-06-27 14:07 - 2020-11-08 19:06 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Aplicaciones de Chrome 2021-06-27 13:55 - 2021-02-08 20:57 - 000000185 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\symbscnr.log.bak 2021-06-27 13:03 - 2020-06-13 23:11 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\CrashDumps 2021-06-26 18:42 - 2020-06-14 12:29 - 000000000 ____D C:\Games 2021-06-26 14:14 - 2021-01-01 14:52 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\appmgmt 2021-06-26 10:06 - 2020-08-29 00:06 - 000002447 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Edge.lnk 2021-06-26 09:38 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ___HD C:\WINDOWS\ELAMBKUP 2021-06-25 15:47 - 2021-03-15 05:26 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2021-04-02 16:20 - 000035720 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswArDisk.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-11-08 18:28 - 000182600 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswMonFlt.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000851192 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswSnx.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000524400 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswNetHub.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000471920 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswSP.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000366616 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswbidsdriver.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000327536 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000250392 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswbidsh.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000216928 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswArPot.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000107848 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswRdr2.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000099352 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswbuniv.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000082912 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys 2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000041352 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswKbd.sys 2021-06-25 03:00 - 2020-06-13 22:02 - 000002306 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Chrome.lnk 2021-06-24 23:29 - 2019-12-07 04:03 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\CbsTemp 2021-06-24 16:52 - 2021-01-12 22:43 - 000002369 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Brave.lnk 2021-06-23 09:55 - 2020-12-30 20:26 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\Documents\VlcpVideoV1.0.1 2021-06-23 08:45 - 2020-07-12 03:26 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Anno 2070 Complete Edition 2021-06-23 08:40 - 2019-09-02 15:46 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Package Cache 2021-06-21 23:37 - 2019-09-02 15:49 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 2021-06-18 17:23 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared 2021-06-18 16:01 - 2021-03-15 09:15 - 000466040 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT 2021-06-17 18:48 - 2020-06-13 22:01 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Google 2021-06-17 11:09 - 2019-12-07 04:03 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\servicing 2021-06-17 10:57 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\System 2021-06-17 10:57 - 2019-03-18 23:49 - 000000076 _____ C:\WINDOWS\win.ini 2021-06-17 10:55 - 2020-06-13 22:31 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server 2021-06-17 10:55 - 2020-06-13 22:31 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server 2021-06-17 09:55 - 2021-01-09 20:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR 2021-06-17 09:55 - 2021-01-09 20:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR 2021-06-17 09:54 - 2020-12-14 13:01 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR 2021-06-16 20:13 - 2019-11-07 18:31 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\dolbyaposvc 2021-06-16 20:08 - 2019-11-07 18:28 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\AMD 2021-06-15 19:47 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avast Software 2021-06-15 17:57 - 2020-06-14 00:26 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\Avast Software 2021-06-15 17:57 - 2020-06-13 22:54 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Avast Software 2021-06-15 15:16 - 2020-06-24 23:05 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\vlc 2021-06-12 17:40 - 2020-06-14 00:21 - 000000000 ___HD C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information 2021-06-12 15:23 - 2021-02-05 14:40 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\HP 2021-06-12 15:16 - 2021-01-12 21:16 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Cracklock 2021-06-12 00:27 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ___RD C:\WINDOWS\ImmersiveControlPanel 2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\WinMetadata 2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\setup 2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\oobe 2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\lv-LV 2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\lt-LT 2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\et-EE 2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\es-MX 2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\Dism 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2021-03-15 02:52 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\es-MX 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2021-03-15 02:52 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\es-MX 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 09:58 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 09:56 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\OpenSSH 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ___SD C:\WINDOWS\system32\DiagSvcs 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ___RD C:\WINDOWS\PrintDialog 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SystemResources 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinMetadata 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\SystemResetPlatform 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\oobe 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\migwiz 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\lv-LV 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\lt-LT 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\et-EE 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\es-MX 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\Dism 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Provisioning 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\PolicyDefinitions 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\DiagTrack 2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\bcastdvr 2021-06-11 22:27 - 2019-12-07 09:58 - 000023552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\OEMDefaultAssociations.dll 2021-06-11 21:52 - 2021-03-15 09:20 - 002877440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\PrintConfig.dll 2021-06-11 20:34 - 2020-11-08 21:49 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Update Health Tools 2021-06-11 20:29 - 2020-06-14 01:37 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\MRT 2021-06-11 20:15 - 2020-06-14 01:37 - 132447432 ____C (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\MRT.exe 2021-06-10 15:55 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\HP 2021-06-10 12:07 - 2020-06-13 22:45 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\MSfree Inc 2021-06-08 15:20 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\LiveKernelReports 2021-06-06 10:20 - 2020-06-13 22:00 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\PlaceholderTileLogoFolder

==================== Archivos en la raíz de algunos directorios ========

2020-12-19 08:29 - 2020-12-19 08:29 - 000061300 _____ () C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\734030122 2020-12-18 15:13 - 2020-12-18 15:13 - 000000410 _____ () C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\oobelibMkey.log 2021-01-13 20:37 - 2021-01-13 20:44 - 000005230 _____ () C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\setup75126.exe

==================== SigCheck ============================

(No existe una corrección automática para los archivos que no pasan la verificación.)

==================== Final de FRST.txt ========================

Hola nuevamente,

Los enlaces a sitios hosting no están permitidos :x: En el manual que deje vienen instrucciones e incluso in gif explicando como pegar los reportes. Por favor elimina el enlace.

Para poder ayudarte de la mejor manera procura toma el tiempo de revisar los enlaces y leer lo que se poneya que ninguno de los reportes han sido pegados correctamente. Si hay alguna duda te podemos ayudar.

Te dejo el siguiente tema por si lo que viene en el manual se complica:

Revisa el que pegaste y mandalo usando los `` o la etiqueta [code] ya que si no se nos deforma y se dificulta el leerlo. Te muestro de ejemplo como se deben de ver los reportes usando el que dejaste en el enlace a mediafire, que por tamaño mando por partes o podemos adjuntar en un mensaje.

Parte 1:

Resultados del Análisis Adicional de Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Versión: 29-06-2021
Ejecutado por JG119 (30-06-2021 18:00:24)
Ejecutado desde C:\Users\JG119\Downloads
Windows 10 Pro Versión 21H1 19043.1052 (X64) (2021-03-15 15:13:52)
Modo de Inicio: Normal

==================== Cuentas: =============================

admin (S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1008 - Limited - Enabled)
Administrador (S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-500 - Administrator - Disabled)
DefaultAccount (S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-503 - Limited - Disabled)
Invitado (S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-501 - Limited - Disabled)
JG119 (S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001 - Administrator - Enabled) => C:\Users\JG119
WDAGUtilityAccount (S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-504 - Limited - Disabled)

==================== Centro de Seguridad ========================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada.)

AV: Windows Defender (Disabled - Out of date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46}
AV: Avast Antivirus (Disabled - Up to date) {EB19B86E-3998-C706-90EF-92B41EB091AF}

==================== Programas instalados ======================

(Solo los programas de adware con indicador "Oculto", pueden ser añadidos al fixlist para hacerlos visibles. Los programas adware deben ser desinstalados manualmente.)

3uTools (HKLM-x32\...\3uTools) (Version: 2.55.012 - ShangHai ZhangZheng Network Technology Co., Ltd.)
Active Directory Authentication Library for SQL Server (HKLM\...\{31D1C054-08DC-4509-B621-2024938AABB1}) (Version: 15.0.1300.359 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Adobe Acrobat DC (HKLM-x32\...\{AC76BA86-1033-FFFF-7760-0C0F074E4100}) (Version: 20.006.20042 - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings versión 1.0 (HKLM-x32\...\{BBAA1C37-A40B-4FD8-8C6B-C9B4106D3C63}_is1) (Version: 1.0 - MasterEGA, Inc.)
Age of Empires III - The WarChiefs (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{1C08A24C-B168-407E-A826-68FAF5F20710}) (Version: 1.00.0000 - Microsoft Game Studios)
Age of Empires III (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{993908C2-50E1-4CCB-9846-D663D340896C}) (Version: 1.00.0000 - Microsoft Game Studios)
Age of Mythology Extended Edition MULTi9 - ElAmigos versión 2.6.213 (HKLM-x32\...\{A8137F80-F238-484C-9B87-D0BA5E5EA268}_is1) (Version: 2.6.213 - Microsoft Studios)
Android Studio (HKLM\...\Android Studio) (Version: 4.0 - Google LLC)
Anno 1404 Gold Edition versión 1.03 (HKLM-x32\...\{52057027-985F-4455-9D84-46D3D99AB138}_is1) (Version: 1.03 - UBISoft)
Anno 1701 (HKLM-x32\...\{A2433A63-5F5D-40E5-B529-9123C2B3E734}) (Version: 1.00 - Sunflowers)
Anno 1800 Complete Edition MULTi11 - ElAmigos versión 9.2 (HKLM-x32\...\{967C6985-92EC-417D-9217-E7C1E0E75FE5}_is1) (Version: 9.2 - Ubisoft)
Anno 2070 Complete Edition versión 2.0.7780.0 (HKLM-x32\...\Anno 2070 Complete Edition_is1) (Version: 2.0.7780.0 - UBISoft)
Any Video Downloader Pro 7 (HKLM-x32\...\Any Video Downloader Pro_is1) (Version:  - Any Video Software)
Apple Application Support (32 bits) (HKLM-x32\...\{D4B07658-F443-4445-A261-E643996E139D}) (Version: 4.3.2 - Apple Inc.)
Apple Mobile Device Support (HKLM\...\{6F085FCD-4B6A-4F63-AF23-B74629C40797}) (Version: - Apple Inc.)
Apple Software Update (HKLM-x32\...\{56EC47AA-5813-4FF6-8E75-544026FBEA83}) (Version: - Apple Inc.)
Application Verifier x64 External Package (HKLM\...\{10CA1677-8F02-3131-F25C-780BAB52E468}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft) Hidden
Avast Free Antivirus (HKLM-x32\...\Avast Antivirus) (Version: 21.5.2470 - Avast Software)
Avast Update Helper (HKLM-x32\...\{A92DAB39-4E2C-4304-9AB6-BC44E68B55E2}) (Version: 1.7.915.0 - AVAST Software) Hidden
Bonjour (HKLM\...\{56DDDFB8-7F79-4480-89D5-25E1F52AB28F}) (Version: - Apple Inc.)
Borland C++ 5.02 (HKLM-x32\...\Borland C++ 5.02) (Version:  - )
Brave (HKLM-x32\...\BraveSoftware Brave-Browser) (Version: - Los creadores de Brave)
CCleaner (HKLM\...\CCleaner) (Version: 5.69 - Piriform)
ClickOnce Bootstrapper Package for Microsoft .NET Framework (HKLM-x32\...\{0243F145-076D-423A-8F77-218DC8840261}) (Version: 4.8.04119 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
DAEMON Tools Lite (HKLM\...\DAEMON Tools Lite) (Version: - Disc Soft Ltd)
DiagnosticsHub_CollectionService (HKLM\...\{1F3C3AAC-9F7A-47DA-A082-0ACE770041BE}) (Version: 16.1.28901 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
eleventa® Punto de Venta MonoCaja (HKLM-x32\...\eleventa® Punto de Venta MonoCaja_is1) (Version: - www.eleventa.com)
Entity Framework 6.2.0 Tools  for Visual Studio 2019 (HKLM-x32\...\{7C2070BF-8E07-4B5F-A182-FADB0B95AB39}) (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Free Netflix Download version (HKLM-x32\...\Free Netflix Download_is1) (Version: - FreeGrabApp Ltd)
Google Chrome (HKLM-x32\...\Google Chrome) (Version: 91.0.4472.124 - Google LLC)
Google Update Helper (HKLM-x32\...\{60EC980A-BDA2-4CB6-A427-B07A5498B4CA}) (Version: - Google LLC) Hidden
HiLookVision (HKLM-x32\...\{4A939D2D-E8EB-4D0D-A71D-C981929677D7}) (Version: - company)
icecap_collection_neutral (HKLM-x32\...\{EEF3770F-1EEF-4AA4-94E7-4B1DEBEED8B6}) (Version: 16.7.30310 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
icecap_collection_x64 (HKLM\...\{1E36C98F-0653-495C-B28E-433A6740ADB0}) (Version: 16.7.30310 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
icecap_collectionresources (HKLM-x32\...\{1A5879B8-C07E-4152-89DD-CE6B8204B19C}) (Version: 16.7.30310 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
icecap_collectionresourcesx64 (HKLM-x32\...\{8F25E63F-B0EC-4F71-A447-C76588F31E98}) (Version: 16.7.30309 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
IIS 10.0 Express (HKLM\...\{0307C98E-AE82-4A4F-A950-A72FBD805338}) (Version: 10.0.04403 - Microsoft Corporation)
IIS Express Application Compatibility Database for x64 (HKLM\...\{08274920-8908-45c2-9258-8ad67ff77b09}.sdb) (Version:  - ) Hidden
IIS Express Application Compatibility Database for x86 (HKLM\...\{ad846bae-d44b-4722-abad-f7420e08bcd9}.sdb) (Version:  - ) Hidden
IntelliTraceProfilerProxy (HKLM-x32\...\{7D94CF67-6666-4111-B027-D7AB7F189F70}) (Version: 15.0.18198.01 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
iTunes (HKLM\...\{6DBC2AD3-28FC-4691-8A96-9049420C1DEC}) (Version: - Apple Inc.)
iVMS-4200 (HKLM-x32\...\{CE2F96D0-63D2-4B9C-A8D6-0D1A60840BD8}) (Version: - Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.)
Java 8 Update 281 (HKLM-x32\...\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F32180281F0}) (Version: 8.0.2810.9 - Oracle Corporation)
Kits Configuration Installer (HKLM-x32\...\{63AAA877-5536-9481-2385-28A082100D78}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft) Hidden
Magic ISO Maker v5.5 (build 0281) (HKLM-x32\...\Magic ISO Maker v5.5 (build 0281)) (Version:  - )
Malwarebytes version (HKLM\...\{35065F43-4BB2-439A-BFF7-0F1014F2E0CD}_is1) (Version: - Malwarebytes)
Microsoft .NET Core SDK 3.1.401 (x64) from Visual Studio (HKLM\...\{3C9F2C0F-9936-4893-9266-0A21E6D301C5}) (Version: 3.1.401.015229 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Azure Authoring Tools - v2.9.6 (HKLM\...\{EDADFA19-7F96-4075-A4AB-2209910626C5}) (Version: 2.9.8899.26 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Azure Compute Emulator - v2.9.6 (HKLM\...\Microsoft Azure Compute Emulator - v2.9.6) (Version: 2.9.8899.26 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Azure Libraries for .NET – v2.9 (HKLM\...\{C5C91AA6-3E83-430E-8B7A-6B790083F28D}) (Version: 3.0.0127.060 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Azure Storage Emulator - v5.10 (HKLM-x32\...\Microsoft Azure Storage Emulator - v5.10) (Version: 5.10.19227.2113 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Edge (HKLM-x32\...\Microsoft Edge) (Version: 91.0.864.59 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server (HKLM\...\{2106BECC-3376-41AF-964F-C1A7E7BD2719}) (Version: - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Office Profesional Plus 2019 - es-es (HKLM\...\ProPlus2019Retail - es-es) (Version: 16.0.14026.20308 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft OneDrive (HKLM\...\OneDriveSetup.exe) (Version: 21.109.0530.0001 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB (HKLM\...\{0CA7D28F-F81A-42A2-B14B-CABE07F04282}) (Version: 13.1.4001.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft System CLR Types para SQL Server 2019 CTP2.2 (HKLM\...\{7FAD4DD7-7874-48A9-8E1C-1EAE6267A5A5}) (Version: 15.0.1200.24 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft System CLR Types para SQL Server 2019 CTP2.2 (HKLM-x32\...\{C42B6F9F-4C9E-45E0-BAD3-4C1F933410A3}) (Version: 15.0.1200.24 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Update Health Tools (HKLM\...\{E5A95BC5-81DF-4F0C-B910-B59DD012F037}) (Version: - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{710f4c1c-cc18-4c49-8cbf-51240c89a1a2}) (Version: 8.0.61187 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{ad8a2fa1-06e7-4b0d-927d-6e54b3d31028}) (Version: 8.0.61186 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729 (HKLM\...\{56F27690-F6EA-3356-980A-02BA379506EE}) (Version: 9.0.30729 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.7523 (HKLM\...\{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}) (Version: 9.0.30729.7523 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.7523 (HKLM-x32\...\{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}) (Version: 9.0.30729.7523 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 (HKLM\...\{1D8E6291-B0D5-35EC-8441-6616F567A0F7}) (Version: 10.0.40219 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 (HKLM-x32\...\{F0C3E5D1-1ADE-321E-8167-68EF0DE699A5}) (Version: 10.0.40219 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x64 Additional Runtime - 11.0.60830 (HKLM\...\{122B909F-9DCF-360E-91E7-0679E033FBE1}) (Version: 11.0.60830 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x64 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.60830 (HKLM\...\{083808D6-6235-37A8-82C1-98D226EB681F}) (Version: 11.0.60830 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Additional Runtime - 11.0.60830 (HKLM-x32\...\{F68B404C-0E04-337F-A132-796508EE337A}) (Version: 11.0.60830 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.60830 (HKLM-x32\...\{50AF8559-F490-381F-A6E7-06A07DE227DC}) (Version: 11.0.60830 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) - 12.0.30501 (HKLM-x32\...\{050d4fc8-5d48-4b8f-8972-47c82c46020f}) (Version: 12.0.30501.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) - 12.0.30501 (HKLM-x32\...\{1b103cea-f037-4504-81de-956057b442c3}) (Version: 12.0.30501.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) - 12.0.30501 (HKLM-x32\...\{f65db027-aff3-4070-886a-0d87064aabb1}) (Version: 12.0.30501.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x64 Additional Runtime - 12.0.21005 (HKLM\...\{929FBD26-9020-399B-9A7A-751D61F0B942}) (Version: 12.0.21005 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x64 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.21005 (HKLM\...\{A749D8E6-B613-3BE3-8F5F-045C84EBA29B}) (Version: 12.0.21005 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Additional Runtime - 12.0.21005 (HKLM-x32\...\{F8CFEB22-A2E7-3971-9EDA-4B11EDEFC185}) (Version: 12.0.21005 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.21005 (HKLM-x32\...\{13A4EE12-23EA-3371-91EE-EFB36DDFFF3E}) (Version: 12.0.21005 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) - 14.27.29112 (HKLM-x32\...\{0f770e99-3916-4b0c-8f9b-83822826bcbf}) (Version: 14.27.29112.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) - 14.27.29112 (HKLM-x32\...\{be826f5f-eda5-45a2-a3fe-c2cb5c1b9842}) (Version: 14.27.29112.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime (HKLM-x32\...\{85467CBC-7A39-33C9-8940-D72D9269B84F}) (Version: 10.0.40219 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64) (HKLM\...\Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64)) (Version: 10.0.50903 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual Studio Installer (HKLM\...\{6F320B93-EE3C-4826-85E0-ADF79F8D4C61}) (Version: 2.7.3064.805 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Web Deploy 4.0 (HKLM\...\{2EC26D34-FB67-4C58-AC20-235697551222}) (Version: 10.0.3802 - Microsoft Corporation)
Minimal ADB and Fastboot version 1.4.3 (HKLM-x32\...\{B561660D-8B3C-491D-9E3E-293F14FCAADA}_is1) (Version: 1.4.3 - Samuel Rodberg)
MSI Development Tools (HKLM-x32\...\{DB4DB790-64DD-1902-4BF2-833B3B6DBCA1}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
MySQL Installer - Community (HKLM-x32\...\{46635675-C436-46D3-A5D2-45052D5BAE33}) (Version: - Oracle Corporation)
MySQL Server 5.7 (HKLM\...\{2B08DE80-EE6F-489E-88CA-100046FB9763}) (Version: 5.7.11 - Oracle Corporation)
MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE (HKLM\...\{9C32806F-74F6-4D48-B922-689CA8205785}) (Version: 8.0.11 - Oracle Corporation)
Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component (HKLM\...\{90160000-008C-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}) (Version: 16.0.14026.20308 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Office 16 Click-to-Run Licensing Component (HKLM\...\{90160000-007E-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}) (Version: 16.0.14026.20308 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Office 16 Click-to-Run Localization Component (HKLM\...\{90160000-008C-0C0A-1000-0000000FF1CE}) (Version: 16.0.14026.20246 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Open XML SDK 2.5 for Microsoft Office (HKLM-x32\...\{3EA16E23-14D2-466A-8268-D7CD40DC46B6}) (Version: 2.5.5631 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Paquete acumulativo de Intellisense de Microsoft .NET Framework para Visual Studio (español) (HKLM-x32\...\{F1648370-5D04-42C6-9DBA-98F0408FC7EB}) (Version: 4.8.03761 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Paquete de compatibilidad de Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (español) (HKLM-x32\...\{DE9EAC0A-7859-4294-B05F-4A056D83024C}) (Version: 4.7.03062 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Paquete de compatibilidad redirigido de documentación de Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 (español) (HKLM-x32\...\{927FF4FD-8E47-4022-8545-22FD78FBC2AB}) (Version: 4.7.02558 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Paquete de controladores de Windows - Google, Inc. (WinUSB) AndroidUsbDeviceClass  (08/28/2014 11.0.0000.00000) (HKLM\...\092555911492C6959D2596D612F52DCA71881CA2) (Version: 08/28/2014 11.0.0000.00000 - Google, Inc.)
Paquete de controladores de Windows - Zebra Technologies Inc. (WinUSB) WinUSB devices  (03/31/2018 (HKLM\...\45BED3BBD4732BEB270707C3769191B9C55708E6) (Version: 03/31/2018 - Zebra Technologies Inc.)
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools para Office Runtime (x64) - ESN (HKLM\...\Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64) Language Pack - ESN) (Version: 10.0.50903 - Microsoft Corporation)
PL-2303 USB-to-Serial (HKLM-x32\...\{ECC3713C-08A4-40E3-95F1-7D0704F1CE5E}) (Version: 1.2.10 - Prolific Technology INC)
Python 3.7.8 (64-bit) (HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\...\{886f7e19-ca0e-4f00-9cb5-14f6506fea86}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation)
Python 3.7.8 Core Interpreter (64-bit symbols) (HKLM\...\{D5C2F5B5-AE03-4897-B7EB-88EDEB52E55F}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Core Interpreter (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{8DE1D24F-C0EA-42D5-87D0-7F3071932A15}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Development Libraries (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{BB556C96-3906-453B-B068-E17C1F13C814}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Documentation (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{A90E9216-6C61-4A2B-A18E-85EF9DF6A2C0}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Executables (64-bit symbols) (HKLM\...\{FAF0840F-75F4-4331-819A-C5B88251F402}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Executables (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{0EEFE4AC-ED52-4F6F-A726-A9030991B75D}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 pip Bootstrap (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{AD820C10-4106-47D5-B6BD-4B3CEA93E429}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Standard Library (64-bit symbols) (HKLM\...\{F7B2245C-D3F3-4CCC-A558-702AB2069D57}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Standard Library (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{68A406B0-F664-4882-8035-4015C78DDC93}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Tcl/Tk Support (64-bit symbols) (HKLM\...\{833EA197-6356-48B6-9E90-AE2D2CCC5479}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Tcl/Tk Support (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{223ADA3A-F506-428A-9244-C3EA445AD42A}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Test Suite (64-bit symbols) (HKLM\...\{F0759285-644B-4AAF-BB09-CA4592C12B89}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Test Suite (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{FE029834-AD26-45F1-B622-8DE59A8B1048}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.7.8 Utility Scripts (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{3BDFA237-E962-435F-A556-A2BE2EE1464C}) (Version: 3.7.8150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.3 (64-bit) (HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\...\{f7b3255c-a01a-4595-8768-ff8f6613898c}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation)
Python 3.8.3 Add to Path (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{13E05234-E037-4C96-BF0C-585FD0A8E2B0}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.3 Core Interpreter (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{A0258B41-0D21-496B-A342-B8BCCB8F2B8D}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.3 Development Libraries (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{91ECF664-C305-44DD-A08E-0319EAD11534}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.3 Documentation (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{519DA1AF-03AD-4CEA-813F-F47B4B14DF3F}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.3 Executables (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{245A2BD7-1E51-448C-810D-356286B18BA8}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.3 pip Bootstrap (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{698BFA23-9AF5-43B1-A08E-293477F8FD9B}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.3 Standard Library (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{3E010818-0B52-4BCD-994D-D321F25ABAEC}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.3 Tcl/Tk Support (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{7FD17CEE-EE81-4241-96B1-EA4BE139AA38}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.3 Test Suite (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{381E4487-0C58-447D-A3F7-7EC5902DDAF4}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.3 Utility Scripts (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{AF4FC66A-D11F-4270-B93C-F556D565E32C}) (Version: 3.8.3150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.5 (32-bit) (HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\...\{44a59e57-34e2-4d86-93ba-a2588bfac760}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation)
Python 3.8.5 Add to Path (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\{2D01141A-8022-4100-B256-02EFB0F1830B}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.5 Core Interpreter (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\{31F7FCA7-1F15-48FD-BFB9-91FE58FC2F07}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.5 Development Libraries (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\{657AEF25-7BC3-4E93-A08C-ECD14E8A74AE}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.5 Documentation (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\{F7A293EB-21B8-45DE-85A5-8ADEB68B9EFB}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.5 Executables (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\{F6156224-C882-453A-9046-EFCD31982E68}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.5 pip Bootstrap (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\{71C0D67F-EF42-4C5C-A2AE-04FD8B38AB1C}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.5 Standard Library (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\{4D147A72-5C01-47B2-8789-1D1969F6AC32}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.5 Tcl/Tk Support (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\{653FBD26-2D1A-48C1-AAB1-0AB6F2A3749B}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.5 Test Suite (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\{DE45C740-8250-4A49-8B81-FE347C70E6BA}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python 3.8.5 Utility Scripts (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\{9450D936-1E4F-44EF-A0D4-92C471229B98}) (Version: 3.8.5150.0 - Python Software Foundation) Hidden
Python Launcher (HKLM-x32\...\{CEEAEA02-2472-4BF6-8994-52D6783F5575}) (Version: 3.8.7140.0 - Python Software Foundation)
Revo Uninstaller 2.2.8 (HKLM\...\{A28DBDA2-3CC7-4ADC-8BFE-66D7743C6C97}_is1) (Version: 2.2.8 - VS Revo Group, Ltd.)
SDK ARM Additions (HKLM-x32\...\{73681F86-CD86-4208-572F-959B45430B04}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
SDK ARM Redistributables (HKLM-x32\...\{67EE3804-9642-62BA-EBF1-B1561FB4ECBE}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete (HKLM-x32\...\1471405734_is1) (Version: - GOG.com)
Sid Meiers Civilization IV Complete Edition MULTi6 - ElAmigos versión 3.19 (HKLM-x32\...\{FD42D320-CEFC-44B3-B2B4-53598CABA43A}_is1) (Version: 3.19 - 2K)
Sid Meier's Civilization V (HKLM-x32\...\Sid Meier's Civilization V_is1) (Version:  - )
Sid Meiers Civilization VI Digital Deluxe MULTi12 - ElAmigos versión (HKLM-x32\...\{F3E80C7D-386C-402A-8963-5EC267114571}_is1) (Version: - 2K)
South Park - The Stick of Truth versión 1.0 u3 (HKLM-x32\...\South Park - The Stick of Truth_is1) (Version: 1.0 u3 - Ubisoft)
sptools_Microsoft.VisualStudio.OfficeDeveloperTools.Msi (HKLM-x32\...\{26778A28-6410-4CCA-B7D4-63A23C58526F}) (Version: 16.0.29931 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
sptools_Microsoft.VisualStudio.Vsto.Msi (HKLM-x32\...\{F8AA44A5-5B1F-4802-9B7B-3B6373AC51FB}) (Version: 16.0.28030 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
sptools_Microsoft.VisualStudio.Vsto.Msi.Resources (HKLM-x32\...\{7864E62A-98CF-4196-AA9A-5A8194C49513}) (Version: 16.0.28030 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
sptools_Microsoft.VisualStudio.Vsto.Msi.x64 (HKLM-x32\...\{D629D35F-A26E-4CF7-A512-3C890257A790}) (Version: 16.0.28030 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Startup Company MULTi13 - ElAmigos versión 1.12 (HKLM-x32\...\{AB5995EC-17C7-4D1E-833A-168086C5C11A}_is1) (Version: 1.12 - Hovgaard Games)
TypeScript SDK (HKLM-x32\...\{A6485A79-9A1B-4EEF-8BD2-658157F68355}) (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Unity Hub 2.3.2 (HKLM\...\{Unity Technologies - Hub}) (Version: 2.3.2 - Unity Technologies Inc.)
Universal CRT Extension SDK (HKLM-x32\...\{13952D7A-B7B3-F4F8-5F29-5CD18E8168B7}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Universal CRT Headers Libraries and Sources (HKLM-x32\...\{74CBC330-ED16-31B9-E8BE-0C6A8E67DE32}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Universal CRT Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{0460C87B-7F4C-3170-FAC9-B7A6AE5CE4E9}) (Version: 10.0.26624 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Universal CRT Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{847D4DAF-0182-265B-324F-406462E8A90D}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Universal CRT Tools x64 (HKLM\...\{54FE4D23-11A2-F1C4-76E9-79C8FB40A4A1}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Universal CRT Tools x86 (HKLM-x32\...\{9F7B0D96-881D-8850-C303-43F3A08E6902}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Universal General MIDI DLS Extension SDK (HKLM-x32\...\{6F54BF87-2EE6-FA6D-431D-33A665992D49}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Update for  (KB2504637) (HKLM-x32\...\{CFEF48A8-BFB8-3EAC-8BA5-DE4F8AA267CE}.KB2504637) (Version: 1 - Microsoft Corporation)
update_server (HKLM-x32\...\{A9A0CFDF-AD32-4FA0-8179-405A04F8E7DA}_is1) (Version:  - )
vcpp_crt.redist.clickonce (HKLM-x32\...\{4DF8947E-974F-44EF-80C6-335275E705EA}) (Version: 14.27.29016 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Visual Studio Professional 2019 (HKLM-x32\...\60932216) (Version: 16.7.30413.136 - Microsoft Corporation)
VLC media player (HKLM\...\VLC media player) (Version: 3.0.16 - VideoLAN)
VS Immersive Activate Helper (HKLM-x32\...\{A71406B5-E487-4B01-8E59-D466841350F5}) (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
VS JIT Debugger (HKLM\...\{C7E8A4F2-EF09-42A8-B892-69D5ED99D965}) (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
VS Script Debugging Common (HKLM\...\{A4272808-82F5-410F-A5F9-1BF6F63F6B9A}) (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
VS WCF Debugging (HKLM\...\{E90279BA-36B4-4477-A1B7-C81B571172F2}) (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_BlendMsi (HKLM-x32\...\{B5E3A3E1-1529-4D5A-9E95-34971FA07825}) (Version: 16.0.28329 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_clickoncebootstrappermsi (HKLM-x32\...\{BAF91847-0A64-405E-98EC-A0BA6FB4BC4E}) (Version: 16.0.28329 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_clickoncebootstrappermsires (HKLM-x32\...\{271F1F42-B547-4498-825F-590DBB1774F7}) (Version: 16.0.28329 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_clickoncesigntoolmsi (HKLM-x32\...\{30D97A69-3C0F-4552-9A72-60E591B210C7}) (Version: 16.0.28329 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_communitymsi (HKLM-x32\...\{CC46F5AE-F0CA-400C-A557-A95D742D4EE0}) (Version: 16.7.30310 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_communitymsires (HKLM-x32\...\{79DDA8FF-26D4-498A-B8D7-5DFA86EAD686}) (Version: 16.0.28329 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_devenvmsi (HKLM-x32\...\{AD0C92A4-1514-4BC1-A723-A272A8343924}) (Version: 16.0.28329 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_filehandler_amd64 (HKLM-x32\...\{804E218D-A59D-48B9-AD2A-13BF6F1C9DA0}) (Version: 16.7.30309 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_filehandler_x86 (HKLM-x32\...\{3A735826-F946-4348-8DE2-0B9FF750F77D}) (Version: 16.7.30309 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_FileTracker_Singleton (HKLM-x32\...\{EF1AD9BC-8273-4B78-ACB6-A35DF4CE4447}) (Version: 16.7.30309 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_Graphics_Singletonx64 (HKLM\...\{5F1382AE-D96A-4E32-989C-0A3C8C35CC23}) (Version: 16.7.30309 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_Graphics_Singletonx86 (HKLM-x32\...\{87B66F22-97AC-4420-841B-2305F921B39F}) (Version: 16.7.30310 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_minshellinteropmsi (HKLM-x32\...\{27B16914-BC5D-4018-8074-071262A27F6D}) (Version: 16.2.28917 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_minshellmsi (HKLM-x32\...\{760FF3F5-A7F3-4079-92DD-9AEB0344D13E}) (Version: 16.7.30310 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_minshellmsires (HKLM-x32\...\{A0FCE4F1-71FB-4910-872E-FCBF5E323491}) (Version: 16.0.28329 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_SQLClickOnceBootstrappermsi (HKLM-x32\...\{937CD512-3142-4F3E-93CD-5F86203ED24B}) (Version: 16.7.30309 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_tipsmsi (HKLM-x32\...\{E208E682-50EE-4F2F-9860-C91B906B8A03}) (Version: 16.0.28329 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_vswebprotocolselectormsi (HKLM-x32\...\{178ED1EA-BAFA-489D-873D-F5FB72EA69B9}) (Version: 16.7.30309 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
vs_vswebprotocolselectormsires (HKLM-x32\...\{0E4370D6-3F34-4BF0-BF51-7594E7DE2E9C}) (Version: 16.7.30309 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
VS6Installer 5.0 (HKLM-x32\...\VS6Installer_is1) (Version: VS6Installer 5.0 - Giorgio Brausi)
WebAdvisor de McAfee (HKLM-x32\...\{35ED3F83-4BDC-4c44-8EC6-6A8301C7413A}) (Version: - McAfee, LLC)
WebView2 Runtime de Microsoft Edge (HKLM-x32\...\Microsoft EdgeWebView) (Version: 91.0.864.59 - Microsoft Corporation)
WinAppDeploy (HKLM-x32\...\{8E3AE0EF-D067-700C-BDB4-10D5552155DC}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows SDK AddOn (HKLM-x32\...\{E6F877A1-2F65-4BF0-87B6-A4071B7663D3}) (Version: - Microsoft Corporation)
Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.18362.1 (HKLM-x32\...\{126dedf0-cc0e-4b48-9ece-806b0e437195}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation)
WinRAR 5.80 (64-bit) (HKLM\...\WinRAR archiver) (Version: 5.80.0 - win.rar GmbH)
WinRAR 6.02 (32-bit) (HKLM-x32\...\WinRAR archiver) (Version: 6.02.0 - win.rar GmbH)
WinRT Intellisense Desktop - en-us (HKLM-x32\...\{E67F1F03-FB4A-3D61-8999-E6A4C4B26F34}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
WinRT Intellisense Desktop - Other Languages (HKLM-x32\...\{7EF010FF-7800-28BA-FF49-2D219EC7BA82}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
WinRT Intellisense IoT - en-us (HKLM-x32\...\{36AE12FB-4349-6EAA-B6E4-5F4E06FA8AE8}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
WinRT Intellisense IoT - Other Languages (HKLM-x32\...\{6B03A6A4-643C-57CE-CA6F-4E19BF47497A}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
WinRT Intellisense Mobile - en-us (HKLM-x32\...\{918A448F-59E8-FBF5-B087-D3F07160C7E0}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
WinRT Intellisense PPI - en-us (HKLM-x32\...\{66483041-F590-EC46-4AF0-EE39C62FB680}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
WinRT Intellisense PPI - Other Languages (HKLM-x32\...\{9C61E6D2-C43E-6746-B519-6185558C4A24}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
WinRT Intellisense UAP - en-us (HKLM-x32\...\{6B37CC5B-78DF-5050-2215-68479716A587}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
WinRT Intellisense UAP - Other Languages (HKLM-x32\...\{250D5341-0879-4016-399C-BBCD87B80E95}) (Version: 10.1.18362.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Workflow Manager Client 1.0 (HKLM\...\{1B0B9544-5D83-4B35-AC27-EFB17D35EE51}) (Version: 2.1.10525.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Workflow Manager Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio (HKLM\...\{B291D9DE-784D-43DD-8EBE-4D9E25F7090C}) (Version: 2.1.30411.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Xamarin Offline Packages (HKLM-x32\...\{88C8EFE1-D5BE-40D2-92BC-5A057DD8359C}) (Version: 16.7.85 - Xamarin) Hidden
Xamarin PCL Profiles v1.0.9 (HKLM-x32\...\{5E6844AB-A867-419C-A376-B12B574AA5F7}) (Version: - Xamarin) Hidden
Xamarin Remoted iOS Simulator (HKLM-x32\...\{E07CBF6A-91C5-434C-8520-784D040A3907}) (Version: - Xamarin) Hidden
Zebra 123Scan (64bit) (HKLM\...\{F4B6C135-83BC-4729-A35C-CB2EFAACE8A5}) (Version: 5.03.0012 - Zebra Technologies) Hidden
Zebra 123Scan (64bit) (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{F4B6C135-83BC-4729-A35C-CB2EFAACE8A5}) (Version: 5.03.0012 - Zebra Technologies)
Zebra CoreScanner Driver (64bit) (HKLM\...\{664FF6D5-07C0-405D-9D3B-5697A9B62E1C}) (Version: 3.07.0004 - Zebra Technologies) Hidden
Zebra CoreScanner Driver (64bit) (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{664FF6D5-07C0-405D-9D3B-5697A9B62E1C}) (Version: 3.07.0004 - Zebra Technologies)
μTorrent (HKLM-x32\...\μTorrent Pro (Version: - BitTorrent Inc.)

Dolby Audio -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\DolbyLaboratories.DolbyAudio_3.20500.501.0_x64__rz1tebttyb220 [2021-06-16] (Dolby Laboratories)
Extensión de video MPEG-2 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.MPEG2VideoExtension_1.0.22661.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2020-06-13] (Microsoft Corporation)
HP Smart -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AD2F1837.HPPrinterControl_127.1.115.0_x64__v10z8vjag6ke6 [2021-06-10] (HP Inc.)
Microsoft Advertising SDK for XAML -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml_10.1811.1.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2021-03-15] (Microsoft Corporation) [MS Ad]
Microsoft Advertising SDK for XAML -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml_10.1811.1.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2021-03-15] (Microsoft Corporation) [MS Ad]
Microsoft Solitaire Collection -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection_4.9.6151.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2021-06-20] (Microsoft Studios) [MS Ad]
Realtek Audio Control -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\RealtekSemiconductorCorp.RealtekAudioControl_1.10.216.0_x64__dt26b99r8h8gj [2020-08-27] (Realtek Semiconductor Corp)
WhatsApp Desktop -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\5319275A.WhatsAppDesktop_2.2123.7.0_x64__cv1g1gvanyjgm [2021-06-25] (WhatsApp Inc.)

==================== Personalizado CLSID (Lista blanca): ==============

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El archivo no se moverá a menos que sea añadido al listado por separado.)

ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [ OneDrive1] -> {BBACC218-34EA-4666-9D7A-C78F2274A524} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [ OneDrive2] -> {5AB7172C-9C11-405C-8DD5-AF20F3606282} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [ OneDrive3] -> {A78ED123-AB77-406B-9962-2A5D9D2F7F30} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [ OneDrive4] -> {F241C880-6982-4CE5-8CF7-7085BA96DA5A} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [ OneDrive5] -> {A0396A93-DC06-4AEF-BEE9-95FFCCAEF20E} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [ OneDrive6] -> {9AA2F32D-362A-42D9-9328-24A483E2CCC3} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [ OneDrive7] -> {C5FF006E-2AE9-408C-B85B-2DFDD5449D9C} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [00asw] -> {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24} => C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\ashShell.dll [2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [ OneDrive1] -> {BBACC218-34EA-4666-9D7A-C78F2274A524} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [ OneDrive2] -> {5AB7172C-9C11-405C-8DD5-AF20F3606282} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [ OneDrive3] -> {A78ED123-AB77-406B-9962-2A5D9D2F7F30} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [ OneDrive4] -> {F241C880-6982-4CE5-8CF7-7085BA96DA5A} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [ OneDrive5] -> {A0396A93-DC06-4AEF-BEE9-95FFCCAEF20E} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [ OneDrive6] -> {9AA2F32D-362A-42D9-9328-24A483E2CCC3} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [ OneDrive7] -> {C5FF006E-2AE9-408C-B85B-2DFDD5449D9C} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [00asw] -> {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24} => C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\ashShell.dll [2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
ContextMenuHandlers1: [ FileSyncEx] -> {CB3D0F55-BC2C-4C1A-85ED-23ED75B5106B} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ContextMenuHandlers1: [Adobe.Acrobat.ContextMenu] -> {A6595CD1-BF77-430A-A452-18696685F7C7} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat Elements\ContextMenuShim64.dll [2020-03-06] (Adobe Inc. -> Adobe Systems Inc.)
ContextMenuHandlers1: [avast] -> {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24} => C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\ashShell.dll [2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
ContextMenuHandlers1: [WinRAR] -> {B41DB860-64E4-11D2-9906-E49FADC173CA} => C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\rarext64.dll [2021-06-11] (win.rar GmbH -> Alexander Roshal)
ContextMenuHandlers1-x32: [WinRAR32] -> {B41DB860-8EE4-11D2-9906-E49FADC173CA} => C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\rarext.dll [2021-06-11] (win.rar GmbH -> Alexander Roshal)
ContextMenuHandlers2: [DaemonShellExtDriveLite] -> {C06369D6-E77D-4626-9656-1256312BD576} => C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\dtshl64.dll [2020-06-14] (AVB Disc Soft, SIA -> Disc Soft Ltd)
ContextMenuHandlers3: [00asw] -> {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24} => C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\ashShell.dll [2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
ContextMenuHandlers3: [MBAMShlExt] -> {57CE581A-0CB6-4266-9CA0-19364C90A0B3} => C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbshlext.dll [2021-01-10] (Malwarebytes Corporation -> Malwarebytes)
ContextMenuHandlers4: [ FileSyncEx] -> {CB3D0F55-BC2C-4C1A-85ED-23ED75B5106B} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ContextMenuHandlers5: [ FileSyncEx] -> {CB3D0F55-BC2C-4C1A-85ED-23ED75B5106B} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncShell64.dll [2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
ContextMenuHandlers6: [avast] -> {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24} => C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\ashShell.dll [2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
ContextMenuHandlers6: [MBAMShlExt] -> {57CE581A-0CB6-4266-9CA0-19364C90A0B3} => C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbshlext.dll [2021-01-10] (Malwarebytes Corporation -> Malwarebytes)
ContextMenuHandlers6: [WinRAR] -> {B41DB860-64E4-11D2-9906-E49FADC173CA} => C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\rarext64.dll [2021-06-11] (win.rar GmbH -> Alexander Roshal)
ContextMenuHandlers6-x32: [WinRAR32] -> {B41DB860-8EE4-11D2-9906-E49FADC173CA} => C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\rarext.dll [2021-06-11] (win.rar GmbH -> Alexander Roshal)

==================== Codecs (Lista blanca) ====================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el elemento del registro será restaurado a su valor predeterminado o será eliminado. El archivo no será movido.)

HKLM\...\Drivers32: [VIDC.FMVC] => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\fmcodec.dll [77824 2008-08-18] (Fox Magic Software) [Archivo no firmado]

==================== Accesos directos & WMI ========================

(Las entradas pueden ser listadas para ser restauradas o eliminadas.)

ShortcutWithArgument: C:\Users\JG119\Desktop\DESK\ForoSpyware.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome_proxy.exe (Google LLC) ->  --profile-directory=Default --app-id=gmlcodhckhpmidifbdkmlnakmhpfgjfl
ShortcutWithArgument: C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Aplicaciones de Chrome\Chrome Remote Desktop.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome_proxy.exe (Google LLC) ->  --profile-directory=Default --app-id=efmjfjelnicpmdcmfikempdhlmainjcb
ShortcutWithArgument: C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Aplicaciones de Chrome\ForoSpyware.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome_proxy.exe (Google LLC) ->  --profile-directory=Default --app-id=gmlcodhckhpmidifbdkmlnakmhpfgjfl

==================== Módulos cargados (Lista blanca) =============

2020-03-06 07:11 - 2020-03-06 07:11 - 000021504 _____ (Adobe Systems Inc.) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\locale\es_es\Acrobat Elements\ContextMenuShim64.esp
2020-10-12 13:51 - 2020-10-12 13:51 - 000223744 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\xmllite.dll
2021-06-15 20:07 - 2020-05-30 14:58 - 001280000 _____ (Robert Simpson, et al.) [Archivo no firmado] C:\ProgramData\Lenovo\iMController\Plugins\GenericMessagingPlugin\x86\x86\SQLite.Interop.dll
2020-12-16 16:36 - 2020-12-16 16:36 - 000429056 _____ (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\BTTrans.dll
2020-12-16 16:35 - 2020-12-16 16:35 - 000076288 _____ (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\DriverADF.dll
2020-12-16 16:35 - 2020-12-16 16:35 - 000397824 _____ (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\IBMHIDTrans.dll
2020-12-16 16:35 - 2020-12-16 16:35 - 000330752 _____ (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\IBMHIDTTTrans.dll
2020-12-16 16:35 - 2020-12-16 16:35 - 000058368 _____ (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\NIXBTrans.dll
2020-12-16 16:37 - 2020-12-16 16:37 - 000153600 _____ (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\RSMDriverProvider.dll
2020-12-16 16:36 - 2020-12-16 16:36 - 000468480 _____ (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\SNAPITrans.dll
2020-12-16 16:36 - 2020-12-16 16:36 - 000477184 _____ (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\SSITrans.dll
2020-12-16 16:37 - 2020-12-16 16:37 - 000344064 _____ (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\symbscnr.dll
2020-12-16 16:35 - 2020-12-16 16:35 - 000253952 _____ (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\USBHIDKBTrans.dll

==================== Alternate Data Streams (Lista blanca) ========

==================== Modo Seguro (Lista blanca) ==================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El "AlternateShell" será restaurado.)

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\aswSP.sys => ""="Driver"
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\aswSP.sys => ""="Driver"

==================== Asociación (Lista blanca) =================

==================== Internet Explorer (Lista blanca) ==========

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = about:blank
HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = about:blank
HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = hxxp://lenovo17win10.msn.com/?pc=LCTE
HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Secondary Start Pages = hxxp://mystart.lenovo.com/
SearchScopes: HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001 -> DefaultScope {85E333F5-D8F6-4BA3-B30F-8B4D29D4F5B8} URL = 
SearchScopes: HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001 -> {85E333F5-D8F6-4BA3-B30F-8B4D29D4F5B8} URL = 
BHO: Skype for Business Browser Helper -> {31D09BA0-12F5-4CCE-BE8A-2923E76605DA} -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OCHelper.dll [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
BHO: Adobe Acrobat Create PDF Helper -> {AE7CD045-E861-484f-8273-0445EE161910} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\WCIEActiveX\DC\x64\AcroIEFavStub.dll [2020-03-06] (Adobe Systems, Incorporated -> Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BHO: McAfee WebAdvisor -> {B164E929-A1B6-4A06-B104-2CD0E90A88FF} -> C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\x64\IEPlugin.dll [2021-06-24] (McAfee, LLC -> McAfee, LLC)
BHO: Adobe Acrobat Create PDF from Selection -> {F4971EE7-DAA0-4053-9964-665D8EE6A077} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\WCIEActiveX\DC\x64\AcroIEFavStub.dll [2020-03-06] (Adobe Systems, Incorporated -> Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BHO-x32: Skype for Business Browser Helper -> {31D09BA0-12F5-4CCE-BE8A-2923E76605DA} -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\OCHelper.dll [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper -> {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_281\bin\ssv.dll [2021-02-01] (Oracle America, Inc. -> Oracle Corporation)
BHO-x32: Adobe Acrobat Create PDF Helper -> {AE7CD045-E861-484f-8273-0445EE161910} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\WCIEActiveX\DC\AcroIEFavStub.dll [2020-03-06] (Adobe Systems, Incorporated -> Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BHO-x32: McAfee WebAdvisor -> {B164E929-A1B6-4A06-B104-2CD0E90A88FF} -> C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\win32\IEPlugin.dll [2021-06-24] (McAfee, LLC -> McAfee, LLC)
BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper -> {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_281\bin\jp2ssv.dll [2021-02-01] (Oracle America, Inc. -> Oracle Corporation)
BHO-x32: Adobe Acrobat Create PDF from Selection -> {F4971EE7-DAA0-4053-9964-665D8EE6A077} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\WCIEActiveX\DC\AcroIEFavStub.dll [2020-03-06] (Adobe Systems, Incorporated -> Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Toolbar: HKLM - Adobe Acrobat Create PDF Toolbar - {47833539-D0C5-4125-9FA8-0819E2EAAC93} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\WCIEActiveX\DC\x64\AcroIEFavStub.dll [2020-03-06] (Adobe Systems, Incorporated -> Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - Adobe Acrobat Create PDF Toolbar - {47833539-D0C5-4125-9FA8-0819E2EAAC93} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\WCIEActiveX\DC\AcroIEFavStub.dll [2020-03-06] (Adobe Systems, Incorporated -> Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Handler: mso-minsb-roaming.16 - {83C25742-A9F7-49FB-9138-434302C88D07} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Handler-x32: mso-minsb-roaming.16 - {83C25742-A9F7-49FB-9138-434302C88D07} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Handler: mso-minsb.16 - {42089D2D-912D-4018-9087-2B87803E93FB} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Handler-x32: mso-minsb.16 - {42089D2D-912D-4018-9087-2B87803E93FB} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Handler: osf-roaming.16 - {42089D2D-912D-4018-9087-2B87803E93FB} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Handler-x32: osf-roaming.16 - {42089D2D-912D-4018-9087-2B87803E93FB} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Handler: osf.16 - {5504BE45-A83B-4808-900A-3A5C36E7F77A} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Handler-x32: osf.16 - {5504BE45-A83B-4808-900A-3A5C36E7F77A} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro.)

IE trusted site: HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\...\localhost -> localhost
IE trusted site: HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\...\sharepoint.com -> hxxps://promolaguna-files.sharepoint.com

De igual forma quedamos abiertos a cualquier duda.


Parte 2:

==================== Hosts contenido: =========================

(Si es necesario, la directiva Hosts: puede ser incluida en el fixlist para restablecer Hosts.)

2020-07-02 22:59 - 2021-06-23 09:54 - 000000938 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

==================== Otras Áreas ===========================

(Actualmente no existe una corrección automática para esta sección.)

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\\Path -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Scripts\;C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\;C:\BC5\BIN;C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\adb;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn\;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\OpenSSH\
HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\Control Panel\Desktop\\Wallpaper -> 
DNS Servers: -
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System => (ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: 5) (ConsentPromptBehaviorUser: 3) (EnableLUA: 1)
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer => (SmartScreenEnabled: Off)
Firewall de Windows está habilitado.

==================== MSCONFIG/TASK MANAGER elementos deshabilitados ==

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada.)

HKLM\...\StartupApproved\Run: => "SecurityHealth"
HKLM\...\StartupApproved\Run: => "RtkAudUService"
HKLM\...\StartupApproved\Run: => "TuneupUI.exe"
HKLM\...\StartupApproved\Run: => "AdobeGCInvoker-1.0"
HKLM\...\StartupApproved\Run: => "AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0"
HKLM\...\StartupApproved\Run32: => "iTunesHelper"
HKLM\...\StartupApproved\Run32: => "SunJavaUpdateSched"
HKLM\...\StartupApproved\Run32: => "AdobeGCInvoker-1.0"
HKLM\...\StartupApproved\Run32: => "SPUpDateServerrun"
HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\...\StartupApproved\Run: => "OneDrive"
HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\...\StartupApproved\Run: => "Battle.net"
HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\...\StartupApproved\Run: => "CCleaner Smart Cleaning"
HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\...\StartupApproved\Run: => "Application Restart #1"

==================== Reglas de firewall (Lista blanca) ================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El archivo no se moverá a menos que sea añadido al listado por separado.)

FirewallRules: [{CC04C2CC-5CA3-4F54-BEC1-D445A718F272}] => (Allow) LPort=80
FirewallRules: [{9140B8FF-E908-4D83-93F7-8B719F820106}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\3uTools\libXunlei\Download\MiniThunderPlatform.exe (ShenZhen Thunder Networking Technologies Ltd. -> 深圳市迅雷网络技术有限公司)
FirewallRules: [{A7993D7A-9B93-418E-8372-82FEC3F27DA1}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\3uTools\libXunlei\Download\MiniThunderPlatform.exe (ShenZhen Thunder Networking Technologies Ltd. -> 深圳市迅雷网络技术有限公司)
FirewallRules: [{27EEEEF2-97D8-4733-A792-CE2865C39A9D}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe (Apple Inc. -> Apple Inc.)
FirewallRules: [{8E193E70-3BEA-4F0F-802E-010E844CDE86}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe (Apple Inc. -> Apple Inc.)
FirewallRules: [{C41A5E0B-3FD4-4D52-9980-1D031A7366E4}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe (Apple Inc. -> Apple Inc.)
FirewallRules: [{085A1F1F-A429-4304-8455-9C39AEADE2D4}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe (Apple Inc. -> Apple Inc.)
FirewallRules: [{C6533993-5D88-4675-9860-1E3B50C1FCF1}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe (Apple Inc. -> Apple Inc.)
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{5F0C88B2-9414-4739-A2B9-C2B924AAF447}C:\program files (x86)\ivms-4200 site\ivms-4200 client\server\ivms-4200.devicemanagement.s\ivms-4200.devicemanagement.s.exe] => (Allow) C:\program files (x86)\ivms-4200 site\ivms-4200 client\server\ivms-4200.devicemanagement.s\ivms-4200.devicemanagement.s.exe (HIKVISION DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. -> )
FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{AA84FCB3-FA90-4A97-8191-13276DB23E2D}C:\program files (x86)\ivms-4200 site\ivms-4200 client\server\ivms-4200.devicemanagement.s\ivms-4200.devicemanagement.s.exe] => (Allow) C:\program files (x86)\ivms-4200 site\ivms-4200 client\server\ivms-4200.devicemanagement.s\ivms-4200.devicemanagement.s.exe (HIKVISION DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. -> )
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{A231F5FB-DFD5-4B74-B4DA-151AC1A400B2}C:\program files (x86)\ivms-4200 site\ivms-4200 client\server\ivms-4200.topology.s\ivms-4200.topology.s.exe] => (Allow) C:\program files (x86)\ivms-4200 site\ivms-4200 client\server\ivms-4200.topology.s\ivms-4200.topology.s.exe (HIKVISION DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. -> )
FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{011DE81D-9F87-4229-9F4E-2601D633B88B}C:\program files (x86)\ivms-4200 site\ivms-4200 client\server\ivms-4200.topology.s\ivms-4200.topology.s.exe] => (Allow) C:\program files (x86)\ivms-4200 site\ivms-4200 client\server\ivms-4200.topology.s\ivms-4200.topology.s.exe (HIKVISION DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. -> )
FirewallRules: [{C16ECE73-85C8-484E-BFFB-3FF8FECD51F8}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_15.67.99.0_x86__kzf8qxf38zg5c\Skype\Skype.exe (Skype Software Sarl -> Skype Technologies S.A.)
FirewallRules: [{944E3461-46B7-40B9-95E4-D81913FF119D}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_15.67.99.0_x86__kzf8qxf38zg5c\Skype\Skype.exe (Skype Software Sarl -> Skype Technologies S.A.)
FirewallRules: [{18AC1207-8EE2-4018-8754-DD0273FFAC38}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_15.67.99.0_x86__kzf8qxf38zg5c\Skype\Skype.exe (Skype Software Sarl -> Skype Technologies S.A.)
FirewallRules: [{6F21A5D6-31C1-4CE4-B8DE-741C2B2F076A}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_15.67.99.0_x86__kzf8qxf38zg5c\Skype\Skype.exe (Skype Software Sarl -> Skype Technologies S.A.)
FirewallRules: [{01B6871A-6C3C-4F41-AAE8-B7BFC8AF434E}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{4780D54A-1FFD-41C2-8011-4C420C3FD8DD}] => (Allow) LPort=111
FirewallRules: [{A44F95DC-D7AF-465E-B3D6-68A9855D9FC3}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{37674751-5894-485E-9043-DE7BF453E3EE}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{711E3E56-AEB0-4AA2-B5DB-5C5491703BA3}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{0C5E545A-68C8-47E5-9FF2-F2300500B685}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{DDF40C03-C159-4B42-BCE3-78A13C4B92D2}] => (Allow) LPort=3309
FirewallRules: [{A3D91F70-7892-4356-B214-05A04C7C3353}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{4CA8D7D5-4B12-474A-B852-6C19D6206B32}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{B3DFEA0F-8C87-4FCD-BA76-43EB6AA7130F}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{E96338B9-8B19-458E-BEEB-8EBA84A9847D}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{07F15965-9BBC-4A3F-839E-EFF93F91150E}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{0551A99B-1F89-427C-9E00-214CA6D38631}] => (Allow) LPort=3050
FirewallRules: [{F8653463-2473-43CE-926C-651ECF21C73A}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\CSDispatcher.exe (Raize Software, Inc. -> Raize Software, Inc.) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [{3CB05D66-A8CE-4035-8EC9-88C0D771592C}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\CSDispatcher.exe (Raize Software, Inc. -> Raize Software, Inc.) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [{96D25D48-F521-4CA6-B590-EA505FE760C9}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{969D3E52-7352-4D92-9957-A74DD5216CF8}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{C4188911-290B-4D08-8345-DCFA464E575B}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{AF080FF3-FA43-421E-B53A-97F5D11AE329}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\AbarrotesPDV\Abarrotes.exe (Bambu Code SA de CV -> Bambú Code S.A. de C.V.)
FirewallRules: [{4E24F9D9-0CAC-4CA6-B7D3-35599BB28844}] => (Allow) LPort=3306
FirewallRules: [{517FA6A9-99C2-4531-82B0-20C669EAA86A}] => (Allow) LPort=12292
FirewallRules: [{0D85F204-C512-4862-82A3-B0167C0299CA}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\Unity Hub.exe (Unity Technologies SF -> Unity Technologies Inc.)
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{178C62BA-CA0D-4505-8201-82726CC035D9}C:\program files (x86)\anno 1404 gold edition\tools\addonweb.exe] => (Block) C:\program files (x86)\anno 1404 gold edition\tools\addonweb.exe () [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{08C29680-0457-4C93-86D8-5A5A13417ED2}C:\program files (x86)\anno 1404 gold edition\tools\addonweb.exe] => (Block) C:\program files (x86)\anno 1404 gold edition\tools\addonweb.exe () [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{0FAAAEB0-8940-4ABE-811D-C429F7FE1314}C:\games\age of mythology extended edition\aomx.exe] => (Block) C:\games\age of mythology extended edition\aomx.exe (Microsoft Corp) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{A70A44EB-3109-4656-8229-4A3A3BE0974B}C:\games\age of mythology extended edition\aomx.exe] => (Block) C:\games\age of mythology extended edition\aomx.exe (Microsoft Corp) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{1DDC213E-5F26-4D8B-86B4-9F2D1227FA11}C:\program files (x86)\anno 1404 gold edition\tools\anno4web.exe] => (Block) C:\program files (x86)\anno 1404 gold edition\tools\anno4web.exe () [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{817B075C-02C4-4782-8BC8-110C4ED1AB09}C:\program files (x86)\anno 1404 gold edition\tools\anno4web.exe] => (Block) C:\program files (x86)\anno 1404 gold edition\tools\anno4web.exe () [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [{49EE138F-DCEC-43E5-8E5B-17FFF2C44EE8}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires III\age3x.exe (Ensemble Studios) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [{E9F05F7C-8D42-4E31-ADE9-EA2E10FF32F0}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires III\age3x.exe (Ensemble Studios) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{C72DC04A-919C-4AED-9616-7432AC7B7A85}C:\program files (x86)\anno 1701\anno1701.exe] => (Block) C:\program files (x86)\anno 1701\anno1701.exe (Related Designs Software GmbH) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{C1A7FA75-739C-46BD-8627-E7CED3A93296}C:\program files (x86)\anno 1701\anno1701.exe] => (Block) C:\program files (x86)\anno 1701\anno1701.exe (Related Designs Software GmbH) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{B64EF6B7-0D64-46E8-856E-C81D6945A859}C:\program files (x86)\anno 1701\anno1701.exe] => (Block) C:\program files (x86)\anno 1701\anno1701.exe (Related Designs Software GmbH) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{88581F99-A9B8-4DF8-AFDC-1E9BC11AA5E9}C:\program files (x86)\anno 1701\anno1701.exe] => (Block) C:\program files (x86)\anno 1701\anno1701.exe (Related Designs Software GmbH) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [{E80EE3E4-80F8-4B1D-95A5-709AB324CDEA}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DiscSoftBusServiceLite.exe (AVB Disc Soft, SIA -> Disc Soft Ltd)
FirewallRules: [{B576A16B-001A-4B2C-81EF-54CEDBF44AFC}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DiscSoftBusServiceLite.exe (AVB Disc Soft, SIA -> Disc Soft Ltd)
FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{B76078B8-B583-4C60-92BC-630D3F5114BB}C:\program files (x86)\age of empires ii - the age of kings\age2_x1\age2_x1.exe] => (Block) C:\program files (x86)\age of empires ii - the age of kings\age2_x1\age2_x1.exe (Microsoft Corporation) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{6ACC9830-7D16-4750-82CE-820F14A114F3}C:\program files (x86)\age of empires ii - the age of kings\age2_x1\age2_x1.exe] => (Block) C:\program files (x86)\age of empires ii - the age of kings\age2_x1\age2_x1.exe (Microsoft Corporation) [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [{844E8850-F52A-443F-9833-1A80869296D4}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\Lync.exe (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
FirewallRules: [{7251B026-8C2D-4CA8-9D81-81E7C5981CE1}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\UcMapi.exe (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
FirewallRules: [{000408A0-F6EC-4E18-92BF-85EDD53843E5}] => (Allow) LPort=1688
FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{5EF9FF36-83BC-44C6-BC29-4394AD17BEFE}C:\program files\hilookvision station\hilookvision\hilookvision client\hilookvision.exe] => (Allow) C:\program files\hilookvision station\hilookvision\hilookvision client\hilookvision.exe () [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{91BCE3D2-570A-4831-A814-2E5A18661727}C:\program files\hilookvision station\hilookvision\hilookvision client\hilookvision.exe] => (Allow) C:\program files\hilookvision station\hilookvision\hilookvision client\hilookvision.exe () [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{1BB17C25-06E5-4EB8-9817-28CCA9053389}C:\program files\hilookvision station\hilookvision\hilookvision client\hilookvision.exe] => (Block) C:\program files\hilookvision station\hilookvision\hilookvision client\hilookvision.exe () [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{27627D76-7426-48B4-ADBF-468C9785F679}C:\program files\hilookvision station\hilookvision\hilookvision client\hilookvision.exe] => (Block) C:\program files\hilookvision station\hilookvision\hilookvision client\hilookvision.exe () [Archivo no firmado]
FirewallRules: [{3EA37D6E-41D9-41AE-A60A-ADC229644C00}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\outlook.exe (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
FirewallRules: [{4EA1327F-ED34-456A-81CB-B80FB2A0D5E9}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\Lync.exe (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
FirewallRules: [{E4EE17E8-B4D6-41CE-BC17-1ADEC5396447}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\UcMapi.exe (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
FirewallRules: [{9C7BE8BC-0F2D-4307-B59A-32FE68DD2F0D}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe (Brave Software, Inc. -> Brave Software, Inc.)
FirewallRules: [{C91DA7FE-0DC2-41DC-882A-2FA06DA494B7}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe (Google LLC -> Google LLC)
FirewallRules: [{7A781B33-3FF0-43B7-BEBE-6ECEB63BBA40}] => (Allow) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeWebView\Application\91.0.864.59\msedgewebview2.exe (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
StandardProfile\AuthorizedApplications: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Any Video Software\Any Video Downloader Pro\AnyVideoDownloaderPro.exe] => Enabled:Any Video Downloader Pro
StandardProfile\AuthorizedApplications: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Any Video Software\Any Video Downloader Pro\Components\MS_ytdl.exe] => Enabled:MS_ytdl
StandardProfile\AuthorizedApplications: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Any Video Software\Any Video Downloader Pro\Components\MS_yg.exe.exe] => Enabled:MS_yg.exe

==================== Puntos de Restauración =========================

==================== Dispositivos defectuosos en el Administrador de dispositivos ============

==================== Errores del registro de eventos: ========================

Errores de aplicación:
Error: (06/30/2021 09:16:51 AM) (Source: Application Hang) (EventID: 1002) (User: )
Description: El programa explorer.exe (versión 10.0.19041.1023) dejó de interactuar con Windows y se cerró. Para ver si hay más información disponible sobre el problema, comprueba el historial de problemas en el panel de control de seguridad y mantenimiento.

Id. de proceso: 1d1c

Hora de Inicio: 01d76dba2387b179

Hora de finalización: 0

Ruta de la aplicación: C:\Windows\explorer.exe

Id. de informe: b90bd9ca-0356-486e-b747-0dccd4ba85f6

Nombre completo del paquete con errores: 

Id. de la aplicación relativa al paquete con errores: 

Tipo de bloqueo: Unknown

Error: (06/29/2021 12:16:39 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-AppModel-State) (EventID: 12) (User: LAPTOP-UI9GMQN3)
Description: Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin_cw5n1h2txyewy-2147023878

Error: (06/27/2021 10:23:11 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: )
Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 31391

Error: (06/27/2021 10:23:11 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: )
Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 31391

Error: (06/27/2021 10:23:11 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: )
Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second

Error: (06/27/2021 10:22:55 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: )
Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 15734

Error: (06/27/2021 10:22:55 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: )
Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 15734

Error: (06/27/2021 10:22:55 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: )
Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second

Errores del sistema:
Error: (06/30/2021 09:31:49 AM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10000) (User: LAPTOP-UI9GMQN3)
Description: No se puede iniciar un servidor DCOM: {0358B920-0AC7-461F-98F4-58E32CD89148}. Error 
al iniciar este comando:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllHost.exe /Processid:{3EB3C877-1F16-487C-9050-104DBCD66683}

Error: (06/30/2021 09:16:50 AM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: )
Description: El servicio lirsgt no pudo iniciarse debido al siguiente error: 
Windows no puede comprobar la firma digital en este archivo. Un cambio reciente en el hardware o en el software podría haber instalado un archivo con una firma incorrecta o dañada, o podría también tratarse de un software malintencionado proveniente de un origen desconocido.

Error: (06/30/2021 09:16:50 AM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: )
Description: El servicio atksgt no pudo iniciarse debido al siguiente error: 
Windows no puede comprobar la firma digital en este archivo. Un cambio reciente en el hardware o en el software podría haber instalado un archivo con una firma incorrecta o dañada, o podría también tratarse de un software malintencionado proveniente de un origen desconocido.

Error: (06/30/2021 09:14:04 AM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7001) (User: )
Description: El servicio RasMan depende del servicio SstpSvc, el cual no pudo iniciarse debido al siguiente error: 
La operación se completó correctamente.

Error: (06/29/2021 05:40:12 PM) (Source: volsnap) (EventID: 36) (User: )
Description: Se anularon las instantáneas del volumen C: porque el almacenamiento de instantáneas no pudo crecer debido a un límite impuesto por el usuario.

Error: (06/27/2021 01:59:19 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: )
Description: El servicio lirsgt no pudo iniciarse debido al siguiente error: 
Windows no puede comprobar la firma digital en este archivo. Un cambio reciente en el hardware o en el software podría haber instalado un archivo con una firma incorrecta o dañada, o podría también tratarse de un software malintencionado proveniente de un origen desconocido.

Error: (06/27/2021 01:59:19 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: )
Description: El servicio atksgt no pudo iniciarse debido al siguiente error: 
Windows no puede comprobar la firma digital en este archivo. Un cambio reciente en el hardware o en el software podría haber instalado un archivo con una firma incorrecta o dañada, o podría también tratarse de un software malintencionado proveniente de un origen desconocido.

Error: (06/27/2021 01:58:46 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: )
Description: El servicio System Interface Foundation Service no pudo iniciarse debido al siguiente error: 
El servicio no respondió a tiempo a la solicitud de inicio o de control.

Date: 2021-06-30 17:53:55
Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\svchost.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswAMSI.dll that did not meet the Windows signing level requirements.

Date: 2021-06-30 12:29:38
Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\vfs\ProgramFilesCommonX64\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\MSOXMLMF.DLL that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.

Date: 2021-06-30 09:17:00
Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswAMSI.dll that did not meet the Microsoft signing level requirements.

==================== Información de la memoria =========================== 

BIOS: LENOVO 8UCN14WW 10/21/2019
Placa base: LENOVO LNVNB161216
Procesador: AMD A9-9425 RADEON R5, 5 COMPUTE CORES 2C+3G 
Porcentaje de memoria en uso: 63%
RAM física total: 7055.98 MB
RAM física disponible: 2586.3 MB
Virtual total: 8832.98 MB
Virtual disponible: 3332.22 MB

==================== Unidades ================================

Drive c: (Windows) (Fixed) (Total:780.27 GB) (Free:259.99 GB) NTFS

\\?\Volume{1e2acb7c-ced8-41e0-846b-4264134f8f5e}\ (WINRE_DRV) (Fixed) (Total:0.98 GB) (Free:0.52 GB) NTFS
\\?\Volume{3f640de5-3303-49de-8053-15721b930925}\ (SYSTEM_DRV) (Fixed) (Total:0.25 GB) (Free:0.22 GB) FAT32

==================== MBR & Tabla de particiones ====================

Disk: 0 (Size: 931.5 GB) (Disk ID: D7316A85)

Partition: GPT.

==================== Final de Addition.txt =======================

una disculpa ya vi mi error y como se ve todo el texto, procedo a corregir y enviar nuevamente.

Resultado del análisis realizado por Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) (x64) Versión: 29-06-2021
Ejecutado por JG119 (administrador) sobre LAPTOP-UI9GMQN3 (LENOVO 81D6) (30-06-2021 17:55:35)
Ejecutado desde C:\Users\JG119\Downloads
Perfiles cargados: JG119
Platform: Windows 10 Pro Versión 21H1 19043.1052 (X64) Idioma: Español (España, internacional) -> Español (México)
Navegador predeterminado: IE
Modo de Inicio: Normal

==================== Procesos (Lista blanca) =================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el proceso será cerrado. El archivo no será movido.)

(Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. -> AMD) C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0346112.inf_amd64_3ee723850dc00744\B345643\atieclxx.exe
(Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. -> AMD) C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0346112.inf_amd64_3ee723850dc00744\B345643\atiesrxx.exe
(Apple Inc. -> Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe
(Apple Inc. -> Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe
(Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software) C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\AvastBrowserUpdate.exe
(Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswEngSrv.exe
(Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswidsagent.exe
(Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswToolsSvc.exe
(Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe
(Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe <5>
(Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\wsc_proxy.exe
(Dolby Laboratories, Inc. -> ) C:\Windows\System32\dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe <2>
(Google LLC -> Google LLC) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe <24>
(Google LLC -> Google LLC) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\GoogleCrashHandler.exe
(Google LLC -> Google LLC) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\GoogleCrashHandler64.exe
(HP Inc. -> HP Inc.) C:\Program Files\HPPrintScanDoctor\HPPrintScanDoctorService.exe
(Lenovo -> Lenovo Group Ltd.) C:\Windows\Lenovo\ImController\PluginHost86\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.PluginHost.Device.exe
(Lenovo -> Lenovo Group Ltd.) C:\Windows\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe
(McAfee, LLC -> McAfee, LLC) C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\browserhost.exe
(McAfee, LLC -> McAfee, LLC) C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\servicehost.exe
(McAfee, LLC -> McAfee, LLC) C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\uihost.exe
(Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeClickToRun.exe
(Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\sqlwriter.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_10.2103.8.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Calculator.exe
(Microsoft Windows -> Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel\SystemSettings.exe
(Microsoft Windows -> Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
(Microsoft Windows -> Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe <2>
(Microsoft Windows -> Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\oobe\UserOOBEBroker.exe
(Microsoft Windows -> Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\Taskmgr.exe
(Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher -> Fortemedia) C:\Windows\System32\FMService64.exe
(Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher -> Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider) C:\Windows\System32\drivers\AdminService.exe
(Qualcomm Atheros -> Qualcomm Technologies Inc.) C:\Windows\System32\drivers\QcomWlanSrvx64.exe
(Realtek Semiconductor Corp. -> Realtek Semiconductor) C:\Windows\System32\RtkAudUService64.exe
(Synaptics Incorporated -> Synaptics Incorporated) C:\Windows\System32\SynTPEnh.exe
(Synaptics Incorporated -> Synaptics Incorporated) C:\Windows\System32\SynTPEnhService.exe
(Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\CoreScanner.exe
(Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\HidKeyboardEmulator.exe
(Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\RSMDriverProviderService.exe
(Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado] C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\ScannerService.exe

==================== Registro (Lista blanca) ===================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el elemento del registro será restaurado a su valor predeterminado o será eliminado. El archivo no será movido.)

HKLM\...\Run: [RtkAudUService] => C:\WINDOWS\System32\RtkAudUService64.exe [1076728 2020-03-24] (Realtek Semiconductor Corp. -> Realtek Semiconductor)
HKLM\...\Run: [AvastUI.exe] => C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvLaunch.exe [123672 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
HKLM\...\Run: [AdobeGCInvoker-1.0] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGCInvokerUtility.exe [3402832 2020-09-23] (Adobe Inc. -> Adobe Systems, Incorporated)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe [706680 2020-09-16] (Oracle America, Inc. -> Oracle Corporation)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [SPUpDateServerrun] => C:\Program Files (x86)\hik\update_server\startUp.exe [27352 2020-07-30] (Hangzhou Ezviz Software Co., Ltd. -> )
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [iTunesHelper] => C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe [164152 2016-07-26] (Apple Inc. -> Apple Inc.)
HKU\S-1-5-21-1191832953-2661361765-199776891-1001\...\Run: [CCleaner Smart Cleaning] => C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe [29262520 2020-07-29] (Piriform Software Ltd -> Piriform Software Ltd)
HKLM\...\Print\Monitors\Adobe PDF Port Monitor: C:\Windows\system32\AdobePDF.dll [65488 2020-03-06] (Adobe Inc. -> Adobe Systems Inc)
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components: [{8A69D345-D564-463c-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}] -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\91.0.4472.124\Installer\chrmstp.exe [2021-06-25] (Google LLC -> Google LLC)
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components: [{AFE6A462-C574-4B8A-AF43-4CC60DF4563B}] -> C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\\Installer\chrmstp.exe [2021-06-24] (Brave Software, Inc. -> Brave Software, Inc.)
GroupPolicy: Restricción ? <==== ATENCIÓN
Policies: C:\ProgramData\NTUSER.pol: Restricción <==== ATENCIÓN
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox: Restricción <==== ATENCIÓN

==================== Tareas programadas (Lista blanca) ============

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El archivo no se moverá a menos que sea añadido al listado por separado.)

Task: {151E1FDD-34A8-4A1B-A71E-33AD769FB17B} - System32\Tasks\Avast Emergency Update => C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvEmUpdate.exe [4903192 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
Task: {21147329-8132-4B3E-AE1D-9FCE86230CC9} - System32\Tasks\AvastUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\AvastBrowserUpdate.exe [193688 2020-06-13] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
Task: {2273CD2F-0BEF-4847-9972-19629B157155} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\OfficeTelemetryAgentFallBack2016 => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\msoia.exe [5275568 2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Task: {273A9029-46B0-4300-B574-350FD04776CB} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [156104 2020-06-13] (Google LLC -> Google LLC)
Task: {2E6E5515-BCAE-48BC-9DDC-92CDE45F40CF} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\BatteryGauge\BatteryGaugeMaintenance => C:\ProgramData\Lenovo\ImController\Plugins\LenovoBatteryGaugePackage\x64\BGHelper.exe [144456 2021-05-19] (Lenovo -> Lenovo Group Ltd.)
Task: {33D5C4C2-3CA6-4C31-A98E-C4EEF4383E1E} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\TimeBasedEvents\5e428e01-48a6-46ab-b38d-cac3d0ab33f7 => C:\WINDOWS\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe [81824 2021-03-14] (Lenovo -> Lenovo Group Ltd.)
Task: {35625E88-65D0-4F04-B9A9-41DC4FD86447} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office Feature Updates => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\sdxhelper.exe [147320 2021-06-21] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Task: {363370A5-5E4F-4054-AD73-21C984FACDB7} - System32\Tasks\CreateExplorerShellUnelevatedTask => C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe /NoUACCheck
Task: {36803EA0-213B-492D-9972-0583E65352E3} - System32\Tasks\MySQL\Installer\ManifestUpdate => C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Installer for Windows\MySQLInstallerConsole.exe [70792 2020-08-18] (Oracle America, Inc. -> Oracle Corporation)
Task: {3D52DE45-18DA-4AE0-ADE9-2E1BB2B46A1E} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office Feature Updates Logon => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\sdxhelper.exe [147320 2021-06-21] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Task: {3FF417ED-74E1-4E79-B8DA-6E9CA7A85640} - System32\Tasks\AvastUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\AvastBrowserUpdate.exe [193688 2020-06-13] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
Task: {47BD5247-325D-4299-A1FD-71BFB0801CF3} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [156104 2020-06-13] (Google LLC -> Google LLC)
Task: {50B6680E-2974-4289-B395-25DFDFD7ED2B} - System32\Tasks\AdobeGCInvoker-1.0 => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGCInvokerUtility.exe [3402832 2020-09-23] (Adobe Inc. -> Adobe Systems, Incorporated)
Task: {532205A7-595E-4E1A-9600-59C3EC3EDDBF} - System32\Tasks\OneDrive Per-Machine Standalone Update Task => C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\OneDriveStandaloneUpdater.exe [4525440 2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Task: {533D776A-D10B-4856-BE12-BE3F9A2A14B2} - System32\Tasks\EOSv3 Scheduler onLogOn => C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\ESET\ESETOnlineScanner\ESETOnlineScanner.exe [18007968 2021-06-21] (ESET, spol. s r.o. -> ESET)
Task: {5B69FDFC-E721-45D2-BC4B-6D9794DECB66} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\Lenovo iM Controller Monitor => C:\WINDOWS\system32\ImController.InfInstaller.exe [62392 2021-03-14] (Lenovo -> Lenovo Group Ltd.)
Task: {5C8D1561-1612-4B09-8F7E-EF317A5B2F5A} - System32\Tasks\HPPSDrTelemetryWatch => C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Diagnostics\TelemetryWatch\PSDrTelemetryWatch.exe [32776 2020-09-09] (HP Inc. -> )
Task: {5D7D5981-736D-49DF-82BA-177DBDFD0073} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\Plugins\LenovoSystemUpdatePlugin_WeeklyTask => %windir%\System32\reg.exe add hklm\SOFTWARE\Lenovo\SystemUpdatePlugin\scheduler  /v start /t reg_dword /d 1 /f /reg:32
Task: {73469C3A-0B60-4A11-AD8A-FC67A901B741} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater => C:\WINDOWS\system32\compattelrunner.exe
Task: {7A5AFDB2-56EC-4352-AB44-069E7BF253A8} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser => C:\WINDOWS\system32\compattelrunner.exe
Task: {7D3CF553-1C26-4D99-A6D8-9F43DDD85CFA} - System32\Tasks\LenovoUtility Startup => C:\Windows\explorer.exe lenovo-utility://
Task: {87E7A1E7-8C0B-40E7-A2BD-2F1323F99B7B} - System32\Tasks\EOSv3 Scheduler onTime => C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\ESET\ESETOnlineScanner\ESETOnlineScanner.exe [18007968 2021-06-21] (ESET, spol. s r.o. -> ESET)
Task: {8BC2C619-127B-48C0-808E-94BE0E94B024} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\OfficeTelemetryAgentLogOn2016 => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\msoia.exe [5275568 2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Task: {918831C8-109F-44BA-9B14-036A0F2369E0} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Updates\BackgroundDownload => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\ServiceHub\Services\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Service\BackgroundDownload.exe [65440 2020-08-26] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft)
Task: {94E96270-6E4E-498E-AD6E-24645F3A86A9} - System32\Tasks\CCleanerSkipUAC => C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [24910520 2020-07-29] (Piriform Software Ltd -> Piriform Software Ltd)
Task: {A214CC54-74D2-4E63-98EB-14A2C01CF92B} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\TimeBasedEvents\86e5e0b0-d003-433e-b769-1b74275cb20a => C:\WINDOWS\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe [81824 2021-03-14] (Lenovo -> Lenovo Group Ltd.)
Task: {A86099A8-0679-4B6F-8AA8-9346CD36DD63} - System32\Tasks\CCleaner Update => C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCUpdate.exe [686384 2020-07-29] (Piriform Software Ltd -> Piriform Software Ltd)
Task: {A91C9294-426C-4F16-9952-29D74734AD70} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\TimeBasedEvents\0a4da190-2933-4ccf-b127-8f2237e878df => C:\WINDOWS\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe [81824 2021-03-14] (Lenovo -> Lenovo Group Ltd.)
Task: {B2FC7595-3109-4B15-ADDB-2436A484A0CD} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\Lenovo iM Controller Scheduled Maintenance => "%windir%\system32\sc.exe" START ImControllerService
Task: {CD43A310-0A1D-4B47-836B-630B2F1FF923} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office Automatic Updates 2.0 => C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe [23124896 2021-06-21] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Task: {D20E0592-3B80-4045-84CD-E1D58E0485D3} - System32\Tasks\BraveSoftwareUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Update\BraveUpdate.exe [162384 2021-01-12] (Brave Software, Inc. -> BraveSoftware Inc.)
Task: {D6AB5DD0-254B-4C62-9B6E-0BAA9E1DA293} - System32\Tasks\BraveSoftwareUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Update\BraveUpdate.exe [162384 2021-01-12] (Brave Software, Inc. -> BraveSoftware Inc.)
Task: {EFE695F7-BF05-48B3-9768-ABF33F769789} - System32\Tasks\Adobe Acrobat Update Task => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe
Task: {F2E99573-C2B5-4411-9C0E-F45A53A48189} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office ClickToRun Service Monitor => C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe [23124896 2021-06-21] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
Task: {F7C4D9F9-6A33-4B12-91FA-74CD12565E41} - System32\Tasks\Lenovo\ImController\TimeBasedEvents\5b9706e6-397c-4470-859c-996366de5b74 => C:\WINDOWS\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe [81824 2021-03-14] (Lenovo -> Lenovo Group Ltd.)
Task: {FC00D5C9-EC46-4EB8-A0B4-F8D500F9F7C4} - System32\Tasks\Avast Software\Overseer => C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avast Software\Overseer\overseer.exe [1790184 2021-06-08] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> Avast Software)

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el archivo de tarea (.job) será movido. El archivo que está siendo ejecutado por la tarea no será movido.)

==================== Internet (Lista blanca) ====================

(Si un elemento es incluido en el fixlist, y éste pertenece al registro, será eliminado o restaurado a su valor predeterminado.)

Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer]
Tcpip\..\Interfaces\{7511b7ba-6867-4a53-a7d9-87445fc21d13}: [DhcpNameServer]
Tcpip\..\Interfaces\{a2355965-73a6-431d-a9a3-a517a2b4be69}: [NameServer],
Tcpip\..\Interfaces\{a2355965-73a6-431d-a9a3-a517a2b4be69}: [DhcpNameServer]

Edge Extension: (Sin Nombre) -> AutoFormFill_5ED10D46BD7E47DEB1F3685D2C0FCE08 => C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets\HostExtensions\AutoFormFill [no encontrado]
Edge Extension: (Sin Nombre) -> BookReader_B171F20233094AC88D05A8EF7B9763E8 => C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets\BookViewer [no encontrado]
Edge Extension: (Sin Nombre) -> LearningTools_7706F933-971C-41D1-9899-8A026EB5D824 => C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets\HostExtensions\LearningTools [no encontrado]
Edge Extension: (Sin Nombre) -> PinJSAPI_EC01B57063BE468FAB6DB7EBFC3BF368 => C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets\HostExtensions\PinJSAPI [no encontrado]
Edge DefaultProfile: Default
Edge Profile: C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default [2021-06-30]
Edge HKLM-x32\...\Edge\Extension: [ihcjicgdanjaechkgeegckofjjedodee]

FF HKLM\...\Firefox\Extensions: [{4ED1F68A-5463-4931-9384-8FFF5ED91D92}] - C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\e10ssaffplg.xpi
FF Extension: (McAfee® WebAdvisor) - C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\e10ssaffplg.xpi [2021-06-24] [UpdateUrl:hxxps://sadownload.mcafee.com/products/SA/Win/xpi/webadvisor/update.json]
FF HKLM\...\Firefox\Extensions: [[email protected]] - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Browser\WCFirefoxExtn\WebExtn\signed_extn\adobe_acrobat-1.0-windows.xpi
FF Extension: (Adobe Acrobat) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Browser\WCFirefoxExtn\WebExtn\signed_extn\adobe_acrobat-1.0-windows.xpi [2020-03-05]
FF HKLM-x32\...\Firefox\Extensions: [{4ED1F68A-5463-4931-9384-8FFF5ED91D92}] - C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\e10ssaffplg.xpi
FF HKLM-x32\...\Firefox\Extensions: [[email protected]] - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Browser\WCFirefoxExtn\WebExtn\signed_extn\adobe_acrobat-1.0-windows.xpi
FF Plugin: @microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0 -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\NPSPWRAP.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin: @videolan.org/vlc,version=3.0.11 -> C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll [2021-06-18] (VideoLAN -> VideoLAN)
FF Plugin: @videolan.org/vlc,version=3.0.12 -> C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll [2021-06-18] (VideoLAN -> VideoLAN)
FF Plugin: @videolan.org/vlc,version=3.0.15 -> C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll [2021-06-18] (VideoLAN -> VideoLAN)
FF Plugin: @videolan.org/vlc,version=3.0.16 -> C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll [2021-06-18] (VideoLAN -> VideoLAN)
FF Plugin-x32: @Apple.com/iTunes,version=1.0 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\Mozilla Plugins\npitunes.dll [2015-12-18] (Apple Inc. -> )
FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=11.281.2 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_281\bin\dtplugin\npDeployJava1.dll [2021-02-01] (Oracle America, Inc. -> Oracle Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=11.281.2 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_281\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll [2021-02-01] (Oracle America, Inc. -> Oracle Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/Lync,version=15.0 -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\npmeetingjoinpluginoc.dll [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0 -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\NPSPWRAP.DLL [2021-06-18] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @update.avastbrowser.com/Avast Browser;version=3 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\1.7.915.0\npAvastBrowserUpdate3.dll [Ningún archivo]
FF Plugin-x32: @update.avastbrowser.com/Avast Browser;version=9 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\1.7.915.0\npAvastBrowserUpdate3.dll [Ningún archivo]
FF Plugin-x32: Adobe Acrobat -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Air\nppdf32.dll [2020-03-06] (Adobe Inc. -> Adobe Systems Inc.)

CHR DefaultProfile: Default
CHR Profile: C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default [2021-06-30]
CHR DefaultSearchURL: Default -> hxxps://ssl.gstatic.com/chromoting/chromoting_logo_512.png
CHR Extension: (Presentaciones) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\aapocclcgogkmnckokdopfmhonfmgoek [2020-06-13]
CHR Extension: (Documentos) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake [2020-06-13]
CHR Extension: (Google Drive) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf [2020-11-08]
CHR Extension: (YouTube) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo [2020-06-13]
CHR Extension: (Adblock Plus - bloqueador de anuncios gratis) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb [2021-06-08]
CHR Extension: (Adobe Acrobat) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj [2021-03-14]
CHR Extension: (Chrome Remote Desktop) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\efmjfjelnicpmdcmfikempdhlmainjcb [2021-01-23]
CHR Extension: (Hojas de cálculo) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\felcaaldnbdncclmgdcncolpebgiejap [2020-06-13]
CHR Extension: (McAfee® WebAdvisor) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho [2021-06-15]
CHR Extension: (Documentos de Google sin conexión) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ghbmnnjooekpmoecnnnilnnbdlolhkhi [2021-06-25]
CHR Extension: (Avast Online Security) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\gomekmidlodglbbmalcneegieacbdmki [2021-03-03]
CHR Extension: (Chrome Remote Desktop) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\inomeogfingihgjfjlpeplalcfajhgai [2020-11-08]
CHR Extension: (Sistema de pagos de Chrome Web Store) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda [2021-02-01]
CHR Extension: (Gmail) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia [2020-11-08]
CHR Extension: (Chrome Media Router) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm [2021-06-10]
CHR HKLM\...\Chrome\Extension: [fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho]
CHR HKLM-x32\...\Chrome\Extension: [efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj]
CHR HKLM-x32\...\Chrome\Extension: [fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho]
CHR HKLM-x32\...\Chrome\Extension: [ihcjicgdanjaechkgeegckofjjedodee]
CHR HKLM-x32\...\Chrome\Extension: [jgfblpnggnjhmdbidfmoidoglbcbnfoi]
CHR HKLM-x32\...\Chrome\Extension: [makcojoppodhcgmmchohadhpkicoafka]

BRA DefaultProfile: Default
BRA Profile: C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default [2021-06-30]
BRA DefaultSearchURL: Default -> hxxps://duckduckgo.com/?q={searchTerms}&t=brave
BRA DefaultSearchKeyword: Default -> :d
BRA DefaultSuggestURL: Default -> hxxps://ac.duckduckgo.com/ac/?q={searchTerms}&type=list
BRA Extension: (Google Traductor) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Extensions\aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb [2021-01-12]
BRA Extension: (Avast Online Security) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Extensions\gomekmidlodglbbmalcneegieacbdmki [2021-03-04]
BRA Extension: (Brave Local Data Files Updater) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\afalakplffnnnlkncjhbmahjfjhmlkal [2021-02-04]
BRA Extension: (Brave User Model Installer) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\ahiocclicnhmiobhocikfdamfccbehhn [2021-04-02]
BRA Extension: (Brave Ad Block Updater (Default)) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\cffkpbalmllkdoenhmdmpbkajipdjfam [2021-06-29]
BRA Extension: (Brave Tor Client Updater (Windows)) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\cpoalefficncklhjfpglfiplenlpccdb [2021-01-12]
BRA Extension: (Brave Ads Resources) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\elecgkckipdmnkkgndidemmdhdcdfhnp [2021-06-24]
BRA Extension: (Brave NTP sponsored images) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\fcggndnjiecfkiomngolonakcmagfomn [2021-06-29]
BRA Extension: (Brave SpeedReader Updater) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\jicbkmdloagakknpihibphagfckhjdih [2021-06-29]
BRA Extension: (Brave HTTPS Everywhere Updater) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\oofiananboodjbbmdelgdommihjbkfag [2021-06-24]
BRA Extension: (Brave Ad Block Updater (EasyList Spanish)) - C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\pdecoifadfkklajdlmndjpkhabpklldh [2021-06-29]

==================== Servicios (Lista blanca) ===================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El archivo no se moverá a menos que sea añadido al listado por separado.)

S3 AGMService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGMService.exe [3739728 2020-09-23] (Adobe Inc. -> Adobe Systems, Incorporated)
S3 AGSService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGSService.exe [3511376 2020-09-23] (Adobe Inc. -> Adobe Systems, Incorporated)
R3 aswbIDSAgent; C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswidsagent.exe [8249936 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
S3 avast; C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\AvastBrowserUpdate.exe [193688 2020-06-13] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R2 avast! Antivirus; C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe [625432 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R2 avast! Tools; C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\aswToolsSvc.exe [373528 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
S3 avastm; C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Update\AvastBrowserUpdate.exe [193688 2020-06-13] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R2 AvastWscReporter; C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\wsc_proxy.exe [56912 2021-06-08] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
S2 brave; C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Update\BraveUpdate.exe [162384 2021-01-12] (Brave Software, Inc. -> BraveSoftware Inc.)
S3 bravem; C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Update\BraveUpdate.exe [162384 2021-01-12] (Brave Software, Inc. -> BraveSoftware Inc.)
R2 ClickToRunSvc; C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeClickToRun.exe [11279752 2021-06-21] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
R2 CoreScanner; C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\CoreScanner.exe [666112 2020-12-16] (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado]
S3 Disc Soft Lite Bus Service; C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DiscSoftBusServiceLite.exe [4701376 2020-06-14] (AVB Disc Soft, SIA -> Disc Soft Ltd)
R2 DolbyDAXAPI; C:\WINDOWS\system32\dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe [1926600 2019-09-02] (Dolby Laboratories, Inc. -> )
S3 FileSyncHelper; C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\FileSyncHelper.exe [3090808 2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
R2 FMAPOService; C:\WINDOWS\System32\FMService64.exe [359808 2019-08-16] (Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher -> Fortemedia)
R2 HPPrintScanDoctorService; C:\Program Files\HPPrintScanDoctor\HPPrintScanDoctorService.exe [288360 2021-06-10] (HP Inc. -> HP Inc.)
S3 IDriverT; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe [69632 2005-04-04] (Macrovision Corporation) [Archivo no firmado]
R2 ImControllerService; C:\WINDOWS\Lenovo\ImController\Service\Lenovo.Modern.ImController.exe [81824 2021-03-14] (Lenovo -> Lenovo Group Ltd.)
S3 MBAMService; C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MBAMService.exe [7456464 2021-01-11] (Malwarebytes Inc -> Malwarebytes)
R2 McAfee WebAdvisor; C:\Program Files\McAfee\WebAdvisor\ServiceHost.exe [974168 2021-06-24] (McAfee, LLC -> McAfee, LLC)
S3 MySQL57; C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysqld.exe [39622144 2016-02-02] () [Archivo no firmado]
S3 OneDrive Updater Service; C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\21.109.0530.0001\OneDriveUpdaterService.exe [3693944 2021-06-27] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
R2 rsmdriverproviderservice; C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\RSMDriverProviderService.exe [142848 2020-12-16] (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado]
R2 ScnSrvc; C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common\ScannerService.exe [299520 2020-12-16] (Zebra Technologies) [Archivo no firmado]
S3 Sense; C:\Program Files\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\MsSense.exe [5393304 2021-06-11] (Microsoft Windows Publisher -> Microsoft Corporation)
S3 VSStandardCollectorService150; C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Common\DiagnosticsHub.Collection.Service\StandardCollector.Service.exe [147392 2019-04-30] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)
S3 WdNisSvc; C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\NisSrv.exe [3004048 2019-12-07] (Microsoft Windows Publisher -> Microsoft Corporation)
S3 WinDefend; C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe [103384 2019-12-07] (Microsoft Windows Publisher -> Microsoft Corporation)

===================== Controladores (Lista blanca) ===================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El archivo no se moverá a menos que sea añadido al listado por separado.)

S3 AppleLowerFilter; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\AppleLowerFilter.sys [35560 2018-05-10] (WDKTestCert build,131474841775766162 -> Apple Inc.)
R0 aswArDisk; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswArDisk.sys [35720 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R1 aswArPot; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswArPot.sys [216928 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R1 aswbidsdriver; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswbidsdriver.sys [366616 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R0 aswbidsh; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswbidsh.sys [250392 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R0 aswbuniv; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswbuniv.sys [99352 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R0 aswElam; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswElam.sys [17328 2021-06-08] (Microsoft Windows Early Launch Anti-malware Publisher -> AVAST Software)
R1 aswKbd; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswKbd.sys [41352 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R1 aswMonFlt; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [182600 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R1 aswNetHub; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswNetHub.sys [524400 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R1 aswRdr; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswRdr2.sys [107848 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R0 aswRvrt; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswRvrt.sys [82912 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R1 aswSnx; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswSnx.sys [851192 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
R1 aswSP; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswSP.sys [471920 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
S2 aswStm; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswStm.sys [215384 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
S3 aswTap; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswTap.sys [53904 2020-08-27] (AVAST Software s.r.o. -> The OpenVPN Project)
R0 aswVmm; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswVmm.sys [327536 2021-06-25] (Avast Software s.r.o. -> AVAST Software)
S2 atksgt; C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\atksgt.sys [303616 2020-06-14] () [Archivo no firmado]
R3 dtlitescsibus; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\dtlitescsibus.sys [42256 2020-06-14] (AVB Disc Soft, SIA -> Disc Soft Ltd)
R3 dtliteusbbus; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\dtliteusbbus.sys [59360 2020-06-14] (AVB Disc Soft, SIA -> Disc Soft Ltd)
R1 ESProtectionDriver; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mbae64.sys [153312 2021-01-11] (Malwarebytes Corporation -> Malwarebytes)
R1 gvm; C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\gvm.sys [393192 2020-06-17] (Google LLC -> Google LLC)
S2 lirsgt; C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\lirsgt.sys [35328 2020-06-14] () [Archivo no firmado]
S0 MbamElam; C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\MbamElam.sys [19912 2021-01-11] (Microsoft Windows Early Launch Anti-malware Publisher -> Malwarebytes)
S3 MBAMFarflt; C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\farflt.sys [197792 2021-01-24] (Malwarebytes Inc -> Malwarebytes)
S3 MBAMProtection; C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\mbam.sys [77496 2021-01-24] (Malwarebytes Inc -> Malwarebytes)
S3 MBAMSwissArmy; C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys [248992 2021-03-01] (Malwarebytes Inc -> Malwarebytes)
S3 MBAMWebProtection; C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\mwac.sys [141472 2021-01-25] (Malwarebytes Inc -> Malwarebytes)
R2 NPF; C:\Program Files (x86)\iVMS-4200 Site\Drivers\npf64.sys [36600 2020-12-10] (Riverbed Technology, Inc. -> Riverbed Technology, Inc.)
R3 phantomtap; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\phantomtap.sys [50248 2020-07-06] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG -> The OpenVPN Project)
S3 ptun0901; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ptun0901.sys [27136 2014-08-08] (OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. -> The OpenVPN Project)
S3 RkFlt; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rkflt.sys [42056 2021-06-26] (Adlice -> )
S3 tap0901; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\tap0901.sys [40664 2013-08-22] (OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. -> The OpenVPN Project)
S3 tapnordvpn; C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\tapnordvpn.sys [44896 2020-06-09] (TEFINCOM S.A. -> The OpenVPN Project)
S3 WdBoot; C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\WdBoot.sys [46688 2019-12-07] (Microsoft Windows Early Launch Anti-malware Publisher -> Microsoft Corporation)
S3 WdFilter; C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\WdFilter.sys [350136 2019-12-07] (Microsoft Windows -> Microsoft Corporation)
S3 wdm_usb; C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\usb2ser.sys [151184 2016-07-15] (NGO -> MBB)
S3 WdNisDrv; C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\WdNisDrv.sys [54200 2019-12-07] (Microsoft Windows -> Microsoft Corporation)

==================== NetSvcs (Lista blanca) ===================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, será eliminada del registro. El archivo no se moverá a menos que sea añadido al listado por separado.)

==================== Un mes (creado) (Lista blanca) =========

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el archivo/carpeta será eliminado/a.)

2021-06-30 17:55 - 2021-06-30 17:57 - 000034396 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\FRST.txt
2021-06-30 17:54 - 2021-06-30 17:56 - 000000000 ____D C:\FRST
2021-06-30 17:53 - 2021-06-30 17:53 - 002300416 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\FRST64.exe
2021-06-30 10:35 - 2021-06-30 10:35 - 000198000 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-06-30 at 10.31.24 (1).jpeg
2021-06-30 10:35 - 2021-06-30 10:35 - 000101261 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-06-30 at 10.31.24.jpeg
2021-06-30 08:59 - 2021-06-30 08:59 - 000005660 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Desktop\roguek}.txt
2021-06-30 08:55 - 2021-06-30 08:55 - 000007092 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Desktop\rogue.txt
2021-06-29 20:53 - 2021-06-30 03:43 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\RogueKiller
2021-06-29 20:53 - 2021-06-29 20:53 - 033510736 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\RogueKiller_portable64.exe
2021-06-29 13:33 - 2021-06-29 13:33 - 001733857 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WhatsApp Unknown 2021-06-29 at 13.33.22.zip
2021-06-29 12:20 - 2021-06-29 12:20 - 000116017 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-06-29 at 11.11.09.jpeg
2021-06-29 12:20 - 2021-06-29 12:20 - 000080378 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-06-29 at 11.11.10.jpeg
2021-06-29 12:20 - 2021-06-29 12:20 - 000041507 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\0503271_99058518_2021012.pdf
2021-06-27 21:14 - 2021-06-27 21:14 - 014114816 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\WindowsPCHealthCheckSetup.msi
2021-06-27 20:11 - 2021-06-27 20:11 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\South Park - The Stick of Truth
2021-06-27 20:03 - 2021-06-27 20:11 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\South Park - The Stick of Truth
2021-06-27 19:52 - 2021-06-27 19:54 - 1002654367 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\So1uthPa4rkTSti8ckoTUpd3-elamigos.part4.rar
2021-06-27 19:49 - 2021-06-27 19:52 - 1072693248 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\So1uthPa4rkTSti8ckoTUpd3-elamigos.part3.rar
2021-06-27 19:45 - 2021-06-27 19:48 - 1072693248 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\So1uthPa4rkTSti8ckoTUpd3-elamigos.part2.rar
2021-06-27 19:40 - 2021-06-27 19:42 - 1072693248 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\So1uthPa4rkTSti8ckoTUpd3-elamigos.part1.rar
2021-06-27 14:36 - 2021-06-27 14:36 - 000001437 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Proceso lineas de texto.txt
2021-06-27 12:28 - 2021-06-27 12:28 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Revo Uninstaller
2021-06-27 12:28 - 2021-06-27 12:28 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\VS Revo Group
2021-06-27 12:27 - 2021-06-27 12:27 - 007510656 _____ (VS Revo Group ) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\revosetup.exe
2021-06-26 20:55 - 2021-06-26 20:55 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\FiraxisLive
2021-06-26 20:53 - 2021-06-26 20:53 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Sid Meiers Civilization VI
2021-06-26 16:56 - 2021-06-26 17:01 - 1862642426 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Si6dMei6ersCivil6izationVI-
2021-06-26 16:49 - 2021-06-26 16:54 - 2097152000 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Si6dMei6ersCivil6izationVI-
2021-06-26 16:32 - 2021-06-26 16:35 - 2097152000 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Si6dMei6ersCivil6izationVI-
2021-06-26 16:26 - 2021-06-26 16:29 - 2097152000 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Si6dMei6ersCivil6izationVI-
2021-06-26 12:53 - 2021-06-26 13:00 - 2725512845 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Creado Por Freeman Juegos PC HL2 En Español ISO 2020.rar
2021-06-26 09:38 - 2021-06-25 13:54 - 000339736 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\aswBoot.exe
2021-06-25 18:29 - 2021-06-25 18:29 - 001802704 _____ (Bleeping Computer, LLC) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\iExplore.exe
2021-06-25 18:28 - 2021-06-27 22:22 - 000002588 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\CreateExplorerShellUnelevatedTask
2021-06-25 18:27 - 2021-06-25 18:27 - 000000000 ____D C:\KPRM
2021-06-25 13:55 - 2021-06-25 13:54 - 000215384 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswStm.sys
2021-06-25 09:30 - 2021-06-26 09:39 - 000002095 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Avast Free Antivirus.lnk
2021-06-25 09:18 - 2021-06-26 12:12 - 000042056 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\rkflt.sys
2021-06-24 21:46 - 2021-06-24 21:46 - 041835880 _____ (Adlice Software ) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\RogueKiller_setup.exe
2021-06-24 20:22 - 2021-06-24 20:22 - 000036391 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\descarga.pdf
2021-06-24 20:18 - 2021-06-24 20:18 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\CipSoft GmbH
2021-06-24 20:18 - 2021-06-24 20:18 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\cache
2021-06-24 20:13 - 2021-06-24 20:31 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Tibia
2021-06-24 20:13 - 2021-06-24 20:13 - 008079224 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Tibia_Setup.exe
2021-06-24 11:08 - 2021-06-24 11:08 - 000019247 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Ejemplos-de-Msgbox-en-VBA.xlsm
2021-06-23 15:24 - 2021-06-27 22:22 - 000003020 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\EOSv3 Scheduler onLogOn
2021-06-23 15:24 - 2021-06-27 22:22 - 000002640 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\EOSv3 Scheduler onTime
2021-06-22 13:15 - 2021-06-22 13:15 - 000041912 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\0503271_99058518_2021009.pdf
2021-06-22 13:15 - 2021-06-22 13:15 - 000041912 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\0503271_99058518_2021009 (1).pdf
2021-06-22 13:15 - 2021-06-22 13:15 - 000041895 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\0503271_99058518_2021010.pdf
2021-06-22 13:14 - 2021-06-22 13:14 - 000041423 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\0503271_99058518_2021011.pdf
2021-06-22 13:04 - 2021-06-22 13:04 - 012423939 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\6°🦋♾️PlanCuadernillo mejormaestroSem39.pdf
2021-06-22 13:04 - 2021-06-22 13:04 - 012423939 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\6°🦋♾️PlanCuadernillo mejormaestroSem39 (2).pdf
2021-06-22 13:04 - 2021-06-22 13:04 - 012423939 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\6°🦋♾️PlanCuadernillo mejormaestroSem39 (1).pdf
2021-06-21 17:49 - 2021-06-23 15:27 - 000001385 _____ C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ESET Online Scanner.lnk
2021-06-21 17:49 - 2021-06-21 17:49 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\ESET
2021-06-21 11:13 - 2021-06-23 09:54 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\Doctor Web
2021-06-21 11:12 - 2021-06-21 11:13 - 011697056 _____ (ESET) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\esetonlinescanner.exe
2021-06-21 11:12 - 2021-06-21 11:12 - 249118688 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\pma40nlw.exe
2021-06-21 09:51 - 2021-06-21 09:51 - 008534696 _____ (Malwarebytes) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\adwcleaner_8.2 (1).exe
2021-06-20 18:17 - 2021-06-30 08:56 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\aTube Catcher
2021-06-20 18:16 - 2017-11-09 12:58 - 000440320 _____ (Dart Communications) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\DartSock.dll
2021-06-20 18:16 - 2017-11-09 12:58 - 000401408 _____ (Dart Communications) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\DartSecure2.dll
2021-06-20 18:16 - 2017-11-09 12:58 - 000249856 _____ (Dart Communications) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\DartCertificate.dll
2021-06-20 18:16 - 2008-08-18 19:18 - 000077824 _____ (Fox Magic Software) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\fmcodec.DLL
2021-06-20 18:04 - 2021-06-20 18:04 - 004981533 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\aresregular246_installer.exe
2021-06-19 18:09 - 2021-06-27 20:07 - 000002173 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneDrive.lnk
2021-06-19 18:08 - 2021-06-30 09:13 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive
2021-06-18 17:29 - 2021-06-27 22:22 - 000002716 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\OneDrive Per-Machine Standalone Update Task
2021-06-18 17:29 - 2021-06-18 17:29 - 000000000 ___RD C:\Users\Default\OneDrive
2021-06-18 17:27 - 2021-06-18 17:27 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\DESIGNER
2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002545 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Skype Empresarial.lnk
2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002496 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Word.lnk
2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002477 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Access.lnk
2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002459 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PowerPoint.lnk
2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002452 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Excel.lnk
2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002450 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Outlook.lnk
2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002408 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneNote.lnk
2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000002404 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Publisher.lnk
2021-06-18 17:22 - 2021-06-18 17:22 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Herramientas de Microsoft Office
2021-06-18 16:58 - 2021-06-18 16:58 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15
2021-06-18 16:22 - 2020-10-30 12:34 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\PRO2021v2
2021-06-18 16:17 - 2021-06-18 16:17 - 004637185 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\PRO2021v2.rar
2021-06-17 19:11 - 2021-06-17 19:19 - 240145094 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Microsoft Office 2019 Español.rar
2021-06-17 18:49 - 2021-06-17 18:51 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Sysinternals
2021-06-17 18:46 - 2021-06-17 18:47 - 001486492 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\TCPView.zip
2021-06-17 10:48 - 2021-06-17 10:53 - 000000000 ___RD C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Herramientas de Microsoft Office 2016
2021-06-17 10:32 - 2021-06-17 10:32 - 000000000 __RHD C:\MSOCache
2021-06-16 20:00 - 2021-06-16 20:00 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Firmware
2021-06-15 19:48 - 2021-06-15 19:48 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Panther
2021-06-15 17:35 - 2021-06-29 13:34 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\Desktop\DESK
2021-06-14 11:04 - 2021-06-14 11:04 - 000078196 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\CURP_BAQJ710618HCLLRS06.pdf
2021-06-14 11:04 - 2021-06-14 11:04 - 000078196 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\CURP_BAQJ710618HCLLRS06 (1).pdf
2021-06-14 11:01 - 2021-06-14 11:01 - 000307547 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\BAQJ710618HCLLRS06.pdf
2021-06-13 20:14 - 2021-06-13 20:14 - 008288982 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Catalogo nutrición 2021.pdf
2021-06-12 21:36 - 2021-06-12 21:36 - 003476268 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\Guia_de_Productos_2020_MX_Digital_NEW.pdf
2021-06-12 17:45 - 2021-06-12 17:45 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\HiLookVision Station
2021-06-12 17:40 - 2021-06-12 17:40 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\HiLookVision Station
2021-06-12 17:19 - 2021-06-12 17:19 - 013308614 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\CATÁLOGO 2021 SEYTU (1).pdf
2021-06-12 17:19 - 2021-06-12 17:19 - 013308614 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\b72e3a40-4601-42c6-9210-98cd81485250.pdf
2021-06-12 17:18 - 2021-06-12 17:19 - 013308614 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\CATÁLOGO 2021 SEYTU.pdf
2021-06-12 14:50 - 2021-06-12 15:26 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\Public\HikCentral
2021-06-12 14:46 - 2021-06-12 14:50 - 303494144 _____ (Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\HikCentral_Professional_Control_Client_V2.0.1.20210315103605_Win_x64_Installer.exe
2021-06-11 22:04 - 2021-06-11 22:04 - 001687040 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\libcrypto.dll
2021-06-11 22:03 - 2021-06-11 22:03 - 000157184 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\uwfcsp.dll
2021-06-11 22:03 - 2021-06-11 22:03 - 000153600 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\uwfcfgmgmt.dll
2021-06-11 22:02 - 2021-06-11 22:02 - 002755584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\mshtml.tlb
2021-06-11 22:02 - 2021-06-11 22:02 - 000700928 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\FsNVSDeviceSource.dll
2021-06-11 22:02 - 2021-06-11 22:02 - 000451072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl
2021-06-11 22:01 - 2021-06-11 22:01 - 002755584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshtml.tlb
2021-06-11 22:01 - 2021-06-11 22:01 - 001314120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\SecConfig.efi
2021-06-11 22:01 - 2021-06-11 22:01 - 000568832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetcpl.cpl
2021-06-11 22:01 - 2021-06-11 22:01 - 000011353 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\DrtmAuthTxt.wim
2021-06-11 22:00 - 2021-06-11 22:00 - 001864192 _____ (The ICU Project) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\icu.dll
2021-06-11 22:00 - 2021-06-11 22:00 - 000468440 _____ C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\WindowManagementAPI.dll
2021-06-11 21:59 - 2021-06-11 21:59 - 001163776 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\MBR2GPT.EXE
2021-06-11 21:59 - 2021-06-11 21:59 - 000423936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\winspool.drv
2021-06-11 21:59 - 2021-06-11 21:59 - 000223744 _____ C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\TpmTool.exe
2021-06-11 21:57 - 2021-06-11 21:57 - 001823792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\winload.efi
2021-06-11 21:57 - 2021-06-11 21:57 - 001393496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\winresume.efi
2021-06-11 21:57 - 2021-06-11 21:57 - 000060928 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\runexehelper.exe
2021-06-11 21:55 - 2021-06-11 21:55 - 002260480 _____ (The ICU Project) C:\WINDOWS\system32\icu.dll
2021-06-11 21:55 - 2021-06-11 21:55 - 000657464 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowManagementAPI.dll
2021-06-11 21:55 - 2021-06-11 21:55 - 000231248 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\containerdevicemanagement.dll
2021-06-11 21:55 - 2021-06-11 21:55 - 000097280 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\cimfs.sys
2021-06-11 21:54 - 2021-06-11 21:54 - 000165888 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\DataStoreCacheDumpTool.exe
2021-06-11 21:53 - 2021-06-11 21:53 - 000563712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\winspool.drv
2021-06-11 21:53 - 2021-06-11 21:53 - 000287232 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\CoreMas.dll
2021-06-11 21:53 - 2021-06-11 21:53 - 000272384 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\TpmTool.exe
2021-06-11 21:53 - 2021-06-11 21:53 - 000013312 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\agentactivationruntimestarter.exe
2021-06-11 17:58 - 2021-06-20 22:25 - 000000000 ____D C:\HiLookVision
2021-06-11 17:42 - 2021-06-11 17:43 - 000000000 ____D C:\LocalStorage
2021-06-11 17:27 - 2021-06-11 17:30 - 192038888 _____ (company) C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\HiLookVision (Multilingual).exe
2021-06-10 18:53 - 2021-06-10 19:55 - 734752180 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\El1nfi3rn0.rar
2021-06-10 16:10 - 2021-06-10 16:11 - 1004508732 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\G0DZIK0NG.rar
2021-06-10 15:59 - 2021-06-10 16:15 - 183680697 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\El1nfi3rn0.rar (1).crdownload
2021-06-10 15:55 - 2021-06-10 15:55 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\HPPrintScanDoctor
2021-06-10 15:41 - 2021-06-10 15:53 - 142851769 _____ C:\Users\JG119\Downloads\El1nfi3rn0.rar.crdownload
2021-06-08 20:58 - 2021-06-08 20:58 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Avast Software
2021-06-08 15:28 - 2021-06-08 15:28 - 000017328 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswElam.sys
2021-06-08 15:00 - 2021-06-29 22:19 - 000003486 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineCore1d719a973c308fd

==================== Un mes (modificado) ==================

(Si una entrada es incluida en el fixlist, el archivo/carpeta será eliminado/a.)

2021-06-30 17:52 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\regid.1991-06.com.microsoft
2021-06-30 17:36 - 2021-03-15 09:15 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\SleepStudy
2021-06-30 10:25 - 2020-06-13 21:45 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\D3DSCache
2021-06-30 10:21 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ___HD C:\Program Files\WindowsApps
2021-06-30 10:21 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\AppReadiness
2021-06-30 09:31 - 2019-12-07 04:13 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\INF
2021-06-30 09:30 - 2020-07-02 22:55 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\CCleaner
2021-06-30 09:21 - 2021-03-15 09:44 - 001788600 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI
2021-06-30 09:21 - 2019-12-07 09:55 - 000790578 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\perfh00A.dat
2021-06-30 09:21 - 2019-12-07 09:55 - 000164810 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\perfc00A.dat
2021-06-30 09:14 - 2020-06-13 22:53 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Avast Software
2021-06-30 09:13 - 2021-03-15 10:08 - 000000006 ____H C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\SA.DAT
2021-06-30 09:13 - 2021-03-15 09:14 - 000008192 ___SH C:\DumpStack.log.tmp
2021-06-30 09:13 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\ServiceState
2021-06-30 09:13 - 2019-11-07 18:31 - 000000134 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\regtest.txt
2021-06-30 09:12 - 2019-12-07 04:03 - 000524288 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\BBI
2021-06-30 09:12 - 2019-11-07 18:28 - 000065536 _____ C:\WINDOWS\psp_storage.bin
2021-06-30 08:56 - 2021-01-09 19:37 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings
2021-06-29 22:19 - 2021-03-15 10:08 - 000003580 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineUA
2021-06-29 12:23 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000004264 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\Avast Emergency Update
2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:08 - 000003284 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineCore
2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003554 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\LenovoUtility Startup
2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003504 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\BraveSoftwareUpdateTaskMachineUA
2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003484 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA
2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003280 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\BraveSoftwareUpdateTaskMachineCore
2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003260 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore
2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000003194 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\CCleaner Update
2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000002848 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\HPPSDrTelemetryWatch
2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000002236 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\CCleanerSkipUAC
2021-06-27 22:22 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\Avast Software
2021-06-27 22:12 - 2020-08-27 13:05 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent
2021-06-27 21:53 - 2020-06-13 21:44 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\Packages
2021-06-27 20:17 - 2020-06-14 13:05 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\Documents\My Games
2021-06-27 20:08 - 2020-06-13 21:50 - 000000000 ___RD C:\Users\JG119\OneDrive
2021-06-27 14:07 - 2020-11-08 19:06 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Aplicaciones de Chrome
2021-06-27 13:55 - 2021-02-08 20:57 - 000000185 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\symbscnr.log.bak
2021-06-27 13:03 - 2020-06-13 23:11 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
2021-06-26 18:42 - 2020-06-14 12:29 - 000000000 ____D C:\Games
2021-06-26 14:14 - 2021-01-01 14:52 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\appmgmt
2021-06-26 10:06 - 2020-08-29 00:06 - 000002447 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Edge.lnk
2021-06-26 09:38 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ___HD C:\WINDOWS\ELAMBKUP
2021-06-25 15:47 - 2021-03-15 05:26 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2021-04-02 16:20 - 000035720 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswArDisk.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-11-08 18:28 - 000182600 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswMonFlt.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000851192 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswSnx.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000524400 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswNetHub.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000471920 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswSP.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000366616 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswbidsdriver.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000327536 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000250392 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswbidsh.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000216928 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswArPot.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000107848 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswRdr2.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000099352 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswbuniv.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000082912 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys
2021-06-25 13:54 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000041352 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\aswKbd.sys
2021-06-25 03:00 - 2020-06-13 22:02 - 000002306 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Chrome.lnk
2021-06-24 23:29 - 2019-12-07 04:03 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\CbsTemp
2021-06-24 16:52 - 2021-01-12 22:43 - 000002369 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Brave.lnk
2021-06-23 09:55 - 2020-12-30 20:26 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\Documents\VlcpVideoV1.0.1
2021-06-23 08:45 - 2020-07-12 03:26 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Anno 2070 Complete Edition
2021-06-23 08:40 - 2019-09-02 15:46 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Package Cache
2021-06-21 23:37 - 2019-09-02 15:49 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office
2021-06-18 17:23 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared
2021-06-18 16:01 - 2021-03-15 09:15 - 000466040 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT
2021-06-17 18:48 - 2020-06-13 22:01 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Google
2021-06-17 11:09 - 2019-12-07 04:03 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\servicing
2021-06-17 10:57 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\System
2021-06-17 10:57 - 2019-03-18 23:49 - 000000076 _____ C:\WINDOWS\win.ini
2021-06-17 10:55 - 2020-06-13 22:31 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
2021-06-17 10:55 - 2020-06-13 22:31 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server
2021-06-17 09:55 - 2021-01-09 20:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR
2021-06-17 09:55 - 2021-01-09 20:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR
2021-06-17 09:54 - 2020-12-14 13:01 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR
2021-06-16 20:13 - 2019-11-07 18:31 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\dolbyaposvc
2021-06-16 20:08 - 2019-11-07 18:28 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\AMD
2021-06-15 19:47 - 2020-06-13 22:56 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avast Software
2021-06-15 17:57 - 2020-06-14 00:26 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\Avast Software
2021-06-15 17:57 - 2020-06-13 22:54 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Avast Software
2021-06-15 15:16 - 2020-06-24 23:05 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\vlc
2021-06-12 17:40 - 2020-06-14 00:21 - 000000000 ___HD C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information
2021-06-12 15:23 - 2021-02-05 14:40 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\HP
2021-06-12 15:16 - 2021-01-12 21:16 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Cracklock
2021-06-12 00:27 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ___RD C:\WINDOWS\ImmersiveControlPanel
2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\WinMetadata
2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\setup
2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\oobe
2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\lv-LV
2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\lt-LT
2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\et-EE
2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\es-MX
2021-06-12 00:07 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\Dism
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2021-03-15 02:52 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\es-MX
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2021-03-15 02:52 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\es-MX
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 09:58 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 09:56 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\OpenSSH
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ___SD C:\WINDOWS\system32\DiagSvcs
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ___RD C:\WINDOWS\PrintDialog
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\SystemResources
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinMetadata
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\SystemResetPlatform
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\oobe
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\migwiz
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\lv-LV
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\lt-LT
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\et-EE
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\es-MX
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\Dism
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Provisioning
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\PolicyDefinitions
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\DiagTrack
2021-06-12 00:06 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\bcastdvr
2021-06-11 22:27 - 2019-12-07 09:58 - 000023552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\OEMDefaultAssociations.dll
2021-06-11 21:52 - 2021-03-15 09:20 - 002877440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\PrintConfig.dll
2021-06-11 20:34 - 2020-11-08 21:49 - 000000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Update Health Tools
2021-06-11 20:29 - 2020-06-14 01:37 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\MRT
2021-06-11 20:15 - 2020-06-14 01:37 - 132447432 ____C (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\MRT.exe
2021-06-10 15:55 - 2021-03-15 10:07 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\HP
2021-06-10 12:07 - 2020-06-13 22:45 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\MSfree Inc
2021-06-08 15:20 - 2019-12-07 04:14 - 000000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\LiveKernelReports
2021-06-06 10:20 - 2020-06-13 22:00 - 000000000 ____D C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\PlaceholderTileLogoFolder

==================== Archivos en la raíz de algunos directorios ========

2020-12-19 08:29 - 2020-12-19 08:29 - 000061300 _____ () C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Roaming\734030122
2020-12-18 15:13 - 2020-12-18 15:13 - 000000410 _____ () C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\oobelibMkey.log
2021-01-13 20:37 - 2021-01-13 20:44 - 000005230 _____ () C:\Users\JG119\AppData\Local\setup75126.exe

==================== SigCheck ============================

(No existe una corrección automática para los archivos que no pasan la verificación.)

==================== Final de FRST.txt ========================
1 me gusta